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Request by *AnimeAnimal*

~Hope ya like it~

~Melissa's POV~
I am sooooo HAPPY today like OVERLY HAPPY!!! Why you may ask cause it's my BIRTHDAY!!!!! And I get to spend it with the turtles that is just awesome!! To bad I cant go till later cause my parents won't let me they said that they wanted me to spend at least a little bit of time with them on my birthday, but at least I still get to go. Just then I hear my door slam open causing me to snap out of my thoughts and fall out of my bed. "Happy Birthday, Meli"!!! My parents say while carrying a bunch of balloons and a cake with blue icing "Oh my Melissa what happened"!? I look up at my mom and smile "uh I just fell of my bed when u slammed the door it's fine". They both smile and and my dad comes and helps me of the floor" so honey are you finally glad that your birthday came" " OH YEAH I AM"!!! I scream a little and they just laugh"oh sweetie I forgot to mention that your phone was ringing while I was making the cake I thought you picked it up but I guess not" I look at my phone and quickly pick it up turns out Leo texted me,I blushed a little at his name, good thing my mom was to busy talking to my dad bout something to notice.i opened up the text to reply

[Leo]: Happy Birthday, Melissa :)

(Melissa): Thx Leo glad you remembered :)

*after about 2 minutes he texted back*

[Leo]: How could I forget, Besides u kept saying it all day yesterday

*Now I feel a little bit stupid*

(Melissa): hehe, uh right I forgot

[Leo]: anyways are u coming later?

(Melissa): Yeah I am

[Leo]: Great!, see u later ;)

(Melissa): kk :)

~~End Text~~

OMG he sent me a wink good thing my mom isn't here or she would definitely know I was talking to a boy judging by all my blushing. I quickly get out of bed and run to my closet since it's my birthday I need to wear something special. After a really long time of digging through all my clothes I finally found the perfect outfit (I'll let u pick your own outfit let's just say there's a lot of blue) I quickly put it on then I put on my makeup and fix my hair when I'm done step back and look at my self in the mirror. The only running through my mind is if Leo would like what I'm wearing yeah as you probably noticed I may have a tiny cru- scratch that a HUGE crush on him but I'm to shy to tell him I mean what if he doesn't like me back what am I gonna do I would ruin my friendship with him!! Although what I kinda am hoping is that I get a Birthday Kiss from somebody I know ;) anyways I walk downstairs to where my mom already made breakfast and it's (insert fav meal here) " oooh thanks mom"! I run up and hug her "oh your welcome sweetie, it is a special day" I quickly eat the food that was sooo good I decided that I should start going to the lair now."hey Mom"? "Yes"?" I think I should start heading out thanks for the food oh and tell dad I left ok"?" Sure honey and be careful" "ok"

~~Time Skip -at the Lair-~~

I walk through the entrance and the lair is dark just then I hear a bunch of shuffling and then the lights turn on"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA"!!!! Is all I could hears through out the whole lair when I adjust to the light I see everybody standing there with tons of balloons and the entire lair is decorated it's colorful. I smile a great big smile at all of them " Thank You sooo much everyone"! They gave me a big hug while knocking all the air out of me. I hug back and they all let go well except for Mikey "Happy B-Day, Dudette"! He says I smile and hug him again "Thanks Mikey" after they all say happy birthday individually we go and eat cake.
"So Melissa what are you going to wish for"? Leo asks me I blush a little since he's right next to me really close I may add " well Leo, you know I can't tell you or it might not come true" I smile I then blow out the candles and everyone claps.

~~Time Skip brought to you by all of your presents~~

I'm kinda saddened by the fact that Leo didn't give me anything for my bday but nobody seemed to notice we are all going to watch one of my fav movies (insert fav movie here) and I'm so excited as I'm walking to the sofa I feel like somebody's behind me I turn around to see Leo not to for apart from me I blush but quickly look down "hey Melissa" I quickly look up "yeah" he motions for me to follow him so I do we end up in his room then he closed the door and I think I hear a lock but I'm not sure." U-um Melissa" "yeah" "s-sorry about not giving you your present earlier I uh just didn't want the guys to see it" I was obviously curious" um ok" he reaches behind his shell and pulls out a box shaped present wrapped in blue paper with a bright blue bow. He gives it to me while mumbling something I don't understand. I open it to see a beautiful white gold necklace with a light blue charm in the shape of a heart. I look up at Leo and notice that he's blushing I then give him a huge hug" Thank You so much Leo it's beautiful"! "Your welcome Melissa" "um do me a favor and turn it around please" I do as he says and there is an
L+M in the back and a small message on the bottom ~I love You~ it reads I gasp and look up at him he gives me a small smile and I hug him again "Oh Leo I love you too"! He hugs me tighter then he pulls away and finally kisses me it feels so good I love this feeling that is coursing through me and I kiss him harder he pulls me closer and does the same he licks my lips asking for permission I let him never thought that I would be French kissing a turtle but I'm not complaining it's great!! We pull away and look at each other he puts my necklace on and kisses my cheek "Happy Birthday Melissa, I Love you"
"I love you too,Leo"
"Will you be mine"?
" of course Leo, of course"

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