timothy smith- 4

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yall know what to do

"amazing show tonight ladies." the man with the light chocolate colored skin says with a smirk. he wore a purple suit with a light purple tie. he had a built body with a bald head and a little facial hair around his chin.

the girls were backstage betty chugging a bottle of water as she was coated with a thin layer of sweat. much like the other girls.

"thanks bro....i mean thankyou captain sir." veronica panics and solutes to the man in front of her earning a confused look from josie and a concerned one from cheryl.

"cheryl and toni can i have a few words with you young gals for a second. he says his assistant handing him a glass of what cheryl guessed to be whiskey. toni looked confused and scared but nodded. cheryl only followed behind the short brown eyed girl.

"so is choni real or what?" he ask once they were a god distant away from every one. cheryl found herself blushing and toni did the same.

"no of course not. " toni says cheryl agreeing with her.

"right," he says not believing a word the two girls said. "well im going to put it to you this way, this could be a great thing, or a bad thing. but either way publicity. " he chuckles a devious laugh.

"so whats that suppose to mean?" cheryl crossed her toned arm and gave a test me glare to the man.

"nothing for now. have a great week girls. " the man with the pearly white teeth winks and walks away sipping on his whiskey.

"so," cheryl says turning to toni realising the two hadn't talked since the whole choni thing that morning.

"so." toni says awkwardly.

"look this whole choni thin-" cheryl starts but gets cut off.

"its choni. *sh own e* choni. not *ch own e.* jeeze you think you'd learn your own ship name. " toni says making a goofy smile come to play on cheryls lips, on reserved for toni only.

"about the other night-" cheryl begins but gets interrupted once again.

"cheryl and toni lets go crazy fan tried to tackle betty.. " veronica says and cheryl groans.

"not again," cheryl says rushing towards betty who looked mortified.


"I cleaned my bunk. " cheryl says smiling at betty who took out something from her purse.

"good job here. " betty places a purple sticker with a cat on it on cheryls arm.

" Youre giving me a sticker? " cheryl ask unamused by her sticker.

" Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying "me-wow." " betty says pointing to the words below the animal.

" Im not a preschooler. " cheryl scoffs crossing her arms.

"Fine, Ill take it back. "

" I earned this. Back off." cheryl says swatting betty's hand away and walking away.

"im going to go meet my friend at waffle house i'll be back in an hour okay?" josie says standing up patting toni's leg. toni nodded with a soft smile at her friend.

"hey vero toss me my purse?"

veronica picks up A laptop and throws it across the bus which smashes on the ground beside her josie who jumped out of the way.

" I said my purse! " josie screeches and toni cover her hands with her mouth.

" I thought you said laptop! " veronica yells back.

"Why the fuck would I say printer?! " josie says grabbing her purse and slamming the door.


"knock knock" toni says from beside cheryls bunk where cheryl was currently reading her book in.

"whos there?' cheryl smirks closing her book.

"its not a knock knock joke. " toni rolls her eyes and that only increases cheryls smirk.

"its not a knock knock joke who?" toni glares at her before cheryl slides over so she could get in as well.

"where's everybody?" cheryl ask casually.

"she went out with her friend. veronica and betty are in the kitchen. " toni says only now she was glancing at cheryls bare full lips.

"oh," cheryl paused once she caught toni staring at her lips she consciously swiped her tongue across her bottom lip which made the younger girl gulp.

the soft beat to a 'the weekend ' song on cheryls I pod, the only sound was the two's breath.

"I wanted to say earlier if you felt awkward with the kiss im sorry I know you don't like girls b-" cheryl was interrupted by the same lips as two nights ago on her cheek.

"it was amazing. " toni breathed out in a soft low voice. cheryl got lost in honey colored orbs and slowly leaned in connecting her lips to toni's jaw. toni closed her eyes enjoying the heat that cheryl brought out of her. cheryl leans back her head resting against the wall. cheryl wore gray sweatpants and a black tank top showing off her toned arms toni was in short boy shorts and a oversized t shirt that looked to be veronica's.

"I don't want to talk. " toni places a finger over cheryls lips cheryl nods and toni removes her finger.

"then what do you want to do?" cheryl ask quietly.

"this." toni leans in and connects her lips to cheryls. cheryls hands immediately grip toni's hips as toni straddles her waist. the kiss grew heated quickly. cheryls palms circling and massaging toni's hips. toni's tongue swiped cheryls bottom lip asking for entrance. wanting to give in but didn't want to over step cheryl leaned back but still close to her.

"are you sure?" cheryl ask concerned that she was stepping in fire.

"more than ever. " toni says connecting their lips again this time getting the entrance she wished for.


"I was gone for an hour. 1 hour and you already were almost killed!" josie rubs her temples as betty and toni held back cheryl and veronica.

"she started this shit!" cheryl growls and toni struggles to hold her back.

"let me get this correct, veronica decided to make dinner, mac n cheese to be correct. she asked betty toni and you if you were hungry. only toni agreed that she was. " josie says and they all nod and josie continues.

"then come dinner time cheryl wanted a plate and you told her to fuck off and go make her own damn cheesy noodles. " josie says looking between the two girls.

"yes I fucking did. " veronica says and cheryl scoffs.

"the bitch did. " cheryl glares .

"and then betty came in and asked for a plate and you gave her a huge bowl. " josie ask and betty looks between everyone.

"well what the fuck was I suppose to do starve her?" veronica gasp and rolls her eyes before strutting away but not before picking up toni on her shoulder to go watch the lion king with her.

"hey I was hanging out with toni!" cheryl follows and josie and betty face palms their selves.

"just one night. " josie says up to the sky as if talking to god "that's all I ask. "

opinions on character?

favourite character?

favourite duo ( choni is otp but like friend wise. )

the 5th secret ( choni + riverdale girls au )Where stories live. Discover now