Chapter 5

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"Dong-Min I'm going off to work!" my father yelled in the empty word building we call a house. His voice echoed in the quiet hallways where our family once laughed and ran around.

I walked out of my room towards the living room where my father stood putting on his jacket, "Dad when are you coming back?" My voice was soft and shaky, at that age I didn't know my father was trying everything he could to get away from me.  

"Maybe tomorrow? I don't know," he said no even looking at me. Why didn't he look at me?

"Aren't you going to read me a bedtime book just like mom did?" I asked. When I was little, I didn't know what happened I just knew mom wasn't home anymore. I knew she wasn't making me food anymore or picking me up from school or even reading me bedtime stories. 

"Sorry. Can you read it yourself?" he asked at the front door practically not even inside anymore. 

"Sure..." I said looking down at the floor. He left the house and I got my blanket and dragged it through the largely empty halls. 

In the morning, dad still wasn't there so I didn't eat anything. I went to school alone walking and when I walked back home he still wasn't there. 

It was finally 8 in the night and I heard dad opening the door. I walked downstairs peeking from behind the stairs. Dad was wobbling all over the place a bottle in his hands and his face red.

"Dad?" I whispered walking from behind the stairway towards my father. He didn't know I was there until I was right in front of him. 

"Make dinner," my father said pushing me towards the kitchen. I stumbled into the kitchen slowly looking at him scared of doing any sudden movements.

"I don't know how to," I said sadly looking at him. 

"You're fucking useless! If you can't do a simple thing like cooking dinner, what are you good for!?" he screamed right in front of my face. His face was scary as a monster and I didn't understand why he was mad.

"Dad, why are you so mad?" I asked him looking up at the tall scary monster. 

"Because you're useless!" the scary mad yelled. The monster slapped me, I couldn't help but feel like a glass cup shattering on a floor. I landed directly on the floor, my body may have not shattered, but my heart did. 

I thought the monster had enough but it raised me from my hair, the pain shooting up through my veins. I walked to struggle but with each small movement, the once minor pain skyrocketed leaving me still in fear.

Grabbing my hair the monster began hitting me repeatedly. Every hit hurt more and more. He finally let go of me and I ran out of the house. I ended up in a park, there I heard crying. 

I walked towards a bush where the crying was heard forgetting about the tears that streamed down my own eyes. I moved the leaves aside and saw a girl sitting, crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at the girl who was facing away from me, she looked like she was around my age, 6 years old. She turned around, looking at me her large eyes red and her cheeks red. I knew who the small girl was, it was Jeong-Hui my sworn enemy.

"No..." she said silently. She turned her whole body when she saw my tears she hugged me. It suddenly so warm even in the cold night, it felt like my mother's embrace. Last time I saw my now death mother, she hugged me so tight and told me she would go somewhere. I missed her a lot. 

In no time tears streamed from my eyes as I wept on her shoulders. After the large crying section, she pulled away, the warmth immediately went away. Looking at her like this made me shocked, just a few hours ago in school we were arguing and here she was crying with me. 

"Do you want to be friends?" I asked smiling at her. In the dark night, I wasn't able to see all the features on her eyes but I was able to see her large eyes shining in the moonlight. 

She was quiet for a second until she smiled, "Sure." I got up and pulled up her up I was about to leave home until she stopped me.

"Wait but what happened?" she asked, stopping me from leaving.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"You have bruises and cuts on your face," she said her hand holding my arm. 

"Oh... my dad has been angry recently," I told her not able to make eye contact with her.

"Are you okay now?" she asked me genuinely concerned about me. It made me feel happy, the girl reminded me of my mom and it made me feel happy again.

"Yeah, and you?" I asked making eye contact, "Are you okay?" 

"Right... about that... well, my mom and dad are being mean and I don't know why," she confessed, her eyes watered a little but immediately she smiled and let go of my arm. 

"It's okay though, I feel better. Thank you," she then ran away before I was able to thank her. Even if at that time I wasn't able to thank her I would make it my mission to try to thank her later in life.


"So how did it go?" Moonbin asked.

"Horrible," I groaned walking towards the couch in our dorm and falling onto it. Everyone walked up to me seeing my pathetic limp body sprawled across the couch laying in disappointment.

"It couldn't have been that bad," JinJin said trying to make me feel better but ultimately failing.

"Oh, it was bad... really bad," I said sighing again. 

It was quiet as they just stared at me, I blurted out, "I think Jeong-Hui's boyfriend is hurting her."

"I know you're jealous but don't be dramatic," JinJin tried to be the voice of reason.

"I'm not, she's completely different, she has bruises on her arms, and she has no freedom," I said. I walked towards the kitchen of our dorm room and grabbed a bottle of banana milk. She used to love banana milk... does she still like it to this day?

"Then let's help her!" Sanha butt in.

"How?" I said feeling more gloomier.

"I don't know! It's better than staying sad!" Sanha said salty about the attitude I gave him.

"Fine," I said looking away.

"Can we call it operation save future wife!" MJ yelled trying to tease me.

"No!" I yelled mad but my heart didn't comply with my angry thoughts as my face immediately felt hot.


I wanted it to be a little shorter which it was by like 300 words, big difference. I'm sorry that for the late update my sister came to visit and I've been hanging with her and when I wasn't hanging out with her, I've been doing homework. My teachers probably had a meeting and were like, "Let's do everything in our power to fuck Candy over. Wouldn't that be nice." So I'm hella stressed. Yay to an early death! Anyways sorry for ranting about my boring life. I'll talk to you next chapter where I'm hopefully not as stressed. Thanks for reading! Cya! <3

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