16. Horseback Riding-Found Brothers-Vampire knight

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Akira POV

I was on thunder while Zero was on Lilly and Ichiru was on Thunder with me. Ichiru doesn't have to much experience with horses. "Hey Zero" "What?" "Do you want to race?" "Sure but i will win" "Nu uh i didn't use thunders full speed at the race cause it would have been obvious that he wasn't a normal horse!" "Eh whatever lets just race" Zero said "Ok Ichiru hang on!" "Ready Set GO" We raced around campus but, we had to slow down to weave through all of the day class students. They were all staring at us. It felt pretty awesome. We ran and ran. Weaving and jumping over day class students, when it was time for guardian duties. "Hey ichiru can you jump off so we can handle the girls?" "Sure" Thunder took a step back and jumped over the fangirls at the gate. When we got to the center Thunder reared making all the girl back up like 10 ft on zero's side he just stood still and they all backed away from lilly and Zero. When the night class came out the horses turned towards the gate and glared, if looks could kill they would die in a second. When Aido tried to pet thunder, thunder just tried to bite his hand. When takuma tried to pet Lilly, well he backed away at Lilly's glare.

-Night Patrol-

I went to put the horses back as i came out something whacked me in the head "Owww i whined. i felt a liquid run down my head. i stood up slowly and walked in a daze to try and find Zero, Ichiru, or Yuki. "Oh Zero there you are can you help me?"  when 'Zero' turned around it wast 'Zero' perhaps my vision was messing with me. "Hey Can you help me?" When i saw his face it was a Level E my eyes widened as i tried reaching for my gun. i held it up and pointed it towards the sky and shot. It would hopefully make noise so the others could find me, but ight after the level came behind me and licked my neck. "Yummmm, you smell good." I tried reaching for my sword but he wrapped his arms around my waist including my arms with his other hand he covered my Mouth sunk his fangs into my neck and boy did it hurt like he!!.

--Zero POV--

I smelt blood so i raced to where the smell was coming from. The scent was moving so i followed it when i got to the final scent i saw Akira. There was a level E there to it was biting into Akira. It looked like her head got hit by a brick. 


I know terrible place to stop

Vampire knight-Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now