Chapter 11

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"Jeong-Hui, let's go home now?" I asked her walking towards the young girl. Her long black hair blew in the wind around her figure. She turned around to see me, her large dark brown eyes squinted as she smiled at me. Her smiles were so beautiful and genuine with her eyes squinting and her cheeks so squishable.

"Okay!" she said her voice very loud in the already busy area. She bounced with each step she took waving her arms back and forth.

We walked in silence but was filled with the loud sounds of the families around us laughing and having a great time. " Lee Dong-Min," Jeong said grabbing my attention. Both of us stopped, she only ever said my full name in serious situations which startled me a little.


"Do you wish you had a better family?" she asked making me think.

"Well, sometimes I do. I really do, but then maybe I would've never talked to you," I said looking at her.

Her head turned to the side, "What do you mean?" She was obviously confused which made me chuckle of how cute she was.

"Well, I didn't start becoming your friend until after talking to you about my family and us being able to relate to not having the most normal family."

"That's true," she laughed. She suddenly stopped, something catching her gaze, "Eh! There's a sale on ice cream!"

She looked at me grabbing my sweater yelling, "Let's get ice cream! I'll pay!"

She pulled me along to the ice cream stand jumping up and down smiling and laughing. She was truly a special girl who I loved with all my heart. Whether I loved her platonically or romantically I will forever cherish his special girl who helped me go through life.


Walking outside the restaurant, we both wandered endlessly. "Jeong-Hui, do you want to meet Astro?" I asked Jeong-Hui.

"...the five boys I saw the other day?" she asked confused.


"Ok!" she smiled.

My hand fumbled more as it got closer to her hand. It was almost as if her hand radiated warmth and I just wanted to bask in it. We got to the temporary apartment and thankfully I didn't hold her hand but sadly, I didn't hold her hand.

"Guys I'm back!" I said opening the door.

"Oh! Eunwoo is back!" MJ said the rest of the members coming towards the living room. I took off my shoes putting on slippers and then signaling Jeong-Hui to do the same.

"Who's that?" Sanha asked pointing directing at Jeong-Hui.

"Isn't that Yi Jeong-Hui?" Jinjin said a little confused.

"Hello," she said shyly waving her hand. The whole group surrounded her like an island surrounded by water.

"Ah! Don't surround her you'll make her nervous," I said pushing the man-children away from her.

"You're overreacting," Jeong-Hui laughed brushing the comment away literally and figuratively. We must've been looking into eyes for a while as when Moonbin spoke, he disrupted the trance Jeong-Hui put me under.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you two like each other," Moonbin smirked speaking out of a sudden

It got really hot out of a sudden,  especially around my cheeks. I rubbed the nape of my neck looking down in embarrassment muttering, "You don't know any better."

Jeong-Hui shyly laughed fiddling with her hands and blushing bright red.

"No, it's true!" Rocky said adding to the embarrassment.

"Jeong-Hui is so pretty!" Jinjin mocked me, "I miss her so much!"

"We even had a plan in the restaurant and he immediately forgot the plan when he saw Jeong-Hui!" Rocky pointed at me bringing up the embarrassing memory.

"Jeong-Hui!" Sanha pretended to be me, his voice deep, fawning over MJ.

"Dong-Min!" MJ pretended to Jeong-Hui, his voice high-pitched, fawning over Sanha.

"Can we just play a game!" Jeong-Hui shouted embarrassed.

"Yeah let's play a game! What games are there?" I quickly said embarrassed too.

"We could play Monopoly," Rocky said holding a Monopoly board.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Jeong-Hui grabbed the Monopoly board and placed in on the floor.

"Ok but we all know I'm the best player here," MJ joked around, everyone else muttering something. Expect Jeong-Hui, I turned around and she was looking at her phone.

Jeong-Hui immediately looked up laughing, "Ok but when I win, don't come crying to me."

"Like I'll ever lose." MJ playfully jabbed back.

"This game is rigged!" MJ stood up flipping the board over.

"I told you, don't come crying to me," Jeong-Hui laughed fanning herself with 20 orange $500 bills.

"Well, we can't play anymore because someone decided to ruin the board," Sanha glared at MJ.

"It wasn't my fault!" MJ yelled at Sanha.

"You were the one who threw the board," Moonbin said taking Sanha's side.

I tuned out the fighting looking over at Jeong-Hui who also tuned the fighting out. She looked at me whispering, "What time is it?"

"Why?" I asked.

"My phone died," she showed me her phone which was indeed dead.

"Oh, it's 7 pm."

"7! I've been here for 4 hours already I need to go," I was surprised how her nervousness was able to stop the fight between the members that I tuned out a long time ago.

She walked up to the door taking off the slippers provided and changing into her shoes. She turned around and with the most serious look in her eyes she said, "Stop arguing and talk about it, there is something that obviously happened to you guys and if you keep ignoring it, you're going to no longer have a friendship at the end."

She opened the door, "Bye!"


I'm excited about the next chapters! Not only will something happen to Astro but also Jeong-Hui. Not going to spoil anything, but I just got to say, it's going to get sad. 

Also if True Beauty (a webcomic) becomes an actual k-drama I want Cha Eunwoo to play Suho, not only has he played a similar character in (My ID is Gangnam Beauty) he is just very similar to the character visual wise. 

Also, have you seen Moonbin's magazine? No hate, I love Moonbin but that's... that's not him. He's muscular but that body... is just questionable. I don't love the picture, but as a fan of Moonbin and Astro, I will continue to support him even with the questionable pictures. 

Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Love ya and thanks for reading! Cya! <3

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