Chapter 2

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***Aaron Wright***

 "Where have you been?" One of the techies asked as I threw my coat and laptop on my desk. 

"You were almost late... again."

"Thanks Knox I totally needed to be reminded of that."

As annoying as co-workers go; Knox was pretty high on the list. They had this cocky persona that made me want to run my head through a wall. It was obvious that Knox wanted me to get fired. Apparently thought it would get them a promotion and well... they're not wrong. While yes, Knox is probably are one of the most annoying people I have ever met they're great computer tech. I could fire them if I wanted... but Knox is way too smart to fire. Yeah, I guess you could say I have a dilemma.

I plopped down in my seat taking a deep breath. My eyes stayed focused on the tiles of the ceiling, the sound of typing on a keyboard echoing in my ears.


She wore a form fitting leather jacket and black pants. She skidded around the corner into an alley for cover from the bullets whizzing past her head. She slammed her back against the cold brick wall, the back of her head hitting it with a smack. Pain vibrated through her skull, her vision blurring with tears. Immediately she felt dizzy and confused.

Come on you don't have time to worry about a stupid thing like a concussion, she thought to herself. The cold metal of her gun sending goosebumps up her spine, as she took a slow breath out. Cocking her gun, she swung herself out of the alley but while still seeing double, she shot. Her shots ringing out as they each found their mark. A bullet in the arm and in the leg of each officer following her, making a point not to kill them point blank.

Well that's a miracle. I'm a better shot than I thought. With the officers immobilized and unable to shoot, she made her get away, a black duffle bag bouncing against her hips as she staggered towards another alley. Her mind becoming more and more muddled with pain and confusion.

My heart was beating so loud a swore Knox was able to hear it from their desk. My hands shook as if they should be holding the cool metal of her silver handgun. I let out a shaky breath as I moved my gaze from the ceiling to my desk. Work; you're at work. Not being shot at on the street. I repeated in my head over and over trying to calm my racing heart.

"Dude, you okay?" a voice said. I jumped forward in my seat looking towards the other desk. I was confronted with a concerned looking Knox. Knox is here too. You're at work, not being shot at. "You alright man? Did I scare you or something?"

"I- Yeah I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm good. I'm-I'm fine." I said to myself more than Knox.

"Uh, not to be rude or anything, but you don't look like your fine."

"I-I just... I don't know" I grumbled into the room.

"Listen boss," heh, they just called me boss, "I can do all the stuff you needed to do today. You look like you're either sick or you really need a day to yourself... you can go home. I can do the security check and all." Okay so maybe Knox isn't that annoying when they decide to get past their annoying arrogance. "Then maybe I could get the recognition I deserve and then get promoted and a raise." Never mind, their still an imbecile.

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm fine. I'm just dealing with some... uh, stuff." I hesitated motioning towards my head.

"Oh, I totally understand before I met my soulmate, he sent some serious memories I was begging to talk over with him, but he insisted on talking in person. Gosh he's such a romantic... wait! I thought you said you don't have a soulmate? You are getting their memories, right?" Knox puzzled.

"I don't have a 'soulmate', wait yes I do. Man, can you just not right now? I can't think straight as it is." I burst twirling my chair to face my desk.

"I never think straight."

"Not in the mood Knox."

"Not in the mood Knox." They mimicked in a high pitch voice.

"I can fire you ya-know."

"Oh, I know. I've known since the past five times you threatened me of the same thing." I wanted to slap the smug smile right off their stupid face. "But you never do! Once again I'm too smart to fire and you know it."

I grumbled my annoyance causing Knox to break into a triumphant grin. I grabbed my laptop out of its bag hooking it up to the building's mainframe. Focus, Aaron. Pay attention. As much as I wanted to think about what happened in the last memory I needed to focus. My soulmate was running from the police. My soulmate was in fact a she. And she was in pain... NO! Pay attention; you have a job to do.


Work went by in a flash. I gathered my stuff from my desk shoving my laptop into its bag. Get home then you can think about the memory. I'm so tired of getting distracted by her stupid memories.

"Wright." Natalie Wolf. My dreaded boss.

"Yes Ms. Wolf?" I say grabbing my coat and turning to face her.

"My office. Now." The urgency in her voice caused shivers to creep down my spine. A deep sense of foreboding made its home in my stomach. I sauntered after her; my anxiety building with each step I took. The hallway seemed to elongate to a mile as we made our way to her office. My hands became slick with sweat, as I resisted the urge to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants. As her right hand turned the door knob to her office my heart rate began to pick up. She swung the door open, holding it open for me. "Have a seat." Her smile caused my gut twist apprehensively.

"So... how have you been recently Mr. Wright?" She said sweetly, sliding into her leather chair. I tried to swallow around the giant ball of nerves in my throat.

"I've been alright, you?" I replied slowly.

"I've been fine. So, Aaron. I was looking at your agenda for today and I happened to see that you were three minutes from coming in late and you barely got half the work you were supposed to do today done." She commented, her smile faltering. "What's going on?" She asked leaning forward resting her elbows on her desk.

"I-I'm just been dealing with some stuff right now." I muttered.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Not really."

"Aaron, I think you know what I'm going to say next." Her voice became firm with finality. I nodded slowly. I'm so fired.

"Wright, you're the best tech manager we've had in a while. But recently you've been getting way to distracted. When you first got this job, I told you that there were only three strikes for each worker, I'm sorry but today was your strike three... you're fired." She sighed.

I took a slow breath out trying to calm my racing heart. "M-kay. I'll have all of my stuff out by tonight."

"Is there anybody you would like to take your job?" She asked as we stood up in unison.

"Um- uh... Knox Jones. And don't tell them I said that. Their ego is already overbearing. But they're a good kid." I said pursing my lips. "And don't let Knox get too cocky."

"I'm sorry Aaron. I wish I didn't have to do this, but it came with the job. You're a great worker. You'll find a new job in no time." She smiled at him. Shock still coiled through my veins. I'm actually fired. I may have known it was coming but there was still a small chance. All I have to do now is to say goodbye to somewhat nice apartment and hello to my mother's basement. Typical millennial.

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