(1) landed

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I get off the plane, able to feel the intense heat trying to come into the airport. I sigh as I find my way to baggage claim, turning on my phone to text my grandpa that I've arrived. I get my bag, thankful Grace helped me decorate it a bright purple before checking my phone to find out where he is. I spot him, his hair that is now fully grey since the last time I saw him, making him easy to spot.

"Hi Bapa." I say as he pulls me into a hug.

"Hello peanut. How was your flight?" I shrug.

"Fine, I slept most of the way like normal." He laughs.

"You get that from me, no one else in your family can sleep in cars or planes and we sleep like babies." I nod, laughing too. I haven't always had the easiest relationship with my grandpa, but this feels nice. Kind of normal. Haven't had a lot of that recently. "Well we should get going, do you want to pick up food on the way or should I make something?"

"We can pick up something. I've been craving In-N-Out since I left Chicago." We both laugh again as he leads me out into the fully suffocating Californian heat and to his car. It's a red 1980 Chevrolet Silverado that Bapa has always called Maryanne after his mom. I've always loved this car. I put my bags in the bed of the truck as Bapa starts the car, rolling down the windows so it's not as hot. I get into the front seat, taking in the familiar smell of my late step-grandmother. I can't believe it still smells like her. After all, she passed away almost five years ago. That's a long time for a car to smell the same. Then again, it's a miracle he's even still driving this car after her passing. She was obsessed with this car, only reason they have it. We start to head to Bapa's new house since he moved out of the old one. Too many memories I'm guessing. The radio is playing quietly, some 80s station. I lean on the open window, closing my eyes as the wind nips at my skin and hair. Before I know it, we're pulling into the driveway.

The house is a light blue ranch with a small front porch laced with flowers and a porch swing. Yes, I will be taking ALL the selfies there like the basic bitch I am. When we get in the house, I'm greeted by a medium blonde golden retriever, Rosa. I lean down to pet her and give her a hug. She has the aged white fur filling out some of her blonde fur. After I pet her, Bapa leads me down the hall to my room. It contains a queen bed with a light purple and white comforter. There's a desk next to the bed and a closet on the wall opposite to the bed. I set my bad down on the bed, looking at all of the pictures on the wall. There's no trace of my step-grandmother, Maggie, anywhere in this house. And it's because all of her is here. The wall is laced with pictures of her as a child, teenager, young adult when she first got married and had kids, and then the one with Bapa, Julian, my mom and I. It was obviously taken in the hospital right after I was born. I bet they're thankful they took that. I wonder if it's the last picture of her.

"Do you like the room?" I turn around to see Bapa leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." He smiles.

"It's all Maggie. She had an eye for this type of stuff." He runs his fingers along the edge of the comforter. I thought that looked a bit faded. She must've loved it. "Do you want to unpack now or walk to the beach?" I look at my bags. I'm pretty sure I packed my swimsuit on top.

"Hmmmm, beach." He smiles.

"Sounds good. I'll get ready, get chairs and towels and we can head down."

"Okay see you soon." I close the door behind him and unzip my bag to find my swimsuit, flip flops, and my sunglasses. I take them out and head into the bathroom to change and wipe off the very little bit of mascara I have on. I throw my hair into a loose braid and throw on shorts over my suit so my thighs don't chafe before heading out into the living room to meet Bapa. He has the towels all packed up in a bag with water bottles and apples and hands me a chair. I take it and put my phone in my bag, checking to make sure I put my earbuds in there earlier. They're there so I look back up at Bapa who's currently looking for the keys to the truck. He finds them and I put my hand up.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now