(3) collided

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The sun has barely started to rise when I wake up and can't go back to sleep. Jet lag is really killing me. I get up, throwing on leggings and gym shoes. I put my hair up and leave a note for my grandpa before heading out into the cool morning air. I just do a brisk speed walk around a few blocks before I decide to head back for breakfast. It seems stupid, but it's just a way for me to wake up and get some exercise in before a day. As I come in, Bapa has already cooked eggs and pancakes and places them on the table.

"Get a good run in?" I laugh.

"I don't run. That's a one way street to no-more-breathing town." Bapa laughs too.

"That's how I am. How's dancing going?" I shrug.

"Okay, I mean I'm taking weekly classes with Paul and next year I'm taking the dance class in gym. Why?" He sits down, me mirroring his actions as I pour myself some apple juice.

"Well I go to this dance club that might be interesting for you."

"Is it like classes?"

"No, it's like they play music and you do whatever you want." I take a bite of my eggs as I think.

"That'd be really fun, though is it all..." Bapa laughs.

"Old people? No. Lots of college students go there too, though they're really consistent with carding at the bar." I snap my fingers.

"Damn, there goes my plan of getting drunk off my ass my second day in California." We both laugh and eat in a comfortable silence until all of our food is gone.

I spend the rest of the day unpacking my bags while Bapa grills burgers for lunch. We eat and I finally finish up putting all of my things away. After a shower and hour long facetime that consisted of my best friend, Bella, yelling at me for not bringing her with me to California, I head out to the kitchen and start looking for something I can make for dinner. Bapa is in the living room watching some sport and I now regret offering to make dinner since there isn't much in his fridge. Finally, I decide to just make spaghetti with fettuccine sauce. Simple and tasty. Since today was my first day in California, I just wanted to get settled and avoid the sun since I got plenty yesterday. And that I did. Now it looks like I've been here for a few weeks and I don't have to spend any more time in the sun than necessary. Thankfully, I tan easily. After dinner, my phone starts going off. I look to see that the group chat I have with all of my friends has begun a call. I pick up the phone, raising it to be greeted by Grace already yelling at Dean and Sam.

"You guys are so insensitive!" She's wiping off her makeup so hard I'm starting to worry for the safety of her false eyelashes.

"Jeez, I'm in California for two days and all hell breaks loose." Ana and Pedro join the call now too.

"I'm still mad you left me to deal with these idiots by myself Lina, how am I supposed to stay sane?" I settle into my bed.

"By not giving into their idiocy. Because I'm not there, you're getting double the annoyance. I'll smack them for you when you guys get here, okay?" She groans, but agrees before having to leave because her mom called her. Now, the idiots are trying to talk to me.

"We literally didn't do anything!" I glare at Dean, not even wanting to deal with him since I know it was mostly his fault, since it always is. I look to Sam who is looking everywhere but at me.

"Yo, Allen. Look at me." He obeys, his blue eyes already deep with regret. "All you had to do was keep him away from her. How hard is that?"

"Well since you told him he had to be nice he wanted to make a game out of it. He kept complimenting her and being all gentlemanly, it was weird." I shudder as I picture him actually trying to be decent instead of the child that he usually is around us.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now