Levy ultimate Spell

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Levy was with the other Spriggan 15 members while Lucy and Gray are inside fighting. Levy looked to see that some members of other guilds were dying.

"The curse of Contradiction...Mavis has lost control." Levy told herself as she saw none of their members were dying. "So Lucy casted an enchantment. That's good at least." She mumbled.

Levy smiled as she was blocking some magic spells being thrown at her. Levy walked towards the remaining wizards that was still fighting this battle.

"I would just surrender now if I were you." Levy told them as she grin at them. "Never!" Male wizard shouted as Levy glared at him and the other wizards.

Soon Levy smiled at that as she lift her right hand up "Now the Dragon Gods Of  Water Come and bring Destruction to this town!" Levy chanted as a water dragon appeared.

It started attacking everyone as Levy was laughing seeing people getting killed or getting badly injured by the water god dragon that she summoned.

Levy was still laughing at the sight of all the deaths and suffering that she was causing. Levy loved seeing everyone suffering in so much pain. "Hahaha this is a beautiful sight!"

"STOP IT!!!!"

Levy turned to see who shouted at her as to her surprise it was Kagura. Levy glared at Kagura then smiled at her "Your gonna stop me?" Levy asked Kagura as the water dragon was still destroying and killing.

"I see, this will be fun then." Levy told Kagura as Levy saw Kagura glaring at her. 'I'll make sure to bring her so much pain and make her suffer like all the others.' Levy thought to herself.

Kagura was still glaring at Levy "Yes even if I have to kill you!" Kagura yelled at Levy as she ran towards Levy.

Kagura grabbed the hilt of her sword as she unsheathes her sword as she ran to cuts Levy down....

Or so Kagura thought....



To be continued
Next chapter Levy vs Kagura

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