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Requested by LeonardoLover1106

~Hope ya like it~

*Crystal's POV:*

     As I'm walking into the lair I hear screaming and a loud thump. Maybe the Foot discovered the lair! I think as I pick up my pace and in seconds I'm in the lair, Expecting to see the turtles fighting off Foot bots. But, instead I see Mikey running right into me! I fall on my back and feel pain, When I open my eyes I see non other than Mikey on top of me. "M-Mikey get o-off of me, I can't breath" he notices and stands up "oops sorry dudette, didnt see you there" he offers me a hand and helps me up. "Dont worry bout it, but why were you runni-" "MIKEY"!! a voice interupts me I look behind Mikey to see a pissed off Raph. Mikey runs behind me and uses me as a shield, wow " realy your using me as a shield"? Mikey just shrugs. I turn around to see Raph right infront of me. "Crystal, if ya know whats good for ya you better move, Now" does he think thats gonna scare me " and what if I don't"? I smirk. He looks even more pissed now, focusing on me and not on Mikey who's running down the hall back to his room. I Can't believe he ditched me. I turn to see Raph his face close to mine with fire in his eyes. "Just cause your a  girl doesn't mean I wont hit you" I'll admit that did scare me a little, but instead of talking back I ran into the dojo and closed the door so he wont come in. Wow, that was close maybe I should go check if he's still there. 

But before I could open the door I hear someone call me " Crystal? what are you doing in here"? It was Leo. I quickly turn around to see him really close to me I feel myself blush but I don't think he noticed                    "umm, Crystal"? "huh" I look up at him hoping that the blush is gone " what are you doing in here"?  " oh, r-right sorry bout that it's just Raph kept chasing Mikey, then Raph got pissed at me, and I'm more than positive he was gonna punch me. Since I saw the dojo door opened I figured it would be my only chance of not getting smacked and or punched, but if I interrupted you I'll just g-" "no no don't worry, Its fine I was just about to train you could watch if you want". "ok" I smiled and he did the same then I went to sit on one of the corners and waited for him to start. He started doing push ups, and I couldn't help but stare at him he looks so so..."sexy" I whisper. He stops in mid push up and looks over at me "What was that, Crystal"? he smirks, it was then that I realized I said it out loud and he heard shoot! "u-um uh n-nothing, j-just go back to what you were doing"! I say as I blush and look down "hey, Crystal" I look up "y-yeah"? " wanna help me with my training"? " s-sure" " ok come over here" I stand up and walk to him. " I need you to sit on my shell while I do push ups ok"? I blush for like the fifth time and mumble an ok he leans down and I get up " hold on" I hear him say, then he starts I almost fell so I quickly hang on to his shell. I hear him chuckle a bit.

After a while of sitting around, my mind starts to wonder and I start to daydream. I imagine Leo pushing me to the wall, Then kissing me with so much passion, while wrapping his arms around me and pushing his body into mine. My arms around his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. just then I feel myself slipping and hitting the ground "Crystal"! I come back from my daydream to find myself on the floor and Leo on top of me still in push up position. I blush a little and look away " are you ok, did you hurt yourself"? " huh, oh no I'm fine d-dont woryy b-bout it". I Notice that his worried frown turned into a smirk, and I look at him with a confused look. "what"? he keeps smirking then leans down next to my ear, and I could feel him smile "you look adorable when you blush" he pulls away and of course I blush which only makes him chuckle. He then leans down again but instead of going to my ear he goes straight for my lips.

OMG Leo's kissing me...wait Leo is...KISSING ME!! This is the BEST DAY EVER!! I quickly kiss back and  wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around me and leans down to press his body on mine. And hes surprisingly not crushing me it actually feels good, he feels good. Then I feel him licking my lips asking for entrance I let him, How could I not. There we are kissing well more like french kissing in the middle of the dojo but I LOVE IT! I Love him. We break the kiss and just stare at each others eyes. I could see all the love and passion he has for me. "Leo" "yeah"? I kiss him again a quick one we pull away and I stroke his cheek "I Love You" he smiles and leans down again just centimeters from my lips  and says "I Love You too,and I always will, will you be my girlfriend"? "Yes, Yes I will".

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