(4) surprising

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I've met a lot of girls in my life. 9 of which I share a stage with, 2 of which I live with, and thousands of which I've heard scream my name. But none of them have infected my mind like Malina. The first thing that drew me to her was her purple lips that match her skirt. Besides the fact that it's my favorite color, she has this confidence that could convince anyone she looks good in anything. A few words and songs later, I'm mesmerized by the way her body reacts to music and to me. She's totally patient with me and even though I could tell she wanted to laugh at my pathetic dance skills, she never does. Even three club outings later, she just makes me better. We've gotten so close so quickly,  it's terrifying. We're finishing up a slow song and she's laughing at one of my jokes when the song changes. It's a Spanish pop song that lights up her face. She starts dancing along immediately, my hands still on her hips. Feeling a bit ballsy, I keep them there and follow her lead. She doesn't seem bothered, in fact she plays into it. It's as if we're one. Just us and the music. For three blissful minutes I lose total sense of awareness and time where it's only my hands on her waist, her hands on my chest, and no fear or worries exist as we get lost in the music. Until it stops. The song ends and the DJ cuts in over the speaker.

"Alright alright it is time for the last slow song of the night before PARTY HOURR!" Oh shit. Malina always leaves with her grandpa when party hour starts. It starts at 9 and is all new music. No classics or slow songs. An hour for the younger crowd who can't actually go out clubbing yet. My disappointment that she's going to leave soon must be evident on my face because Malina moves her hand that was on my shoulder to the back of my neck and up into my hair which felt so good and my eyes immediately snap up to meet hers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I gaze into her eyes, allowing myself to fall into the chocolate brown abyss.

"Is there any way that you could stay longer? I-I could drive you home and we could even get a bite to eat on the way, my treat." She looks shocked and for a second I almost regret asking and almost take it back. Almost. But soon, her beautiful smile lights up her entire face.

"Let me ask my grandpa." She takes my hand and starts pulling me through the dance crowd towards the lounge. She tells me to wait by the bar as she heads over to a group of men who are drinking and laughing. She starts talking to one of them and points to me. I smile and wave, he waves back before turning back to Malina and talking to her. They look all serious that when she starts coming over I actually feel nervous.

"He has one question."

"Okay, shoot."

"What car do you drive?"

"Uh, a BMW." She nods and walks back over to him. They start laughing and she hugs him before coming back.

"He said get a better taste in cars and have me home by midnight." I laugh with her as we head back out to the dance floor. We sing and dance along to all of them. The last 5 songs are announced as the breakout or smaller artists. I guess it never occurred to me that Now United could be played since our songs are only on YouTube, but that didn't stop the DJ from playing Afraid Of Letting Go. The second I hear Bailey's voice over the speaker, I can't even help it but I'm in performance mode. This is my comfort zone, this is what I'm good at doing with my second family, the people I love. Malina is still in my arms and I let myself fall into the music. She can tell I know the song because I'm singing along and hitting every beat flawlessly. When the chorus hits, I semi spin her out and start in on the choreo I've worked my ass off to let come second nature. I can tell she's impressed but she also laughs and follows my lead. She picks up the moves way quicker than I did when Kyle first taught it to us. Any's voice now cuts into the bridge and I take Malina's hand and lead her through a short ballroom style number that Sabina taught me a little bit ago. I lead her through it and as Any's flawless voice holds a note, dipping her before pulling her back up as it ends. We're both breathing heavily as I'm looking into her eyes. I could kiss her so easily right now. But, it's too early. I release her again to run through the last chorus. We go through it and there's one more song, but we're exhausted so she takes my hand and yells over the music.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now