6.5-Info!!!-Vampire knight-Lost Brother

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Ok for this part is going to be ALL  in Akiras POV and i am going to explain some more stuff along the way. 


It was a sunny day when i was playing with my friend Mary. "I got to go sorry" she said "Awww" "i know i have to go eat dinner" she said. as soon as she was out of sight i brought out my demon wings and flew my way home i put my wings as soon as the house was visible. The Kiryu's adopted me thinking i would be a great hunter. They were right, but i was 1/4 vampire. They didn't care they still loved me, especially Ichiru. The thing is, they don't know i'm 1/4 demon to. When Ichiru was asleep and sick, i made sure no one was looking and used my demon powers to speed up his healing. My eyes glowed black with red outlining my iris and pupil, but one night i was healing Ichiru and Zero stepped in on me. I was scared what he would do with me. I jumped out the window and ran as fast as i could tears streaming down my face. i stopped at a tree and sat down out of breath. When i felt better i walked back to Zero and the horrible things he would do to me. When i got there i smelt blood, lots if it. I smashed the window and ran inside. In front of my eyes i saw my parents dead, next to them i saw Zero. He was barley alive. I could hear his heart pumping slowly. Just on time i here sirens. I looked as cops kicked down the door with there guns cocked. I grabbed my daddy's sword and got in attack stance i was only five then. "Get AWAY from them!" i cried harder harder and sunk down to my knees. A guy on the side cam over to me and i just looked back at him and ran "Gomenasi Zero" (sorry Zero) I picked up my daddy's sword and ram. I ran and ran until i found my secret hiding spot. It was deep in the Forest through a bunch of hanging moss I even weaved my own little house. above it i built a tree house. Then I saw an injured white wolf sitting in the corner of the woven house. It had two deep gashes, one on its neck and the other on its side I ran over and tried to heal it. i took some bandages that i had laying in the corner and wrapped its wound. I then went to look for berries. I found a couple and brought it back to the wold He ate them and nuzzled his nose into my lap. I giggles and said "I Will name you..... Red Knight. Yea that name fits you. I will call you red for short!" I Laughed and he licked my face. I hugged him close to me as we fell asleep for the night.


The end!!!!!!!!!!! anyway my soccer game we lost but it was better than last time we played the team. 

Previous- 0-6

Now- 0-2

See better!!!!! anyway thanks for reading can you PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE IF YOU LIKED IT OR HATED IT PLEASE COMMENT!!!!

Thanks Bye!!!!

Vampire knight-Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now