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Requested by: *LovelySeven*

~hope ya like it~

Angie's POV:

I'm so happy that my best friend in the whole world! Actually knows about the turtles. Sure she screamed when she met them, and then threatened them to let me go thinking I'm their prisoner or something. But all that happened a week ago now shes actually starting to like them. Which is great and besides it was getting boring just talking to April since she was the only girl other than me that knows about the turtles. I'm currently at Amy's house A.K.A. my bff with April too we're having a sleepover its been a long time since the last time I went to a sleepover but I'm just happy I'm here now. " Hey Angie come on hurry up we're starting the movie"! I heard Amy call. I run quickly into the living room with the popcorn and soda surprisingly not dropping anything. " bout time" Amy says with a smile i playfully glare at her and sit down to start the movie.

~ Time Skip to 5 hours after movies~

"Well we finally finished all the movies or are there more"? April asks " nope we finished" "Finally"!!suddenly April stands up from her place on the for and almost screams " Hey I have an idea, Lets play Truth or Dare"! Amy looks at me and and smiles "ok" I smile and say"sure". We all sit in a circle in the living room "ok so who is going first"? Amy asks "well since April mentioned it first she should go first" I say "fine" "ok Amy you ask her" Amy looks at April with a smirk"April, Truth or dare"? "Dare" she says " ok, I dare you to dance the stupidest dance you know the next time we see the turtles and Casey" April's smile fades and there is a frown instead "w-what why that's embarrassing" she whines Amy just grins and says"you picked dare so now you gotta do it" April finally agrees after loads of arguing. She then turns to me " Angie truth or dare"? 

Oh come on its April she wont give me a bad dare...right? "Dare" just then Amy leans over to her ear and tells her something making April smirk "ok I dare you to tell us who your crush is" I tense up a little "w-what crush"? they just give me an 'are you kidding look'. "Come on Angie I'm not your Best friend for nothing I know when you like someone,now tell us its a dare" could I just lie and get out of this I don't want them to know that I like Raph they'd surely make it obvious to him. "u-um I uh like..Casey"? April looks shocked and a bit pissed shes about to say something but Amy cuts her off "No" I raise an eyebrow at her "no"? I ask "no, I know you don't like him now tell us who you really like or we aren't gonna move from here. 

Well im screwed"ugh fine, I like Raph" I look down waiting for them to say something but they don't Ilook up at them and they have big smiles Amy speaks first "I knew you like him"! she jumps up and hugs me, April does the same. "um how"? I'm so shocked right now " they pull back and are still smiling "come one you are always looking at him especially when they train and invite us to watch them" April says "yep, that and you blush a lot when he talks to ya". Adds Amy If they noticed then maybe Raph noticed also but if he did he would of said something right? "hey do ya thi-" I start to say but then a phone stops me. " oh hang on its mine" Amy picks up her phone and starts having a conversation when she hangs up April and I look at her "So who was that"? I ask. "Oh it was Mikey he wants us to go over there and sleep over "ya lets go" I say " besides I really want to see a specific someone dance" I laugh April just glares and all three of head out to the sewers.

~Time Skip to the Lair~

We finally arrive at the lair and Mikey comes out of nowhere and hugs all three of us "Hey Mikey"! we all say in unison. " Hey Dudettes" he says as he lets go that's when everyone else came in "Hey" "Hi" "Sup"each said as they walked in. "Hey" we all said. " so Mikey said that you guys were gonna watch a movie" I ask "oh yeah we were but then Mikey decided to do something else" Raph said "speaking of Mikey where is he"? I ask "HERE I AM" he screams from the kitchen, of course. "Oh and about the game , all of you have to sit in a circle" he mentions while walking out of the kitchen with a slice of pizza. We all shrug and sit down "ok Mikey whats the game" I say. He stands in the middle of the circle and says"its called Seven Minutes In Heaven, That's why I called you girls here" I blush and I turn to see everybody doing the same thing.

But we knew arguing with Mikey wasn't gonna get us anywhere so we just agreed. We each put something that represents us inside a hat Amy went first and she took out a pair of nun chucks she blushed obviously "ok Mikey Amy into the closet ya go" I say while trying to hold in my laughter.Right when I locked the door I started the timer "7 minutes guys"!  ~*7 minutes later*~ "ok guys come out now" I opened the door to see both of them cuddling in one of the corners. they noticed me standing there and they quickly got up "well you two had fun" I say and Amy just glares. we walk back to the living room and sit down "ok Angie your turn" I sigh and stand up i reach into the hat and pull out a red cloth I blush knowing that its Raph's.

We both walk into the closet its not so big once your in here plus its really dark so I don't know where the heck Raph is "Raph where are you"? I ask when I reach out my hand to feel for the light switch I instead feel a hard surface with a crack on it "Raph"? I then feel an arm on my waist and a hand placed gently on the back of my neck. Then I feel lips attach themselves to mine in a rough and fiery passionate kiss. I stay tense for a while still trying to process that Raph was...KISSING ME! and it wasn't just a kiss it was a passion filled kiss with love for me. I smiled and kissed back as passionately as he kissed me he pushed me to the wall then pushed his body on mine I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss more than it already was he then licked my lips asking for permission no more like begging for it. I let him and we both start to french kiss after that. We both pulled away after a long while and just stared at each other "I Love You,Angie will you be mine" I smiled and hugged him tighter "yes, and I Love You too" they then let us out of the closet and continue the game. But not before Aprils little dare >:)

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