the start of secrets-1

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"your amazing sweetie but i uh its just you see-" betty tries to explain to the girl rearing a shirt that was 4x to small for her josie face palming her self at this. cheryl was on her phone her feet kicked up on the table ignoring their managers glares from the corner. veronica sat taking selfies with her tongue out and some with puckered lips.

"you WILL REGRET THUS." the girl with the thick braces screams as her mom ushers her out the door sending apologies before shutting the door.

"this is hopeless. forty girls and one transgender and nothing interesting. " veronica whines as cheryl snorts at her comment.

"don't speak like that someone will come up, right Ryan?." betty says smiling turning to the manager who wore his normal urban attire. he smiles his brown eyes warming up from the normal snappy pushy ones.

"of course, just one more. " he says although he was convincing himself more than the blonde in the mini skirt.

"well i say we say fuck it and go get ice cream. " cheryl says popping her gum and veronica nods agreeing with her.

"language ." betty warns cheryl rolling her eyes.

"we cant be fifth secrete without the fifth secrete . '' josie rolls her eyes Ryan nods in agreement.

"well it isn't my fault midge fell off of a bridge. " cheryl says laying her head on the table betty patting her back.

"IM HERE !" a voice shouts running into the room. everyone looks up to be met with a short Burnette with blonde highlights. she had caramel skin with soft honey colored eyes. she wore a red sweater with the word 'nerd' on the middle, black jeans with converses and reading glasses. cheryl smirked at the dorky attire while betty clapped thinking she was adorable. veronica nodded approvingly as did ryan. josie raising an eyebrow as a sort of challenge.

"hi, im toni topaz. and well i lost my bra this- wait i wasn't suppose to say that part. um im here to audition for the fifth secrete." she rambles the four girls sharing odd looks that toni couldn't decipher.

"show us what you got. " josie says with a smirk.

"okay im singing bad reputation by shawn Mendes." toni fan girls making cheryl bite her lip veronica roll her eyes and the two girls nod seriously as if she was talking about world peace.

"She got a bad reputation

She takes the long way home

And all of my friends seen her naked

Or so the story goes

Mistakes we all make them

But they won't let it go, no

'Cause she's got a bad reputation

But I know what they don't

And I don't care what they say about you baby

They don't know what you've been through

Trust me, I could be the one to treat you like a lady

Let me see what's underneath, all I need is you

She got a bad reputation

Nobody gets too close

A sight of a soul when it's breaking

Making my heart grow cold

And into the deeper she's sinking

I'm begging her please don't let go

She's got a bad reputation

But she's all that, all I want though

And I don't care what they say about you baby

They don't know what you've been through

And trust me, I could be the one to treat you like a lady

Let me see what's underneath, all I need is you " toni finishes opening her eyes and smiling brightly acting if she didn't just sing such a meaningful and deep song better than the actual singer.

"right, well I'll keep in touch and im my moms number is on the information box because well she didn't want to put mine if this was a hoax. oh and i love your shirt. " toni goes back to rambling talking about Josie's crop top.

"you're in. " the four girls and the manager say at the same time. Toni's jaw fall agape. "wha- me? "

"no the more attractive bitch behind you? yes you. " veronica says and toni does some weird dance before assaulting the Latina with a fierce hug almost knocking her out her chair. she then gives Josie the same hug then Betty who pats her back. then it was Cheryl and toni stopped for a moment. she looked at the red haired girl with chocolate eyes and nearly drooled. she wore a ripped jean jacket with a white hoodie underneath. black jeans with ugs and her hair flowing down her back. blushing toni leans in for a gentle hug.

toni pulls away and that's when Ryan stands up.

"bitch ass bitch get up!" veronica and josie sing almost scream beating a fork on a pot as the three other girls were asleep on the bus.

"bitch ass Bitch wake up say what !" josie says beating two pots together in a somewhat beat. betty groans covering her face with a pillow. cheryl on the verge of homicide. toni just sleeping peacefully.

"take it away!" veronica points the fork at josie who grinds on air.

"its six in the morning wall bitches best stop snoring yeah i know you here that alarm clock y'all ignoring. we got an interview y'all know its boring bitch ass bitch wake up say what. "  josie says hitting the pots together once more.

"bitch ass bitc-" cheryl slides out of bed in one move pinning veronica to the wall with her hand over her mouth.

"shut. the. fuck up. " cheryl says the vein on her neck nearly popping. betty groggily rolls out of bed. josie continues top bang the pots.

"the bitch ass bitch woke up ya. " Josie screamer and betty groans loudly before grabbing her outfit veronica and cheryl glaring at each-other.

they were five minuets down the road in the fan bobby there driver and body guard was driving the girls and that when cheryl face palms herself.

"we forgot toni. " cheryl announce and they all look around in panic.

"the bitch ass bitch didn't wake up!" josie and veronica say at the same time

just an intro but how is the story should i continue, thoughts on characters?

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