(7) disappointed

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I wake up to Bella snoring and Grace reading her book in the corner. I get up, greeting Bapa as I walk into the kitchen to get coffee for Grace and I and tea for Bella. I also put some milk on the stove incase the boys want some hot chocolate even though it's California in the middle of June. As I sip my coffee, the boys come out, sporting the zombie walk which is unsurprising since Sam, Miguel, and Grace came in late last night. While Dean, Bella, Pedro, Ana, and I all went out to eat yesterday right after their flight arrived last night, the main birthday celebrations are today. Apparently, everyone has planned out an event for the day which means that I am to be dragged around the state all day. A state that they do not know. It's going to be a long day. We all eat breakfast and get ready. Sam, Miguel, and Dean are up first. We split up, Ana driving half of us and Dean driving the rest of us in my truck to the mystery location which within five minutes becomes very clear that it's just the mall. We go in and they blindfold me, Dean leading me to Build-A-Bear.

"Surprise!" Miguel says as he proudly stands in front of everything. I laugh.

"Your birthday gift to me is 8 teenagers invading a store meant for 8 year-olds." He nods.

"Yep, so let's go!" Everyone spreads out to make their bear except for Sam and I who hang back and agree to pick out whichever one we think the other will like more. For Sam, I choose the Flash bear and for me he chooses the one with red feet and hands. He loves his and I absolutely love mine since red is my favorite color next to purple. We both laugh as we realize how predictable each of us are since we were able to guess the one for the other. We proceed to look at clothes where I pick out an astronaut costume for his bear and he picks out a purple dress and silver heels for mine.

We all finish getting our stuffed animals and accessories before heading out for lunch at The Sugar Factory, which was Ana and Pedro's gift. As we all eat, I realize how fortunate I am to have a solid group of friends who are willing to spend their summer and money across the country for me. We're all stuffed by the time we're done which is of course when Bella announces that her gift is a trip to the beach, everyone groans.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to swim after you eat?" Bella shrugs.

"Yeah, but she also told me not to cut my hair again and well uh." She points to her hair which has been sporting some bangs to accessorize her bob. We all laugh and hop in the car, me now realizing Grace took my swimsuit out of the bathroom earlier so I would have it. I thank her as we pull up to the busy beach and all head to dressing rooms to change. Once out, Bella and Grace lead us all to SUP boards which we all stare at in confusion.

"Today we are stand up paddle boarding!" Grace announces.

"You do know this is an ocean, right? You're supposed to do that stuff on a lake." Grace waves Miguel away.

"The ocean is very calm today, which makes this a perfect thing to do."

Safe to say, it was not a perfect thing to do. I'm the only one who could actually stay on the board. Though, the perfect gift was getting to see everyone one of my best friends fall off of those boards in every way possible. We all end up just holding onto each other's paddles and laying on the boards and just talking until sunset. We paddle back in, heading back to the house and hotel to change. Dean told me to look hot, but be prepared to sweat and I have no idea what that could mean, but here's to trying. We get in the car once more, but this time I figure out almost immediately where we are going. My stomach turns in anxiety as I fear running into him. I know he said he was busy but a small part of me can't help wondering what if he is there? And if he is, could it be for me? Foolish, I'm sure. We pull in and I put on my best excited face as we head in.

"Malina, I didn't think you'd be here tonight since I haven't seen Noah." Scotty says as he puts his hand out for my purse, any of my concerns of seeing him leaving in a wave of relief and disappointment mixed.

"Oh uh, I came with my friends from back home today. They're visiting for my birthday." Scotty smiles as they all introduce themselves.

"Well, in that case, birthday round on me, what can I get you all?"

"Wait, as in alcohol?" Miguel asks, causing Scotty to laugh."

"Of course not, nice try though." Now Grace speaks up after hitting Miquelon in the arm.

"Good going, now you've ruined it for all of us." We all, including Scotty, laugh at this before ordering our non-alcoholic drinks and heading to the dance floor. While it's strange and almost baring to be here without Noah it also feels freeing. I am able to spend some quality time having blind fun at a place I already love with the people I love and I know love me.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now