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Amelia stands there, looking down at the floor, wiping her eyes. "No, it's fine.. don't apologize.. I.. I should just go.." She sniffles quietly.

"You don't have to.. I don't usually schedule appointments on the days I have her. Just walks in, if there are any.." He says, still holding Addie.

"I.. are you sure? I.. I don't wanna bother you.." She says, crossing her arms.

"You're not a bother, I promise." He replies, tickling Addie and sees she's about to fall asleep. "Just, give me one sec?" Amelia nods as Alex walks towards the back. Amelia stands there awkwardly, fidgeting with her hands.

Alex lays Addie down on a little bed he keeps
in the back, kissing her forehead and lets her take a nap, as he walks back out to the front. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine.." She smiles very softly, biting her lip gently. He walks over and sits in a chair.

"So, back to what we were talking about.." Alex pats the chair next to him.

"I.. Ive said too much, but at the same time, not enough.. I.. it's hard.. for me to talk about what exactly happened.." She replies as she sits next to him.

"Hey, I'm always here to talk. You know that." He remarks, frowning slightly.

"I know.. it's j..just.. Bens best friend.. d..did something.. to me.. that I don't know how to talk about.." Amelia stutters out.

"A..amelia.. did.. did he um.. t..touch you.. in a wrong way?" Alex asks cautiously. Amelia looks down.

"H..he.. did more.. t..than that.. from the time I was 12 until I was taken away.. h..he'd do that.. and hit me.. but he was my brothers best friend.. i.. i didn't know any better, ya know? i.. i thought it was fine until one night.." she wipes the tears from her eyes, rubbing her hand on her leg out of habit. "M..my best friend, Ella, was there.. it was a girls night type thing.. when he came into my room.. s..she reported it.. and I yelled at her.." She sniffles quietly.

"And that's when the charges were made...?" He asks, frowning. Amelia nods.

"But.. he wasn't actually arrested till about three months ago.. after he f..found me here... and hurt me again.. I still have a few bruises from that.." She sniffles very quietly.

"Ohmygod.. Amelia.. I.. I'm so sorry.. " Alex sighs as he speaks.

"It's.. it's fine.." She stutters out.

"No, it's not.." He replies, frowning more.

"It has to be fine.. because if I say it's not fine.. I'm going to lose it again..." She sniffles, wiping her eyes again. Alex rests his hand on her back and rubs it gently, but she flinches slightly.

"Im so sorry.. you don't deserve any of this.. no one does.." Amelia smiles very weakly at him.

"They admitted me for a while.. because I had a mental break..." Alex nods, still rubbing her back gently.

"Honestly, I say that's to be the expected." He replies, hand still on her back.

"N..no.. I mean like.. I was.. burning myself.. and c..cutting myself.. and other ways... I'm.. better now.. or I was.. but um.. I did throw a knife at a former foster parent once.. and that's when they sent me away.." She replies, still rubbing her hand on her leg.

"O..oh.. this might be weird, and you can totally say no, and I'd understand if you do, but.. can I see..?" he asks softly, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Um, well.. they aren't exactly in a whole lot of places I can show you.. out in the open.. I had to try and hide them as best as I could.." She replies, closing her eyes.

"I would say the backroom.. but Addies asleep.." He replies, looking at her and thinks to himself; She's so broken but beautiful at the same time...

"There are a few I can show.." She slowly lifts up her shirt and tank top, revealing a few burn scars. "It would help take away the pain I was feeling.." Alex looks, frowning. He brings his other hand up and gently traces one of the scars.

"I'm... You should have never had to take the pain away in the first place." Amelia pulls away and puts her shirt back down, folding her arms across her stomach.

"I.. I know.." She replies, looking at the floor. Alex frowns slightly.

"I'm sorry.. I feel terrible that this happened to you." Amelia shakes her head.

"Please don't feel sorry for me. Please.." Alex sighs quietly.

"I can't help it. You don't deserve this. Any of this." Amelia bites her lip softly.

"But you don't even know me.." She mumbles.

"I do now.." He replies, still playing with the ends of her hair.

"Not really..." She starts fidgeting with her fingers.

"Either way, you don't deserve that. No one does." Alex remarks as he removes his hand from her back. "I still think., maybe you should tell your family.. everything.."

Amelia shakes her head, "No.. I can't.. because then it makes everything so much more real..."

"Okay... Thank you, for trusting me Amelia. I won't tell anyone what you've told me. And I'll always be here for you." Alex smiles softly at her.

"I know that I don't really know you, but talking to you has helped.. and.. I hope it continues to help.." She replies softly.

"Sometimes, all you need is a stranger you can talk to because they might be able to understand what your going through better than anyone. I want to continue to help you, and get to know you more. Not just your past, but everything." He replies, bring a hand to the back of his neck. Amelia looks up and smiles very slightly.

"I think.. I'd like to tell you more... when I'm ready. I don't know when that will be, but I like talking to you." She replies, smiling.

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now