naked yoga-13

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"baby , babe, cherry!" toni calls as cheryl was half asleep on the bed not paying attention to toni at all.

"grnjkahj whattttt?" she groans into the pillow half awake.

""babe can you do me a favor"

"no now go back to sleep. " she said pulling the blanket over her head, blocking out toni.

"but baby i need to take a shower. "

"youre a big girl, you can do it by yourself. " cheryl said back.

"see i agree and i would, but theres a spider in there. " cheryl sat up letting the sheets fall from her face. to toni, she looked kind of adorable since she was still mostly asleep, but she also looked a little scary, like the grudge. the way her red hair was falling in front of her face.

"are you fucking serious right now?" toni was surprised by the clarity in her voice and slightly turned on by its raspy tone. she nodded and cheryl got up with a sigh. toni stayed in the bed and waited for her girlfriend to return from the war grounds aka the bathroom. she did and got back in the bed without a word said to toni.

"thank you." she said quietly afraid it would upset cheryl even more. she received a grunt in return. "i love you." another grunt. she giggled and went to take her shower.

when she came back out of the shower, cheryl was still lazily thrown on the bed. she rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. toni crawled on the bed holding her towel up and pulled the cover back from cheryls face. "cher, you have to wake up we got to go to the studio then dress shopping for the teen choice awards. "

"but i donnt wanna. " cheryl whined.

"you have too . i want to be out of this hotel by today. plus howelse are you going to by me expensive gifts?" toni jokes.

"by it yourself, you make just as much as i do. "

"yeah but i like it when you do it. "

"thats ridicoulous just yesterday you ranted at me for paying for dinner saying chivarly is dead, plus you are completely missing the point of me buying you things. and its not the same when you tell me to by it for you. then i just become the future wife that buys you shiny things because you want them not because i see it and think youd look great with it, and then i buy it as a gift" toni sat back on her legs and smiled at the fact cheryl was sitting up and speaking clearly. she grinned and didnt respond."what nothing to say now?"

"not really, cause now your up, good morning my love. "

"i hate you so damn muxh." cheryl mumbles as she stood up and walked into the bathroom. toni went to her suitcase that was still had all the neat clothes inside unluck cheryl whose clothes were everywhere. she picked a pair of light low cut skinny jeans, a red sweatshirt, black reading glasses, and her hair in a ponytail. she was in the middle of laying out her clothes when cheryl came out with a mouth full of toothpaste foam. "and another thing, it was completely wrong of you to wake me up with an argument, you know i love to debate. " cheryl declared walking back into the bathroom. toni giggled and finished getting ready.

she was completelly dressed and her hair was down when cheryl came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"so about this thing your making me do with your mom and sister this weekend do i have to like i dont be proper?"

" no just come to my house smoking weed and cursing out jesus, " toni rolled her eyes and cheryl smirked.

"k thnks should i wear my i hate people shirt or the im going to fuck your daught hoodie when we go?"

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