There are no Heroes

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In days gone by

I would use my quill

To fill parchment

With tales of heroes.

I made them tall

And brave,

I gave them shining armour,

Swords of elvish steel,

These were real heroes.

They fought dragons,

Rescued fair maids,

Righted wrongs,

The oppressed sang songs

Of their deeds.

But times have changed,

The world is rearranged,

There is no longer

Room for heroes.

You cannot ride a white charger

Down Wall St.

Armour will give no protection

Against the Procters,

Or the Gambles,

And elvish steel

Will feel as paper

Against commercial might.

But in these twilight years

Of mine,

I still feel rage,

And while I have the strength

To fill a page,

I will.

Maybe there are still heroes,

Out there


                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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