||Chapter 1||

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Legolas paced in his room as he reread the letter he has received earlier on, the one held dear to him loved him back and he was ecstatic about the news, unaware of the time he was losing, he casually made his way towards his father's study, where the Elven king was sorting through his own letters. "Ada, I've come to tell you I wish to be wed, to (y/n), my one."

Hearing his son, Thranduil couldn't help but let a small smile creep up his lips, he had known about his son's feelings towards the she-elf and could not help but secretly cheer him on, "And? When will we be able to see her?" He asked, Legolas gave a toothy smile, showing his dimple, "I will depart tomorrow to find her, with your permission of course." "But of course, you are free to leave, I expect good news upon your return." And with that Legolas was off to write to (y/n).

Dearest, (y/n),

You've no idea how much I longed to know how you felt towards me, worry not meleth nin, you are someone I hold dear to me as well, I love you, more than anyone will ever know. I will come to find you soon.

Until then, please wait for me, no matter where you are I swear I'll be there, and then I will ask for your hand in marriage, Ada has already approved, you know how he can be.

My Love, will you not make this easier for me and just tell me where you are? I can't take not being able to see you after so long, I want your warm embrace and your soft voice, do you still smell of mint and lavender? I miss you so.

With love, Legolas.

Dearest, Legolas,

My heart skips a beat as I read through your letter, of course I will wait, I am beyond ecstatic to know you reciprocate my feelings, and that you want to wed me as well, I will do my best to live up to your expectations as your wife.

I will make this easier for you as I also miss you dearly, find me on the southern borders of Greenwood, hurry Legolas.

With love, (y/n).

The sound of hooves could be heard through the southern towns of Greenwood as Legolas made his way towards the border of the town, coming across a lonely looking hut near the edge of the forest, and her.

The love of his life looked so pale at the moment as she watered the flowers and herbs from her garden, "(y/n)..." He whispered, the said elf looked up and dropped her watering can, a look of both shock and happiness painting her face, "L-Legolas I—I did not expect you would come so soon—" She couldn't finish her sentence as another cough racked her body, Legolas worriedly got off his horse and approached her, immediately noticing the blood that stained her hands, "Meleth nin... What's going on?" He asked after she had calmed down from her coughing fit.

She shook her head, "It's nothing, just a cough, p—please come in, I'll get you some tea." She leads him inside her home and immediately began to make some tea, "Will you tell me what's wrong or will I have to ask the healers? You are making me anxious by the minute (y/n)." He spoke, although he was happy about seeing her, he couldn't help but feel she was hiding something from him, and he didn't like that one bit.

"To tell you the truth, even the healers do not know what's wrong." She started. Her soft voice like a symphony that sounded like it hadn't been played for a long time, after all she wasn't one to talk. "What do you mean?" "It started about a year ago, I suddenly kept coughing, kept having fevers and wasn't really feeling that great in general. I went to the healers and they knew nothing about it or what could have caused it. The best they could do was prescribe me with medicinal herbs that I now grow in the garden."

"Legolas, I think I'm dying."

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