Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Thanks for taking a chance on my story. I have to warn you though there will be talk about abusive relationships so if you are triggered by that please beware. I won't repeat this warning. So, please beware! Anyways onto the story!




Dear Lee Dong-Min or as you now call yourself, Cha Eun-woo.

You lied to me and left me all alone, you knew I was looking forward to university together. I thought you didn't want to be alone, but now I know, you're not alone. At least not like me.

How are you, Cha Eun-woo? Do you talk to people about your problems like you did with me?

Are you having fun? Being an idol. I wanted to become an actor with you, I guess that dream left along with my love for you.

...Expect it didn't.

I still wake up hearing your voice asking 'how was your sleep?' or 'have you eaten yet?'. I still remember your smile and how your eyes closed when I told you jokes. I remember your black silky hair, how it fell perfectly on your beautiful skin. 

Do you remember the gifts I've given you? Do you remember the jokes I've told you or the company I've given you? What about the help with school work? 

Do you even remember me?

 I hope you do because I can never forget about you...

Sincerely your childhood friend,

Yi Jeong-Hui 

I looked up from the letter. The view before me was beautiful, filled with kids playing, families having picnics, and dogs with their owners. All these beautiful sceneries wasted on the thought of that backstabber...



male who caused me to fall in love with him... 

My face got hot, maybe in embarrassment or in anger but I couldn't help the liquid rolling down my eyes. I couldn't help the feeling in my throat that wanted to be released right there in that very moment.

It's all his fault...

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see a male who looked so similar to my one true love. His voice was definitely different and his face wasn't as soft and his hair wasn't as silky, but he reminded me so much of him.

"Uhh... yes," I said. I stared at his light brown eyes his thumb wiping the tears from my eyes. My face felt so hot, the heat suffocating. 

"You don't look so okay," he said. A smile spread across his face, a genuine smile, looking right into my eyes.

"I just don't want to talk about it now," I said looking at my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Then let's talk about it over ice cream-," he coyly grabbed my chin forcing me to make direct eye contact.

"-We don't even have to talk about it!" he said immediately not wanting to offend me. 

"Sure," I said smiling just like him, a pink blush dusting his cheeks.

That was the day my life fell apart, no one told me to be careful. No one told me not to trust those beautiful eyes and that gorgeous smile. Now I'm in a relationship with someone who doesn't love me and uses me for my money.

"Yah! Jeong-hui! I'm hungry, get me some chicken and lots of beer!" he yelled pulling me out of my studying trance. I needed to do good in this exam. 

"Honey, I'm studying," I said my voice soft and scared of his reaction. I heard footsteps getting louder and louder, the hairs on my neck raised up.

"You're talking back to me?" he glared at me. His face showed nothing but anger.

"I'm studying... if I fail this class my scholarship won't cover my tuition, please," I begged. My eyes teared up, I didn't want to fail and leave like my parents.

"I don't care!" he yelled. In an instance, I had a burning feeling on my cheek and my body made contact to the floor. I kind of just laid there in fear and in shock, he has called me names but never had he ever hit me. 

It scared me. 

We've been dating for years now and he didn't make me the happiest person in the world, but he gave me company. It was better than thinking about Cha Eun-woo and stalking his Instagram account. I still do sometimes, don't get me wrong, but it isn't the only thing I did.

The last thing I remember was the group disbanding. I wanted to care so much, to cry, but that group took the only man I've ever loved. Now this man that I neither love nor care for is hurting me, just like my parents. 


Everyone at school would put me up on a pedal stool. I was a girl who could have a perfect job, perfect education, perfect family, and perfect life. I had potential, lots of it. It was all wasted on this man who had the potential to screw me over. 

He pulled my hair, pulling me up, his breath sent chills down my spine. I felt so scared of what he was going to do. 

I've never been scared of him like his.

"Now go buy me some food. I'm hungry," he snared. He grabbed my hair tighter pushing me away my body falling from the force. I quickly ran the second I was out of his grasp, I ran into the restroom seeing how bad my injury was.

There was a large bruise covering my check, I quickly covered it up with makeup not wanting to take a long time. In a few minutes, I was out of the house in a hurry, going to his favorite restaurant. 

After I got the food, I walked as fast as I could. Along the way, I saw someone who would change the rest of my life for the better.

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