Chapter 8: The Return

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May 4, 2034

It has been almost six months since the defeat of Godspeed and August leaving. I have tried to move on but even though he lied to us about him being Godspeed, I still love him. He had his dark side, but he had an even brighter side.

Lampert High, Central City, Missouri

"Hey Nora, doing any better?" Ruby asks.

In these past few months I have pushed almost everyone away. I haven't spoken to Francine outside of class in almost three months. I left Team Flash and the Justice League, but for some reason I haven't tried to push Ruby away. It's probably because I know she has gone through something like this before.

"Just like every other day in the past six months have been"
"You know, Francine may not understand exactly what you're going through but she misses you. Almost every time we hang out she start to tear up wonder when her best friend will return" Ruby starts to walk off towards her next class. I continue the day and for the most part nothing was exciting, that was until I returned to my locker to find a note saying to meet them behind the school at 2:35 pm. So when school ended I grabbed my stuff and headed out back. I saw the last person I would expect to be here, Mr August Heart.
"What do you want August?" I said
"I came back to protect you"
"Protect me? From what? The last time I checked I was almost as fast as you are"
"Nora. Another crisis is coming"
"A crisis? August the crisis happened in 2024. You know when the multiverse kinda exploded and merged into the one earth we have today? Ring any bells?"
"Nora. Trust me. We are about to have a major problem here and you need all the help you can get"
"Trust you? You lied to me. Multiple times"
"And you lied to me too. If you would have told me that you were a meta I wouldn't have done any of these things"
"Fine but I haven't been part of the team in months"
"Then I guess it's time to rejoin Team Flash"

Team Flash HQ, Central City, Missouri

We both speed into the HQ to find Francine and Ruby on comms.
"Barry he's been buried 20ft down" Francine says. I see Ruby look up at us.
"Francine" She says while pointing at us.
"I didn't expect to see you back here Nora and why is he here?" Francine asks
"He's here to help us fight another crisis that is coming. What's going on?"
"Bruce just destroyed a building in gotham and Thomas got trapped under it"
"We need to get over there, now!" I yell. We speed over to Gotham. It took a few minutes but we arrived at the battle site. We saw them trying to dig through the wreckage of the building. Unfortunately, the material was too dense to be able to phase through it.
"We can't phase through it" I tell August
"You might not be able to but I might be able to" He takes off and I follow. He phases through the rubble and exits with Thomas.
"What the hell? August? What are you doing here?!" Dad yells
"I'm here to help, and I did" August responds still holding Thomas.
"Dad, he's here to help"
"He lied. Why should we trust him?"
"You shouldn't" August responds "I've done too much to be fully redeemed but I'm still going to help. This crisis that I mentioned six months ago has started."
"What crisis?"
"I'll debrief you later. But for now we need to tend to Thomas"
"Agreed" Mom says "Take him back to S.T.A.R. Labs. I should be able to help Thomas" August takes off back towards Central City.
"I don't trust him. I can't have someone on Team Flash that I can't trust"
"Then trust me Dad"
"Fine but he's your responsibility" Uncle Cisco opens a breach which leads to S.T.A.R. Labs and we enter it.

A few hours later

S.T.A.R. Labs, Central City, Missouri

It has been a few hours later and Mom was able to stabilize Thomas.
"So let me get this straight. Bruce Wayne causes this crisis?" Dad asks
"Yeah. Somehow he gains a connection to the speed force and becomes a speedster himself" August responds.
"I don't know"
"Dammit August how does he gain his speed?!" Dad yells.
"Barry, I don't know. If I did I would tell you but I don't know"
"I don't trust you August. You shouldn't even be here. If it wasn't Nora, I would have thrown you into cell at Iron Heights"
"I know and I should pay for what I have done. I am going to pay for what I have done. However right now we need to focus on stopping Wayne and stopping this crisis"
"Dad I agree. We should deal with August after we finish this"
"Fine" Dad says while waking away.

Two hours later

We have been trying to track Bruce for a couple of hours until we found something.
"We got a hit!" Uncle Cisco yells
"Where?" I ask
"Face recognition picked him up in Star City"
"Call the Justice League" Dad says. We search Star City for hours until we find him.
"Barry Allen. Welcome"
"Bruce you're coming with us"
"No Barry I'm not. You're coming with me" Once Bruce finished he pressed a button and it started to pull Dad towards a machine.
"Dad!" I yell. I try to move towards him.
"No Nora. Don't come any closer. You could get stuck in this too" Dad gets pulled into this container.
"Nora what's happening?" Mom asks
"Dad he's getting pulled into some sort of container"
"What are you doing Bruce?" I ask. He pushes a few buttons and this loud alarm goes off. Bruce runs into a container himself and it closes on him.
"Something I should have done long ago" The two containers spark and both of them disappeared.
"Dad!" I scream
Another person reappeared in a third container. One dressed all in black with red lightning.
"Alfred did it work?"
"Yes sir. You would have seemed that you have successfully merged yourself with Barry Allen and gained his abilities"
"What have you done to my father?"
"I don't know and I don't really care. I have his powers now"

To be continued...

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