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"Hey if it isnt Amani little miss perfect" I hear Raph say as I walk into the lair. "Raph be quiet" Leo snaps at him " HEY AMANI"!! MIkey yells from from wherever he is. "HI MIKEY"!! i yell back I then hear the lab doors open i turn to face Donnie. "hi Amani" he says with a smile i smile and wave "hi Donnie". " oh i almost forgot hi Leo" i say " hey Amani, sorry about Raph again hes in a bad mood again" he says witha small smile i frown but quickly smile "no problem hes always doing that what makes this any different"? I say as I walk to the couch I could hear pounding coming from the dojo. Must be Raph again . honestly I dont understand why he hates me so much I dont even know what i did to him. ANd, its driving me crazy that he wont tell me. I know that it shouldnt bother me but it does alot especially all the things he calls me ive had a huge crush on him since the first time he saved me he was so nice to me before but then one day he just stopped talking to me and I honestly don't know what I did to make him hate me. I guess it's just normal for him to do that. "Hey Amani, wanna play video games with me". Mikey asked I turned to him "huh oh ya ya ok" he stares at me for a while which is getting a bit awkward "you ok Amani"? "What of course why wouldn't I be" he just shrugs "it just looked like u were daydreaming or something". I blush knowing what I was thinking about but the turn the other way so he won't see. "Why do you look like a cherry" he asks while poking my cheeks I blush harder and slap his hand away "n-none of your buisness" I snap. He pulls his finger back and gives me the puppy dog eyes "aww Mikey stop that I'm not gonna tel you anything" I look the other way "AWWW pwease Amani". He gets closer to me I turn my head to see him realy close I sigh. "Your not gonna stop till I tell you huh" he smiles "nope" "um ok well I was um thinking ofmycrush" I say the last part fast so he won't hear it Mikey stays quiet for a while "you were thinking about your crush *gasps* you have a crush on someone"shoot not fast enough " um y-yeah" I blush. "well who is it"? "Oh uh that's not important" " Amani of course it is come on tell me I won't tell them I dought I even know him" I giggle a little at that. "Acualy mikey you do know him". "I do hmmm" he starts thinking about something but he won't tell me. "ooh I got it you like Casey don't you" I almost choke on air it's weird I know but he surprised me. "w-what Casey no way besides he likes April" he looks at me and keeps thinking "ok I have an idea how about whoevers name I say and you start blushing at has gotta be your crush and don't look away" he points a finger at "ok". "Leo" nothing "Donnie" nothing he starts thinking for a while "me" I smile and shake my head. "well the only one left is Raph and I dought you like hi- oh my gosh your blushing wait you like Raph but he's always mean to you" I blush a bit more on thinking about him."yes I admit that he's a total jerk to me but I don't know I just do".he stares at me for a while not doing anything then he smiles realy big "ok good to know" then he leaves " hey I thought we were gonna play video games" I shout "um later I gotta do something" he shouts back. Well ok then alone again "i see your alone again no surprise there" oh no that voice I turn around slowly and see None other than Raphael standing right in front of me "I'm not alone I'm just waiting for someone" he scoffs and walks in front of the couch "move" he says I just stare at him "what" "I said move that's my seat". not wanting to cause a problem I got up and stepped back he layed down on the couch leaving no room for me. "Hey"! I say he we looks up at me with a glare "hey what"? "Where am I supposed to sit" he turns on the tv "why should I care just sit on the floor your already dirty heck you shouldn't of been on the couch" ouch that kinda hurt I sigh and walk around the couch and sit down in back of the couch. Letting some small tears fall I hide my face I'm my knees and keep crying trying not to make to much noise I hear Raph shift a bit but I didn't pay attention "of course you'd be crying even a small insult could bring you down" he laughs I look at him pain clearly shown on my eyes and get up then go to my room. and continue crying I hate when I do that

Raph POV:

Oh great I messed up big time now she hates me for sure. Good job Raphael making the girl you love cry and pretending you didn't give a sh*t about it. Yeah it's try I do love her she's so pretty and sweet but that's why I always bully her if I don't I won't be able to stop myself from holding her in my arms and kissing her. well that's probably not gonna happen I growl and start punching the punching bag.

Amani POV:

I finally stop crying and go out to the living room to see mikey and Leo watching something I walk to the couch and sit down "hey guys" Leo turns around and smiles then he sees my eyes are puffy and his smile fades "Amani are you ok"? "Huh oh yeah it was just tha-" "Raph was being a jerk again" I was interrupted by Donnie coming out of his lab. I look down "y-yeah" Leo "don't worry about it ok just ignore it". I nod and keep looking down Mikey "hey why don't we watch a movie". I look up at him and smile "sure why not" Leo puts in the movie and sits on the floor with Mikey Donnie sits on a chair and I stay on the couch. after a whir Raph comes to sit down on the couch not noticing me "what are u guys watching"? "Oh it's (insert fave movie)" Mikey says not looking at him. he stays on the couch and I scoot a bit more to the other side and curl up into a ball and continue watching the movie. "hey why are u all the way over there come here I ain't gonna bite" I hear Raph tell me I hesitate but move closer he wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer. I start blushing and look at the movie after a while I hear him whisper in my ear "hey follow me I gotta tell you something".
I look at him and get up he takes me to his room and closes the door oh shoot what is he gonna do. "look Amani I just wanted to tell you that I don't hate you ok" wait what he doesn't hate me "wait then why are u always bullying me"? Raph. Sighs and brings me closer to him by my waist I start blushing " look I really like you no I love you and I'm sorry for how I acted" he gets closer to my face "do you love me back"? He asks I look at him and smile "yeah I do" I look down and he I feel his thumb under my chin and he brings my head up then he kisses my lips I stay frozen for a bit but then kiss back the kiss is amazing I never thought that he would like me let alone love me. this is the best day ever he brings me closer and kisses me harder. I smile in the kiss and let go I smile at him "I love you Raphael" he smiles "I love you too Amani"

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