Chapter 24

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I walked through the chilly night with Jeong-Hui my arm still linked with hers. "Hey, Jeong-Hui didn't you say you're still in school?" I said interrupting the silence.

"...yeah. Why?" she asked looking at me.

"Well isn't it getting close to the end of the school year?" I asked.

"Yeah... and?" Jeong-Hui looked away almost disinterested in the subject.

"We need to celebrate when you finish a year."

"...I'm actually going to finish university, it's my final year," Jeong-Hui made eye contact with me again.

My eyes widen as I felt so proud and equally shocked, "Even more of a reason to celebrate!"

"You are right... I guess," she beautifully smiled nodding.

I ended up walking Jeong-Hui to her house... at 3 o'clock in the morning. It was a bit of a blur, we just ended up eating and laughing and walking around and suddenly it's 3 in the morning. 

"Goodnight," I told Jeong-Hui in front of her door.

"Wait, you're going home... now?" Jeong-Hui asked me, cutely tilting her head.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because it's really late... I don't want you to walk home alone, it's dark," she softly said.

I smiled at how adorable she was, "Don't worry about me, go to sleep."

"No," she directly said, a small frown replacing her sweet smile.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I lightly said.

"Stay over!" she abruptly said, shocking me.

Shocked, I felt heat travel up my cheeks as I stuttered some words out, "W-what? W-wait, that... that... I'm... I..."

Jeong-Hui laughed looking at my flustered state, "You can stay over if you want, I've known you for practically my whole life... I... I trust you." She trusts me, wow.

"It's okay, I can just walk."

"Lee Dong-Min. It's 3 in the morning, you are not walking late in the night," she sternly told me.


She out of a sudden just gasped, "Let's have a sleepover!"

"Ok," I smiled as she began getting blankets and pillows.

I laughed as I saw Jeong-Hui ran into the living room with blankets some of them draping over her head. I walked up to her grabbing some of the blankets, helping carry all the blankets. 

"You know what I always wanted to do?" Jeong-Hui asked me.

"What?" I tilted my head a little suspicious.

"I've always wanted to do a fort!" Jeong-Hui exclaimed jumping around.

"Where are we going to do the fort?"

Jeong-Hui stopped jumping and stood there thinking, "...what about under the kitchen table?"

"That's actually pretty smart... wow." 

"Are you shocked?" she asked a bit insulted.

"Yeah, I didn't think you were that smart," I joked around.

"Yah! I was always smarter than you! Watch your mouth!" She argued back, and even as she tried to stay serious, her mouth would occasionally curl into a smile.

"Smarter than me? I always did better on my test!" I pretended to continue arguing with her. 

"Well, I did better on my grades," she sassily replied.

"You got one grade better than me," I replied just as sassily as her.

"Still better than you," she looked at smiling.

"Yah! Get here!" I playfully yelled grabbing her shoulders.

"Yah! Yah!" she laughed running away from my arms.

I saw Jeong-Hui laying on the floor panting from me chasing her, "So... let's make the fort now.

"Yeah!" Jeong-Hui said. She stood up and grabbed the blankets and pillows from the floor and began working on her fort.

She got the lighter blankets and draped them over the table and with the thicker, heavier blankets she placed under the table like a rug. As a finishing touch, she put pillows in her "fort" and her laptop.

She peeked her head out of the blankets motioning me to go inside, "Come on inside."

I crawled inside Jeong-Hui's fort and sat next to her our shoulders touching. I turned to look at her, I got shocked seeing just how close she was to me. 

"Oh," I cleared my throat, "so... um, why did you bring... the laptop."

"I wanted to watch a movie before we slept," she smiled so brightly at me.

"Let's watch the Minions!" I yelled excitingly.

"...ok," Jeong-Hui said sighing.

"Thanks!" I smiled getting closer to her.

She opened up her laptop and played the Minions. I remember when I first watched this movie and her and how annoyed Jeong-Hui was. Instead of telling me upfront, she wanted me to be happy so she pretended to enjoy and love the movie.

I looked at how Jeong-Hui was getting sleepy from how bored she was, "Jeong-Hui."

"Huh?" she softly said her eyes drooping as she looked up at me.

I chuckled at how cute she looked, "Go asleep."

"No... I'm not tired," she mumbled whining.

"Stop lying just go to sleep," I lowered her head onto the pillow and cover her body with a large blanket.

Just as I was about to leave the fort, I saw Jeong-Hui stir in her sleep and whisper something. Confused, I walked over to hear her properly and the only thing I could hear was a small whisper, "Can you stay."

My cheeks turned red and I felt the rush of heat and that warm fuzzy feeling just swarm my whole body. "Ok...." I mumbled, I carefully went inside the covers tucking Jeong-Hui in.

"Sweet dreams..." I looked at Jeong-Hui who was sleeping peacefully. I moved a strand of her hair away from her face showcasing her beautiful face.

I moved Jeong-Hui's laptop and laid next to her immediately falling asleep.


Hey guys! I've had 5 days off of school(including the past 3 days) and I'm excited to continue writing this book and just relax. In a nutshell, I just want to relax and do nothing for 5 days(which so far hasn't happened).

I do want to worry about ASTRO'S NEW COMEBACK!!! I know they haven't officially announced a new comeback, but they changed their hairstyles and they announced their 4th official fan club. I just really want another comeback to come!!

Anyways Stan Talent, Stan Astro, anticipate Astro's next comeback(whether it's next month or next year)! Thanks for reading! Cya <3

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