2. Found-Vampire knight-Lost brother

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Thanks to MichelleT for telling me to write this story!!!

ok so im gonna mabye do one of these every time k? ok i might make some spelling mistakes i am not the best at it hehe anyways heres my FIRST STORY so dont get mad at me if it is terrible. Ok by the way POV means point ov view and (sp?) means i might have made a spelling mistake and PLEASE comment i want feed back! 

Fun Fact----- They made english fandub of the vampire knight theme songs


Zeros POV (yous should know who he is if you have watch the anime or read the manga) 

I was walking into town cause the headmaster asked me to hunt down a level E. As i was walking into the deserted part of town i saw a little girl, ok i was exaggerating... She looked about 11 or 12.  She was wearing a hood so i couldn't see her face, but i could see the bangs covering here eyes they looked silver but i may have been mistaken. I had that feeling that i have seen her before but i shrugged it off. Then i saw it, The level E i was hunting was sneaking up on her bearing his fangs. "WATCH OU....." i said but then i stopped when i saw her pull out a 3 foot kantana(sp?)  the sheath was dark blue with silver engravings of a dragon on it, my first reaction vampire hunting sword... The hilt of the sword was the dragons head while the beam of metal that separates the hilt and the blade (someone tell me what it is called please) were dragon wings, so the blade was the 'tail of the dragon'. The girl turned around with lightning fast speed and cut the level E in half. I was surprised how could she have done it? Then it hit me that was the legendary sword Ryu no iki. Dragons Breath. then I thought wasn't that the sword passed down in my family? no it couldn't be... it must just be copied. She turned towards me and raised her sword, head down and short silver bangs covering her eyes. "Vampires" she said,her voice smooth and soft, yet you could hear the hate and disgust in her voice. She looked at me now her glare staring into my own. Then I knew who it was, She was 


Keep goin

Keep goin

She was my.... sister big red eyes staring at me with hate loneliness. Then her gaze softened and tears filled her eyes, not tears of sadness, but joy. She almost dropped her sword in joy she sheathed her sword and ran over to me at like 20 mph and grasped onto me. I rested my head on her head she was only like 5' 4, (She is 12 year old), while i was 6'0 she sobbing for about 10 minutes until she let go. I never wanted to let go of her but i agreed only to see her face again. "I thought you died" she said with sadness. Then she asked me a bunch of question "why do you smell like a vampire? Where are you living? Are you ok? have you fell to level E? I'M SO WORRIED" she yelled gripping onto my shoulders more tears cascading down her cheeks. "I will answer all your questions when we get back to Cross Academy." "where is that?" Where I live" "oh ok" she replied Then she said "wait you live at a school?" "yea the headmaster adopted me but i don't call him father that's just weird."


Ok that sit for now! comment if i should continue!!!!! WARNING SLOW UPDATES SOMETIMES

Vampire knight-Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now