Chapter 10: New Arrivals

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August 18th, 2034

Gotham City, New Jersey

"Our Father would be here" Dick said
"Inferno, do you see any heat signatures?" Mia asks
"I see only one heat signature but it's pretty strong. It's him"
"Alpha Team, you're up" August and I grab Damien and Dick and run inside.
"You and Robin go check the western wing. Nightwing and I will go check the eastern" We start to walk off.
"Impulse" August yells "Watch your back"
"You too" We go check the eastern side and we find Bruce's old suit.
"I wish Dad would realize what he is doing is wrong. Mom wouldn't want this" Dick said
"Wait... he doing this because your mother died?"
"Yeah you didn't know? Not surprised considering it's my father. She was killed five years ago by Bane. After that he changed. Two years later, Bane was found dead with multiple Batarangs in his head" An uncomfortably time passes until August jumps on comms.
"N-Nora, help"
"Godspeed what's going on?" I get no response back.
"Blackstar, Godspeed is down. We need everyone, now. I'm going to retrieve Godspeed"
"Negative, Impluse. Fall back and regroup. We need the League's help." Mia says
"I'll send Nightwing back but I'm going to find Godspeed"
"Impluse. Fall back now. That's an order" I turn off comms.
"Nightwing. Fall back. I'll go find Godspeed" Dick runs off out of the mansion. I go to the western wing and found a hidden door open" I go down the hidden hallway until I see part of August's suit with a pile of blood.
"Oh my god, August" I pick up the debris and continue down the hall. I find a bunch of equipment. I somehow activate an A.I. inside the room.
"Hello Nora Snow-Allen" The A.I says
"Hi. Who are you and how do you know who I am?"
"I'm the Artificial Logical Ferocious Ratifying Effective Determinant, also know as A.L.F.R.E.D., created by Professor Wayne and I know all the information about the Justice League members"
"Do you know what happened to Godspeed?" I ask
"Godspeed. Last known record on Godspeed indicates that he was transferred to S.T.A.R. Labs by Dr. Caitlin Snow-Allen"
"Dammit" I start to hear a beeping noise coming from behind the console. I walk behind and I see a charge set behind it. I see I count down from 2 to 1. I run out of the mansion just I time to see the place completely detonate.
"Nora. Come in. Nora" I hear through the comms.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm here"
"Report back now" I run back to the recon team
"Nora. What was that? You compromised the mission to find August and where did it get us. It got us with nothing. We are back to square one because of you" Mia yelled
"Okay. Mia that's enough" Daren yelled "We still have the tracker on August. He will lead us to Bruce"
"This isn't over" Mia says while heading towards the bicopter.

A few hours later

"She doesn't listen to orders! She thinks that she can do whatever she wants in the field. Without a command chain in the field we will fall" Mia yells
"And you never leave a man behind, you taught me that Dig" I said
"But you always have to respect the chain of command"
"Okay that's enough, both of you. One thing that serving with Oliver taught me was when you have a conflict with someone out in the field, you're never in clear mind state. So until both of you have resolved your issues, you're both off the team. Effective immediately." John informs us
"What?! Who will run the team then?" Mia asks
"We'll put Dante in charge"

August's POV

I slowly awake in a dark room, only accompanied by the chair I was sitting on. I immediately notice that my powers are gone. I looked around the room for a exit until I see Bruce Wayne walk into the room.
"Ah, you're finally awake" He said
"What the hell do you want with me?!" I scream
"Well Mr. Heart. I need your DNA"
"My DNA. Why do you want my DNA?"
"Because you are unique. Both your father and yourself, are very unique. You see your father got his powers from an item called the Philosopher's Stone not from the Particle Accelerator. Because of this your DNA can be... well manipulated"
"What are you planning Bruce?"
"Well I can't tell you everything now can I August. Now where shall I begin"

August 20th, 2034

I don't know how much longer of this I can withstand. I need to find a way out of here.
I look around and I see that there is a lock on the door. My guess is he did not want people hacking the door. I take off the comms unit off my suit and open it up and take out one of the more sharper and thinner parts. It took a while but I was able to pick the lock. I open the door and immediately feel my speed returning and speed out of the complex. When I exit the facility I ran I far as I could until I realized that I was on an island. The only major feature of the island is the mountain that is also on it. I speed around looking around the island until I find a bunker. I enter the bunker to find is all rundown. It's an old A.R.G.U.S. Bunker. I slowly walk around until I am hit by a trap.
"The hell?" I yell. Ropes fly at me and I get pinned to the wall. I faze out of it until I see someone walk out of the shadows wearing all red and a bow and arrow pointed at me.
"Who are you and how did you find me?" The man asks
"My name is August Heart. I go by the name Godspeed. I was abducted by Bruce Wayne and kept hostage for I don't know how long. Where are we?"

Nora's POV

I can't believe this. First August gets taken then I get kicked off the team. Now I don't even have the ressources to find him. Unless.

August 22nd, 2034

Hub City, Illinois

"I hear that you're continuing your search for Dearbon, and isn't he a bit too young to be your new partner?"
"Do you have information or not?"
"I do but not the information you want" I see a few men walk out behind Ralph and Josh and a few more in front of them.
"Loring paid good money to keep you away and I always fulfill my end of the bargain" I speed in there tying them up.
"Nora? What are you doing here?" Ralph asks
"You're welcome Ralph" I say sarcastically "John kicked me off the team so I'm creating my own. I need your guys help"
"I'm sorry Nora but we can't. We're getting close to finding Mom" Josh said
"No Josh, we're not. But I won't rest until I find her. You on the other hand should go. Help Nora fight this demon"
"But Dad I want to help find Mom"
"Josh I can take it from here"

A few hours later

Central City, Missouri

"So you want to find August?" Josh asks
"Yeah. No one else thinks we should but we need him" I reply
"Do we have anyone else on the team?"
"No but I have two ideas"

The Glades, Star City, Washington

The first is Zoe Ramirez, also know as the second Wild Dog.

"I thought I taught you last time what happens when you do this Derick. I guess I have to teach you again"
"Oh, do you mind? I brought some friends" Six other gang members walk out behind him. "This should be fun" They start to fight, with Zoe still being able to stand her ground.
"Should we help her?" Josh asks
"Give her a minute" Zoe knock a bunch of them down before some vans pull up with even more people
"Now let's lend a hand" I run out grabbing a couple of them and throwing them back into the van. Josh comes down and lends Zoe a hand with the gang members already fighting her.
"Should I be concerned that the masks from Central City are here in the Glades?" She asks
"Kind of" I say "We're putting together a team to stop a threat not only to my city but to the yours as well"
"When do we start?"
"Right after we pick up one other person. You would know where we can find Queen would you?"
"I thought you were already working with her?"
"The other one"

Queen Residence, Star City

We knock on the door. We hear half a dozen locks unlock before the door creaked open.
"Oh my god. Nora!" It was Felicity "Come in all of you"
"Hi Felicity" Zoe said awkwardly
"Zoe. So what can I do for the three of you?"
"We need to find him. We need Williams help"

To be continued...

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