Raphxreader ~Backflips,Huh?~

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~Your POV~

You were in the living room reading a comic while listening to Mikey play his video games every time he would lose he would scream which made you giggle a little.You were bored and you didn't know what to do you were about to fall asleep when you felt someone tap your shoulder.You looked up to notice that Raph's face was right on top of yours, like really close, You blushed but you didn't think he noticed."Hey(Y/n), it's time for your training.

You've been training in the arts of Ninjitsu since you met the turtles and Raph happened to be teaching you."o-oh ok" you got up and followed him to the dojo.When you got to the dojo Raphs already standing in the middle for a turtle he sure is fast,then again he is a ninja.

"We're gonna start by teaching you how to do backflips ok" you just stand there kinda shocked and a little worried. Last time you tried it you ended up twisting your ankle"u-um R-Raph"?" Ya"" Do you t-think it's a good idea" he looked at you confused"what do ya mean"? You looked down at your feet"Well remember last time I tried it I twisted my ankle""oh that,*he smirked*dont worry last time ya tried it you were alone but this time I'm here to catch ya if ya fall".

He kept smirking which made you blush even more and it made him chuckle. "Ugh fine""good * he smirked* now get over here"you walked up next to him and positioned youself to be able to do a flip."No, that's not how ya do it"you Look at him confused"but this is how I did it the last time""well maybe that's why ya twisted your ankle"you glared at him and he just grinned."First of your arms have to be here *he moved your arms* your legs should go here*he moved your legs,he then put his hands on your waist and adjusted you,you obviously blushed* and there ya go"

"U-uh um t-thanks"he smirked probably cause he noticed you studdering"good now flip" he demanded.you did what he told you and jumped but you totally forgot to flip and ended up having Raph catch you"thanks Raph ugh, told you I couldn't do it""just try it again but this time actually flip"he sounded a bit annoyed you sighed and went back into the position. You jumped and this time you actually did flip but you didn't stick the landing.

Raph caught you...again"(Y/n) do you want me to show you how to flip?"he asked irritated. You just look at him and nod.He set you down and moved a little farther so that he wouldn't hit you."ok now watch closely,cause I'm only gonna do it once"he huffed. You just nodded again and he positioned himself and flipped perfectly in the air and landed with no trouble.

You stared at him in awe"well of course you can do that your a ninja" you exclaim sounding a bit annoyed while crossing your arms"Ha,ya and so what anybody could do backflips not just ninjas*he smirks*but nobody can do backflips like ninjas".you just rolled your eyes and kept pouting."Ugh come (Y/n) just do it already"!"do what fall on my butt"! You slightly growl.

He glares at you then he smirks and walks closer to you.You stand still not moving a muscle cause you didn't know what he was gonna do.

He walked up to you and was now staring at you"ya know,your cute when your mad"he said now inches closer to your face"u-uh u-um well" you were studdering, why does he have to have that affect on me,why? You thought. He smirked again"Never thought i could leave ya speechless*he then said this in a low voice*but I'm glad I can"you didn't want him to know you liked him and having you studdering and blushing like crazy most likely will give it away.W-what!?Me?!Speechless!? Ha in your dreams." You scoffed while crossing your arms and turning away from his face which was still very close to yours.He was basically so close that you could just lean up the couple of inches between the two of you and kiss him full on the lips.

He grinned"Feisty one,I like it" he said in a deep voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You were stunned you didn't know what to do so many thoughts were going through your head. What is HE doing!?WHY is he doing this?!Does he like me like....THAT!!!?"uh um*you looked up at him* R-Raph w-what ya doing"? He chuckled and pulled you into him and now you were pressed against his plastron.You obviously couldn't believe what he was doing,but you couldn't stop him either you kept looking at his amazing green eyes the ones you fell in love with since the first time you saw him.

He then put his forehead on yours and stared into your eyes and grinned"I know you like me" he whispered.You were shocked,many thoughts were going through your head again,HOW does he know?!Did his BROTHERS tell him?! HOW DOES HE KNOW?!!"you knew?!HOW?!"

He chuckled"Ya do know you talk in your sleep right""w-WHAT,?! I do not!""Ya, ya do""w-well what exactly did I say"then he smirked"well I believe it was somewhere along the lines of *trying to make his voice high pitched*Oh Raph I love you so much *sigh*....kiss me again!"

You were obviously blushing to no end."u-uh w-well um,*sigh* guess I just gave it away huh?*you sigh and turn your head away from him and look at the ground* I understand if you don't like me like that it's fine-""(Y/n), I do like you like that heck, I love you ever since I met ya and I will never hurt ya and I'll love ya forever,(Y/N) will you be mine?"

Raph asked you with pure love sparkling in those green eyes of his, love for you.You were so happy you never thought this would happen yet it did and your glad it did."Raph yes,yes I will be yours I love you too so much,ever since the first time I saw you*you started tearing up*I just knew you were the one. You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck pulling him even closer to you*If that was even possible*him doing the same he pulled away a little and looked down at you"Hey,(Y/n)"?"Yes,Raphael"? "I love you" you giggled and said"I love you to"

It was silent for a while till you talked"Hey Raph"? "Ya, babe" you smirked"realy,babe?""what thought ya needed a nickname from me"he grinned.You rolled your eyes and smiled"Just kiss me already" I smiled and he smirked then he leaned in the inches that separated our lips and finally after so much time he......kissed you.It felt like a bunch of dynamite just exploded, he pulled you closer and moved one of his hands from your waist to the back of your neck holding it lightly and pulling your head closer to his deepening the kiss.

You decided to pull him closer by his bandana straps which caused him to push you against the wall,as he did this he pushed himself closer to you,to where your stomach was touching his plastron.You were both showing all the love you had for each other, you two finally pull away from each other he had one hand on your cheek and the other on your waist pulling you close"I love you so much,Raphie"you said and kissed his cheek.He smiled at you"Realy,Raphie?""hey I'm not the only one that gets a nickname"

He chuckled and hugged you tighter"Love ya too,babe"You then had an idea you looked at Raph and he looked at you he smirked its like he knew what you were gonna say.You pulled him even closer and traced his lips with your finger"wanna kiss again"?"I'd be an idiot if I didn't"you smirked"oh,well in that case"you started walking out of the dojo when you felt Raph grab your wrist and pulled you back smashing his lips onto yours.You smiled in the kiss knowing that you were know the girlfriend of a tough,strong yet loyal and caring Raphael.

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