(9) talked

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My heart pounds as I walk through the doors of a cute little corner cafe Noah sent me the address to last night after the club. I don't know why he wants to talk, but it is definitely causing my stomach to be in knots. I spot him immediately sitting in a booth in a corner. It makes me anxious, the realization we are sitting alone in a dimly lit place which should make me excited. It's like a nice date, but it doesn't feel like that. It feels like I'm walking to my doom. Even as his eyes meet mine and he smiles, it doesn't calm me down as much as it usually did. He hugs me and I sit down across from him.

"You seem nervous." His eyes meet mine and I can sense the humor in his voice that relaxes me finally and I laugh.

"Well yeah, you sounded serious about needing to talk, but never actually told me why. So yes, I am nervous." He just smiles.

"Well I figured I'd worried you so I just wanted to clear up a few things about last night." I furrow my brows in confusion.

"What about last night?" He sighs and straightens up a bit.

"The friends I was with last night are my band mates." I relax a bit, honestly feeling relieved.

"Oh uh okay, how many bands are you in?" We both laugh softly.

"Just the two, though Now United is bigger than Chump Change which is the friends you met that night in my garage who I love, but we aren't as I guess publicized. Now United is me and thirteen of my absolute best friends who are all from different countries." My eyes widen at the realization that all fourteen of them are in one band. Sharing one stage. He laughs as he sees my shock. "Yeah, there are a lot of us." I laugh.

"You could say that. Has that ever been done before?"

"I don't believe so, we're more like a team anyways, at least that was the original idea."

"Wow, that sounds amazing." I put my hands on his, hoping this really is all he wanted to talk about.

"It is." We stay in this moment of comfortably looking into each other's eyes in a mutual relaxed state until a flash of something went through his eyes and he pulled back. He runs his finger through his hair and then rubs his neck, not meeting my gaze of hurt and confusion. "There's something else. Grace said something that hasn't been sitting right with me." Chills go down my spine in fear.

"O-okay, what'd she say?"

"That your only relationship has been with a girl." My stomach sinks while my chest rises in anger. Not at Grace, but in defense. I've never apologized for being bisexual and I never will.

"Yeah, that's true. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, of course, it just surprised me. I don't have a problem with it its just the way she worded it made it seem like you never date guys. And I guess it just got me thinking that I'm an-" He stops himself.

"You're not an experiment." He looks up at me with guilt in his eyes. "And you're not horrible for thinking that. I've only been with one person. And it just happened to be a girl I fell in love with. I didn't tell you because I didn't find it necessary. If we were going to last then I obviously wouldn't be with women and if we ended with the summer then what was the point of having an awkward coming out conversation to someone I'll never see again? I mean, I don't even know your last name."

"Urrea." I look at him in confusion. He clears his throat. "My last name is Urrea." I start laughing which confuses him.

"You have the same initials as your band." He joins me in my laughter.

"Yeah, I do." We both laugh for a bit longer, all of the built up tension of before easing away. This feels so much better. Now, we can be completely honest and comfortable with each other.

"But yeah, you're not an experiment. Grace isn't wrong in saying that I haven't dated a guy but that's because I am only around the immature high school ones. Plus I mean, Akiya was my only real relationship before you anyways." Shit. My cheeks flush as I avoid making eye contact with him as I realize that I just admitted to myself in front of him that I want this to be real. He smiles, as if a weight has been lifted and my panic eases.

"I guess we're real then, huh?" I laugh softly.

"If that's okay with you." He places his hand on top of mine.

"It's perfect with me. And I am really sorry I didn't tell you about Now United, I guess I just wanted a sense of normalcy, you know?" I laugh.

"You're talking to a bisexual latina woman, of course I know." He laughs along before joining me on my side of the booth.

"Well, I really happen to like this bisexual latina woman." I giggle. Yes, I fucking giggle. I don't know who I am either.

"Good, because I really like this American boy." He smiles as he leans in to meet my lips in a kiss full of smiles and promises.

AHHH!! Okay, I don't know if you're all crying as much as I am, but anyways, we're almost done! I have one more (official) chapter to publish and then the summer Noah and Malina will be over:( Anyways, let me know in the comments what you want to see of their future, any songs for the playlist, or even how your day is going! Thank you so much for taking time out of your life to exist in my little world for a bit, all the love -M<3

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now