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Request from: purpleninjanerd123

Sorry i took so Long on writing this I was trying to figure out how to write it but I'm finaly done I hope u like it, it's my first Donnie one shot so I'm hoping it's good :) well here's the story Enjoy:)

~Jessica POV:~

I just had the best day at school I got my grades and let's just say I'm at the top of the class!!:p I still can't believe people were acually really nice to me today to, cool! And to top it all off Donnie just invited me to the lair although he sounded a bit nervous when he called wonder if he's ok. Aww Donnie, he's so adorable even when he's shy, nervous, or just because! Yeah it's obviously noticeable that I have a crush on him well at least that's what the guys say. But I dought he would ever like me back I mean he's had a crush on April since BEFORE HE MET HER!! Surprising but sadly true. :(

I finally made it to the lair and the only one there was Mikey as always eating pizza and playing video games. "Hey Mikey" he turns to me and runs up and gives me a hug "Hey Jessica"!!! I hug back of course "Hey, again" he let's go and goes back to his video games"um hey where's everyone"? "Oh um Leo and Raph are in the dojo, sensei is meditating in his room and Donnie's in his lab" "cool thanks Mikey" I head to the lab before I go in I fix my hair to make sure it's fine then I go in. I see Donnie working on something since his shell was facing me I decided to
surprise him.

~Donnie POV:~

I was fixing Mikey's broken T-Phone again how many times do I have to tell him the T-Phone was not made to be thrown around like a football. But he's Mikey of course he's never gonna listen. I'm almost done finishing the phone when I hear a loud scream. I fall off my chair I look up expecting to see the foot or kraang(I think that's how u spell it) but all I see is Jessica holding out her hand while giggling. She helps me up and smiled at me wow that smile is so perfect it makes her look beautiful. "Sorry Donnie didn't mean to scare you that much" she was still giggling I felt a bit awkward right now. "oh uh um I-it's ok" she smiles again
"So why are you so happy today"? I ask she smiles even more and takes out a piece of paper from her backpack and hands it to me. I take it and look at it is her grades and they are AMAZING I look up at her and just hug her.

~Jessica POV:~

I cant believe he's hugging me obviously I hug back. He let's go and has a smile on his face" Jessica that's amazing your grades are great"! I smile more and can't help but hug him again he seemed a little shocked but hugged back"I know right guess all the tutoring payed off, thanks for helping me Donnie" I feel him smile and hug me tighter " your welcome,Jessica" we pull apart only to stare at Each other wow I just love his eyes there so wow.
"J-Jessica,...Uh um w-wanna go on a d-date with me"? I stay frozen I don't know what to say before I could say anything he sighs and turns around
"n-never mind forget what I asked...sorry" I finaly snap out of it and hug him from behind "of course Donnie, I would love to go on a date with you" he stiffens up a little then relaxes and turns around to hug me "oh that's great how about I pick you up tomarrow at 11:00" he whispers I smile" ok" is all I could say he chuckles and kisses my cheek I blush so hard and it makes him laugh more. I am SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW"!!!!

~Aprils POV:~

I can't believe Donnie asked Jessica on a date, I can't believe she said YES! He liked me first anyways, Imma teach her not to mess with
April O'Niel. >:)

~Time skip~

~Jessica's POV:~

It was almost time for our date wow I'm so excited I literally couldn't find any clothes to wear because none were exactly 'date appropriate' but I finaly settled on a purple top and black skinny jeans. Now I'm ready I sit down on my bed while playing a game on my phone suddenly I hear a knock on the window I look up to see Donnie with a huge smile on his face I can't help but giggle a little. I quickly open the window and let him in once he's inside he's gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek when he pulls away he gives me a bouquet of purple flowers they are so beautiful I take them and peck his cheek he blushes and I giggle"h-hey Jessica" "hi Donnie"" s-so you ready to go"? "Let me just put these flowers in a vase and I'll be back" he nods and I go into the kitchen and put them in a vase I go back to my room and Donnie's already outside the window I go up to him and he helps me out he then carries me bridal style

~many rooftops later~

We finaly arrive at our destination he sets me down and the view is spectacular it's amazing the lights from the city look like stars and all the noise from the city wasn't so loud I turn around and see a small round table in the middle of the roof with a flower in a vase in the middle ,two chairs and two plates of pizza gyoza. Donnie's already pulling out a chair for me wow "what a gentlemen" I say while sitting down he blushes and goes to sit down on the other chair everything was so perfect just like how I imagined it. Once I took a bite out of the gyoza my eyes widen and I spit it out it tasted like spoiled milk. Donnie did the same then we both look at Each other and look back at the plate" u-um Donnie what exactly are in these things" I say as I smell it it smelled horrible he seems so confused "honestly there is supposed to be pizza sauce, pepperoni, and cheese I don't know why it smells and tastes like this" then All of a sudden I feel something hit one of the legs of my chair and I fall back. Donnie stands up from his chair and helps me up"JESSICA,what happened!! Are you ok"?! "I don't know but I did feel something hit the leg of my chair then it broke". I try to move my hand to help me stand but it hurts so much "Ahhhh" "what happened? Are you ok"?! He looks at my wrist he examines it carefully I wince when he places his finger on it" you twisted your wrist from the fall Maybe we should leave the Foot might be near besides I need to patch you up" I nod and he picks me up and takes me back. Great our date is ruined.

~Aprils POV:~

Good I just ruined their date and I didn't even have to use the kunai (throwing knife) that'll teach her to take my stuff. I run back to the lair with a smile >:)

~Jessica POV:~

Donnie was wrapping up my wrist so I wouldn't hurt it more when he finally finishes he sits down on the bed next to me and sighs "I'm sorry Jessica that this happened" he said pointing to my wrist then he looks down I look up at him and smile "don't worry about it Donnie I'm happy that we still hung out with Eachother the night was perfect well up until the food" I giggle "but we barely got to spend any time together and to top it all off you got hurt and I didn't protect you how is that a perfect night"? I just smile and cup his cheeks and turn his head to face me I smile even more and lean in, our lips touch and it feels like fireworks he freezes up a little but then kisses me back and wraps his arms around me and kisses me gently but passionately I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. We break apart and look at Eachother both of us smiling so much "I Love You, Jessica"
"I Love You Too, Donnie"
"Will you be my girlfriend"?
I smile and peck his lips "of course"

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