1st music video- 9

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hi hello im on an interstate to fl rn yay

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"so cheryl everyone on twitter wants to know, what's your sexuality?" the elle interviewer ask the five look at each other toni coughing loudly.

"Im byesexual. " she says and everyone gasp and the interviewer turns to the camera with a 'i just got the tea' look. " As in, bye, dont touch me". she concludes and the interviewer laughs nervously.

".... so veronica what's your favorite color?" she ask hoping to kill the awkwardness.

"oh josie. " josie raises an eyebrow and everyone does the same.

"wait what was the question?"


"cant we all just have 1 normal interview. " betty groans taking off her jacket.

"i do what i want. " toni shrugs and everyone giggles at the shortest member.

"what I DO WHAT I WANT" she says louder and that's when cheryl kisses her cheek. "sure tt. " she says before grabbing a water.

"its not funny v. " toni glares at veronica, her bestfriend.

"it is though. "

"no the fuck its not. "

"im gonna call your mom if you curse again." josie chuckles.

toni remains quiet but pouts sitting down.

"the video shoot starts in an hour be ready. " cheryl says tossing josie a water. "im excited guys its our first video. " betty claps excitedly and veronica frowns.

"well yeah but then we go home for three weeks. im going to miss you stupid hoes. " josie agrees but stands up. "it's okay vero i'll face time you two times a week for as long as you want. " veronica beams up.

"thankyou boo. " veronica says pulling her in for a tight hug.

"are you really going to call my mom?" toni ask in a scared tone.


when they all get to the set they see a red convertible parked on the side of the open road. tons of camera crews, a makeup crew along with wardrobe. but what caught there eyes were the shirtless models with built bodies blonde hair and some with curly brown hair sitting there with mirrors fixing their hair.

"why are there hot men right there. " veronica points accusingly at the attractive boys.

"that my friend is sexy models that you dance with at the end of the video. hi im ralph the director." they turn around to be met with a tall man with a purple scarf, a gray blazer and nice jeans with loafers.

"are yall ready for the best music video of 2019?" he smirks and that's when they all got surrounded with crews.


"it just took us five hours to shoot a four minuet video. " josie groans laying down on the sofa in the buss. betty gathered veronica and toni up who were half asleep.

"come girls time for bed. " betty says to toni and veronica who follow behind her.

"you ready to go back to Georgia tomorrow. " cheryl ask her close friend sitting down beside josie.

"i mean yes, but im going to miss you guys. we practically were all in each others faces for two months. now we don't get to see each other for 3 weeks. " josie says and cheryl smiles.

"yeah im going to miss betty lecturing me about leaving my shoes in the middle of the hallway, or fighting with veronica, or are four hour talks about ryan gosling and Zayn Malik. " cheryl says and josie smirks at the last part.

"i still call dibs on gosling. it's only 3 weeks then we are back to the life of being semi famous. but are we gonna talk about you and toni being apart for three weeks? her mom and sister moved to LA so it's not like she's in new York with you anymore. " josie says and cheryl frowns she was trying not to think of that. as much as she wanted to see toni as much as possible through the break, she had promised her brother and mom that she would spend some time with them as well. plus it's not like she could just fly across the country on the regular.

"im going to miss the hell out of her. " cheryl pouts and josie puts her arms out. "c'mere. "josie says wrapping her arms around her friend.

"it's only for three weeks, you can lesbianize over the internet, or you can gay together over video chat. " cheryl pouts hugging her back.

"yeah but it's not the same. " she complains and that's when she heard a loud screech.

"Veronica Cecilia Lodge don't MAKE ME COME IN THERE" betty screams as toni and veronica giggle.

"you're dating a four year old. " josie laughs and cheryl groans. "isn't it so cute though. "


"so are we gonna talk about you and cheryls first time together. and most importantly your first time. " veronica says from inside of toni's bunk after betty groaned for her not to be.

"how do you know?" toni ask grabbing her hello kitty stuffed animal and holding it to her chest as veronica held her dinosaur.

"you could hear it from three rooms over. and plus the v glow. " veronica says toni chooses not to question it.

"i googled and watched everything available two nights prior. i spent five hours watching porn and orange is the new black eating chocolate ice cream. " toni says with a smile.

"sounds like my Friday nights. " veronica sighs before looking back up to toni " was she good?" veronica ask and toni's face lights up.

"at first it elt weird but then... and i was like....then she licked my-"

"that's enough of that story. " veronica cringed

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