Mirajane Vs August

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"Lisanna you must leave now this man magic is beyond the master." Mirajane told her younger sister Lisanna in a serious tone while looking at the man. "But I can't leave you to fight him alone!" She shouted at Mirajane.

Mirajane turned to face her "Listen to me as your older sister I am ordering you to run! Please you must help the others out." She ordered her with a serious face as Lisanna eyes widen with tears.

Lisanna nodded at her older sister "You must not turn back at all! Help the others okay, I promise that I will come back to everyone alive!" Mirajane told her as Lisanna ran.

She closed her eyes as Mirajane turned to look at him. "You are my opponent. I see then this shall be quick.." The older man told her. "My name is August but I am also known as the The Magic King."

Mirajane eyes widen, this is the magic king...no she shook her head as she needs to focus. "My name is Mirajane Strauss, I'm a wizard of FairyTail." She also introduced herself to him.

Mirajane body starts glowing "Satan Soul!" She chanted as she is now in her Takeover form now. "So you are Mirajane Strauss the She-Devil." August tells her while looking her straight in the eyes.

She was surprised that he knew her nickname but nonetheless Mirajane goes and attacks him. Her eyes widen as She realized that she he stopped it with his bare hand.

That was not going to stop her "Evil Spark!" Mirajane chanted as she attacked him again but she saw him smile at her.

"Evil Spark." August chanted as both their attacks collide but his attack was stronger then hers. "AHHHHHH!" She screamed in pain as Mirajane hit the ground pretty hard.

August looked at her "Why are you fighting this war?" He asked Mirajane as she looked at him. "I'm fighting cause you destroyed our home and you are trying to take the first master from us!" Mirajane shouted at him.

"Evil Explosion!" She chanted as the attack hit him but as the dust cleared his skin turned red as his wounds were healing. Mirajane was frightened 'Just how strong is he...?!'

Mirajane decided to use a stronger form "Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria." She chanted as she was in her most powerful takeover.

Mirajane attacked him with so much strength and her speed to dodge his spells. August got serious as well as he attack her with his strength and speed as well. Both of them were strong as their attacks collide from one another.

She backed away feeling exhausted as she was breathing heavily, Mirajane eyes widen as she saw August still standing as he didn't even look exhausted one bit.

August just stared "I was able to make a powerful takeover with all the souls I collected." He told her as she was more fast as she kicked him hard. His eyes widen as Mirajane was able to hit him.

But it wasn't enough he stood right back up "I must admit that form increased your speed and strength but that is not enough." August told her.

He punched her towards a boulder as it didn't break since he held back, Mirajane arms and legs were suddenly wrapped with ropes around them.

"W-what...!" She struggled out of them but suddenly her takeover wearied off. 'No! The Alegria was too much, I'm out of magic...'  She thought to herself knowing she used too much magic.

August gave Mirajane a frightening glare "It would seem that taking down Irene two little swords took a lot more out of you even if you had help." He told her as her eyes widen.

"I will not give up at all!" She shouted trying to freed herself as he only looked at her "Fire Dragon Roar." He chanted as his fire dragon roar came straight at her.

The attack hit her "AHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed in pain as she was in so much pain, her clothes were burnt off but not all the way.

The boulder broke "This is the end for you. You will not be continuing in this war anymore at all." August told her as she was about to hit the ground. "B-But...I need...to bring them...to their...senses..." Mirajane managed to say to August.

August looked at her "If you mean Lucy, Gray and Levy then your too late, they are filled with revenge and darkness now. Cause you all did that to them." He told Mirajane.

He lifted his index finger, pointing straight at her "Piercing Shot" He chanted as the shot hit Mirajane. As tears started to form in her eyes and her blood splattered in the air.

'I'm so sorry...Lisanna...Fairy Tail...Master...please forgive me...' Mirajane thought to herself as she hit the ground.

August saw her hit the ground, he watched her stop breathing. She was no longer alive now.

He turned around and started walking away "Our lord will win this battle." August told himself as he left the area.

Lisanna decided to go back to Mirajane to help her out but as she arrived that guy was no longer there anymore. She turned to her left to see someone on the ground and bleeding a lot.

Her eyes widen as Lisanna realize who it was "MIRA-NEE!!!" She screamed as she fell to her knees in tears. Lisanna couldn't believe that this was happening to her, her sister lost and now Mirajane is dead...

Lisanna was in tears still as she now knows who she will fight. She won't let August get away with this at all. "I will track him down and beat him for Mira-nee!!" She shouted.

To be continued

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