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Your POV:

My name is (Y/n) (L/n) I'm a shy,nice and also girly 15 year old.I love to draw and everybody that has seen my sketches acualy like them but to be honest I don't think their all that great I mean there just lines on a paper.I used to live in A small town far from here but then my mom got a new job and we ended up having to move to New York.I didn't realy mind going since I didn't have any friends I am way to shy to acualy approach someone and talk to them which makes it very hard to make friends. When we moved to NYC I was amazed at all the lights especialy at night the city looked beautiful,we passed through many different stores and even a beautiful park.I was so happy my life was getting better I went to school and met new friends that acualy liked me for me ,but sadly everything changed My parents were fighting which according to some people could have been the cause of all my shynessI mean sure I was used to them fighting all the time but this,this time was different


I came home from school late at night since I had to stay to finish work for some class.I opened the door and right when I stepped in I saw my mom lying on the ground dead surrounded by a puddle of her own blood I couldn't help but scream at this horrifying scene. "(y/n) is that you?" I heard my dad call from another room. I was to stunned to say anything all I could do was stare at my mom, I heard foot steps coming through the hallway and I looked up and saw my dad his shirt and pants stained with blood and his hands held dried blood."AHHHHHHH" he quickly ran towards me and covered my mouth with his hand it tasted like blood"Shut.It.You.Ungratteful.Brat,you better not say anything about this to anyone understood?!"I just stared into his cold dark eyes and nodded quickly.

He took his hand off my mouth and I spit out all the blood that got into my mouth I looked up at him as he stood over my mom."why" I whisper my voice shaky from all of this he looks up and just grins then he started laughing.i didn't know what to do so I started backing away till my back hit the counter he came closer still laughing but held up a gun in his hands I tried to run but he came closer and trapped me to the point where I couldn't move."Where do you think your going?"he asked with that same grin I couldn't do anything just stare at him then I felt tears running down my face."hmm you've always been a shy one,dought you would tell anyone bout this*he gestured to my mom*or just to make it safer maybe I should get rid of you too"he pointed the gun at me then was about to pull the trigger I turned my head and that's when I heard a loud crash come from the living room window.

"WHAT THE HELL!? WHAT ARE YOU?!" I heard my dad yell "Back.Away.From.The.Girl.NOW!"I heard someone say In a threatening and low voice he sounded male but I was still to afraid to look up "I don't think so she deserves this"my dad says "Oh ya well Then I guess ya deserve this!" I then heard grunting and smacking and banging then it was all quiet besides the loud breathing of the man."Hey you ok?"I heard him ask I force myself to look up and infront of me is a Giant.Turlte!!!!!! With ninja stuff and a red mask and the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen before"I-I-I-um y-ya I'm f-fine""who is that guy anyways?"he points to my dad that is know passed out on top of the living room table."u-um well that m-my d-dad" I tried not to cry but it was getting harder.

"Oh and what about her" I couldn't take it anymore so I started crying like crazy not being able to stop"t-that's my m-m-m-mom"I managed to say.I looked up at his face and he had a mix of anger and sadness sure I was shy but at this point I didn't know what else to do so i said what I was thinking"c-can y-you hold me......p-please"he hesitated a little but hugged me while I cried on his shoulder.After a while of being like this I pulled away and started to blush."s-sorry uhh""Raphael but ya can call me Raph""thank you Raph for everything if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now"I said trying not to break down again"Your welcome it's all part of the job,although I can't leave ya here your gonna have to come with me"I looked up at him and nodded Raph and I left through the window and he carried me to his home away from this horrible place.

TMNT Love One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora