(6) avoiding

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It's 5 A.M. and I am driving to the airport to pick up Heyoon, Sina, Any, and Josh. I make the mistake of driving without music which only leaves me with my thoughts of Malina. Though, every time I try to play music, it ends up reminding me of her. She's the only thing on my mind. The way she smiles, moves, laughs, and how I'm only going to end up hurting her by telling her that I'm only busy for the next couple of weeks. There's no saying how busy I'll be after the concert. Simon is already talking about another world tour while Kyle and Yonta have been planning a headlining tour in Brasil. Those will each take one week at least, not to even mentions weeks of choreo and blocking and rehearsing. I can't drag Malina along for all of that. I should never have kissed her. Even though it was a good ass kiss. I need to stop. Stop thinking about her and stop talking to her. I need to break this off before we each get too attached.

I pull into the airport parking lot and head to baggage claim where I am to meet my friends. I spot Heyoon first and wrap her in a hug. Next, I can hear Josh and Any's reunion as I spot Sina coming for a hug from Heyoon. Once Josh and Any pull away, he comes charging towards me and we collide, almost falling over like all the other times. The girls all laugh as we say, trying to regain balance.

"Didn't you see each other two weeks ago?"

"Yeah, and?" They try to stifle laughs as they roll their eyes.

"Nothing." Josh and I release each other to finish hugging everyone. Once everyone's been greeted by everyone, we head to the car rental to get a car for Sina. Once we get the car, Sina takes Any and Heyoon to the hotel as I take Josh and we meet them there. Once we're all checked in, we get breakfast and change into swimsuits to make the most out of the pool like we always do when we arrive at a hotel and have free time. We spend who knows how long talking and laughing, mainly catching up on the past few weeks without each other and wondering about the future. It's always so crazy how different our lives are at home and yet how we all get along so well and have experienced most of the best moments together. We're a team, but we're also family. Around 1, we realize we've been in there all morning and should go get something to eat. A half hour later we're all sitting at a booth in a diner munching on deliciously greasy food before rehearsal diets and work out routines start. We're in easy and light hearted conversation but I keep thinking I hear Malina' voice or laugh somewhere close and decide I'm going crazy and excuse myself to the bathroom so I can collect myself. I take a few deep breaths and splash my face with cold water. As I do so, I hear someone say Josh's name and a big commotion afterwards. I'm assuming someone recognized him which is strangely followed by Any and Heyoon singing happy birthday to someone. I smile to myself as I walk out, seeing Josh taking a picture of the group I'm assuming recognized him. Once he finishes and hands back the phone, he wishes a happy birthday to- Malina! I run back into the bathroom, hoping she didn't see me. I'm such a coward, I can't even look her in the face for more than five seconds. The door opens, startling me and revealing Josh with the guys that were with Malian. They're all laughing about something that had happened before.

"Hey, you good? You just missed Any and Heyoon serenading some people who recognized me. I will never get used to that." Josh asks as I  smile.

"It's crazy, right? And yeah, I'm good. Just nervous about Simon's decision." Josh nods as the guys come back out to wash their hands and talk to Josh again.

"Thanks again man, you have no idea how happy you mad your friend back home." Josh smiles.

"Of course! And wish Lina another happy birthday for me." They nod and leave.


"Birthday girl. She's cute too."

"Yeah, she is." I think, apparently out loud. Josh looks at me questioningly. I smile awkwardly and head towards the door. "Shall we?" He nods, going out the door.

"We shall."

Wow, hi everyone! Thank you so much for the reads, it means so much🥺 This chapter and the next are going to be really short. I have midterm exams coming up which means that I am going to be extremely busy and will be unable to post for a few weeks. I plan to update on January 1st, hope you all have happy holidays:)

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now