Discovering Jibun o dakishimeru/Dangsin jasin-eul poyoghada

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A week has passed since the fanmeet. Jimin & Hoseok have become fans of A&C (YIN/YANG) but they have only seen A&C's past videos. While scrolling throught their chanel, the saw a post. After reading it, they were extremely disappointed because A (aka Lena) posted that they will not be making any new videos. But instead, she will be posting videos of them answering questions from years ago till now, dance videos, & old videos in general. So they were a bit (squealing fanboys) excited for this information. 

Then they had to work on choreography for the rest of the day. As it was nearing sundown, the 7 musketeers began to pack up. Then they went to the car. The whole drive home, Jimin & Hoseok were watching A&C videos. The rest of the mem(e)bers were curious about what was going on in the back with the two memebers. The squealing & laughing & cooing over mystery things made a certain tired member want to shout about them being so loud but decided not to because it was too much work(mood).

When they got home, the boys were relaxing & starting to wind down. (but the weird beat of Jumanji drums were watching, waiting, for the perfect moment to strike at the 7 memebers)

Jungkook only then started to the phone that was accidentally, (Cough Jumanji powers decreed it so Cough) placed among the gifts. Now you all know that he is still a kid at heart, & most kids are curious *enter Jungkook: AUTHOR HURRY UP WHAT AM I DOING WHILE YOUR HAVING A MONOLOUGE, & I AM NOT A KID!!!! *AUTHOR: I AM DEFENDING YOU SO SIT DOWN & EXAMINE THE PHONE. JEEZ. ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY* He turned on the phone, her lockscreen was really interesting, considering he knew nothing about her (& she was a girl).

 ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY* He turned on the phone, her lockscreen was really interesting, considering he knew nothing about her (& she was a girl)

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Then he accidentally clicked the home button again & the phone unlocked. He then scrolled through some photos, & saw a Yin & Yang symbol that was red & black with roses.

By now, Jimin & Hoseok were curious on what was up with the maknae because he looked (JUNG)shook

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By now, Jimin & Hoseok were curious on what was up with the maknae because he looked (JUNG)shook. So they walked over & peered over Jungkook's shoulder. "JeonJeongukkie, what are you doing?" Said child froze from the sound of Jimin's question. Then the sun itself(y'all know who) spoke, "Hey Kook, why do you have the A&C symbol in your photos?" Poor Jungkook paniced & started to rant, "I'mSoSorryIWasJustCurious&IHadNoIdeaThatThisPhoneBelongedToAGirl&IDon'tKnowWhyButItWasReallyShiny. Wait who's A&C?" This caused a slight uproar with Jimin & Hoseok. "They are a YouTube group who is composed of two members & are so wonderful, and ohmygod! You have C's/Nico's phone!" The two said in unison. 

(Translation:"I'm So Sorry I Was Just Curious & I Had No Idea That This Phone Belonged To A Girl & I Don't Know Why But It Was Really Shiny.)

So they looked through the phone to see why the band wasn't posted any NEW (meaning live) covers. Then Jungkook suggested they go to safari for YouTube, to figure out why they aren't doing anything. Instead they found the website|anime|jumanji@339/login on the search bar. So they decided to explore the site. 

By now, everyone else has noticed & made their way over to the Dance Line. As soon as they all sat down they began to set up their player. (At this time the author will not disclose the information on the characters because it makes it fun: for me, not you) Then their was a bright light, & all 7 members vanished. 


Then in walked Yeontan, who barked

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