(10) falling

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My whole body aches in pain from all of the rehearsals, but also buzzes with excitement. I'm doing vocal exercises with Bailey, Josh, and Krys when there's a voice at the door.

"Hey pop stars." I look up to meet Malina's gaze before we start walking to each other. I pull her into me, not wasting time before connecting our lips.

"Ewwww my eyes."

"Hey, no girls aloud."

"I'm too innocent for thisss."

are the responses we get from our audience. We break apart and she wraps her arms around me as she sticks her tongue out towards the boys.

"You're just jealous."

"Yeah we are, where's my hug?" Bailey jokes causing Malina to laugh and detach herself from me and go greet them. Once she finishes and I finally get her back in my arms, her friends interrupt.

"Lina, look at all this candy!" Without even having to look up from my safe place in the crook of her neck, I know it's Miguel and the sound of him getting slapped in the arm is Grace.

"Miguel!" Bailey and Miguel have a weird bromance thing that we all witness as they hug before Sam and Dean come in too. I greet them all, keeping Malina's hand in mine, not wanting to let go. We all chat for a bit until one of the stage managers comes in with microphones for us. I kiss her goodbye which as usual is followed by groans and booing before laughing.

"We're going to go say hi to the girls before the show starts, good luck my American boy." She kisses me again before they walk out, her pushing Dean who is about to say something stupid but he's out of earshot before we can hear what it is. As the others continue doing their vocal exercises I catch myself getting lost in thought of her again. I already miss her. She's only been gone for like two minutes! I'm used to missing people. Whether it be Now United or my family, it always feels as though a piece of me is missing and I don't want her to ever be a missing piece. That thought terrifies me. We leave for tour tomorrow and she leaves for Illinois. We'll already be going in opposite directions and the doubt is overwhelming. I jump as an arm weaves its way around my shoulder.

"Hey man- whoa, you okay?" I nod, not able to meet Josh's gaze.

"Yeah, just nervous." Bailey scoffs, coming over followed by Krys.

"Please, you're overthinking." Bailey nods in agreement.

"We know you, give it up, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared to leave Malina. What if we don't work?" They all look to each other before Josh sighs and speaks up.

"You might not. Long distance relationships are hard. But, we all do it, no? I mean, we're best friends with people from 13 different countries. We all know how scary it is, but we also know how great it is. Fear is powerful, but so is love. Let yourself love. If there's anyone who deserves it, it's you man." I nod, letting his advice really resonate.

"You have a good point my brother. I think i'll be a little nervous until I can talk it through with her, but I appreciate you." I pause and look at the incredibly talented men surrounding me that I get to call my brothers. "I appreciate all of you. Now let's go kill it." We group hug it out before meeting up with the girls for our pre show rituals. I let the electricity of performing clear my mind, knowing that every time I look in the wings there's Malina, cheering me on. I have the courage to believe she'll always be cheering me on.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now