(5) kissed

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"So how's it going with your mystery date from a few nights ago?" I can hear Dean gasp as Grace laughs because my cheeks heat up.

"It's going good, thank you." I'm trying to not have them ask more, but I know Dean and he will never let this go.

"That's all? I didn't even know about this until three seconds ago and all you have is "going good." I laugh.

"There's not much to tell, we only really talk at the dance thing." Sam now joins the call, shaking out his hair as he most likely just got out of the shower.

"Sam, tell Lina that we need more deets on her mystery date." Sam's eyes widen.

"Lina got a date!? What happened to "humans are toxic and high schoolers don't know what they're doing." I roll my eyes.

"He's 18. Therefore, no more high school."

"He's a he?" Grace is now fully attentive.

"Yeah. I know it's not my recent type, but it's been 6 months since the thing with Akiya. I deserve to move on. And Noah is so sweet and funny and not a childish high schooler." They're all quiet until Dean breaks the silence.

"You're blushing." I glare at him.

"Shut up."

"You are."

"I didn't ask for your input Sam." My phone goes off and they all snap back to me. I look at it and smile. "Yes it's him, shut up."

"What'd he say?" I look at the message and laugh.

"He's asking about a song we danced to last night." Dean is strumming on his guitar while Grace plays the piano as they argue between notes. Sam is now in his bathroom messing with his hair. Grace stops playing and looks to me.

"You should ask him to a drive in movie, they still have those right?" I nod. "And with that truck your grandpa has you can make a little snuggly area."

"Oh my goodness that's genius! I'll have to do that with Tori." Dean is suddenly on paused but comes back sad. "I don't have a truck." We all laugh as this is a normal with Dean, getting ahead of himself while wanting to be the most romantic boyfriend possible.

"I guess I could ask him, I think Singin In The Rain is playing tonight and as you all know, I love that musical."

"Ask him ask him ask him." Dean chants as he goes back to his room.

"Okay okay, I'll ask him." I put my hands up in surrender as Noah replies saying thank you and I decide to take my chance.

noah || malina

no problem, hey I was wondering are you by any chance busy tonight?

Nope, free as a bird. Why?

well I heard that Singin In The Rain is playing at a drive in theater and it's one of my favorites so I thought it'd be fun.

That sounds perfect, what time?

well the movie starts at 7:30 so i'll pick you up around 7?

Yeah, that works. I'll send you my address. Can't wait:)

Once he sends his address I leap up. I have to ask Bapa for the truck and then clean it and get blankets and snacks because movie theatre food is always obnoxiously expensive.

a sense of normalcy//a Noah Urrea fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now