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"Um, I need an address.." Alex looks over at her.

"Oh! Duh. Um 859 Harbor Drive..." She replies, looking out the window. Alex nods and continues driving, putting on one of Addies CD's. Addie sings along as best as she can, causing Amelia to smile and think about things.

"Amy, sing?" Addie asks between songs. Alex glances at Amelia, then back at the road.

"Um sure Addie." She says, smiling slightly and sings along with Addie, causing Alex to smile. He pulls up outside her house and parks the truck. The song finishes and Addie giggles. Amelia looks at Alex and smiles. "Thanks for the ride home..."

"It's no problem. I'm really sorry for falling asleep last night. I should have just woken you up when you fell asleep and brought you him." He apologizes, resting his hands in his lap. Amelia fidgets with her hands.

"No it's ok.. I needed sleep.. so thank you, for letting me sleep. I really appreciate that." She smiles very slightly at him.

"No problem, again. Thank you, for being so understanding about Addie." He smiles, running his hand through his hair, looking at her. Amelia bites her lip softly, looking at him and smiles more.

"It's no problem.. I mean, I'm good with kids.. They like me. I dunno why but they do." She shrugs, biting her lip again.

"Daddy on't stare ats ude!" Addie giggles and Alex looks at Addie. Amelia looks down, her face turning red.

"I.. wasn't staring.. Addie. I was talking to her, and it's polite to look at someone when you're talking to them, like I'm doing with you right now." He says, looking at Addie. She giggles, clapping her hands. Alex chuckles and looks back at Amelia.

"I.. I should go.. I need to shower.. maybe eat something.. put on comfortable clothes.. lay in bed.. ya know.. normal birthday stuff." Amelia says, opening the door. Alex gets out and goes over, holding his hands out. Amelia takes them and he helps her out and sets her on the ground then shuts the door.

"For the record, I think you should eat, since you haven't eaten since last night. And, no matter what you wear, you look beautiful and I mean that." He smiles, caressing her cheek. "Now, go inside, shower, and do whatever you want, because it's your birthday. Text me later?" Amelia nods, biting her lip and heads inside. Alex watches her as she goes inside, then gets in his truck and drives to the shop.


Amelia goes inside and goes straight to her room, putting her phone on the charger

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Amelia goes inside and goes straight to her room, putting her phone on the charger. She grabs a towel and goes into her bathroom. She turns on the shower, then goes back to her room, turning on her stereo on loud then goes back and gets in the shower.


Alex arrives at the shop, gets Addie out, and goes inside, setting her down and opens the shop. Addie wanders around and plays with her toys. Alex sits at the counter, keeping an eye on her when the bell above the door rings. He looks over and rolls his eyes slightly as Leah walks in.

"What do you want? It's not your day." He asks sharply, his mood instantly turning sour.

"I want to talk about getting back together. I miss you and I know I messed up. I'm sorry. Please I want to make this work Alex." She says softly, looking at him.

Addie toddles over to Alex, making grabby hands and he picks her up. "Daddy where Amy? Me want Amy." He looks at her and she pouts slightly.

"She's at home, sweetpea." He replies looking back st Leah. "You shouldn't be here anyways. This is my time with our daughter." Leah looks at him furiously.

"Who's Amy? Why are you bringing girls around my daughter?" Alex sets Addie down and she goes to the back room to get her toys. Alex stands, taking a step closer to Leah.

"You, do not, get to tell me who I can have around OUR daughter Leah. You were the one caught in bed with your best friend. You cheated on me, Leah. Yeah, things weren't that good between us but I thought we were working on them. Apparently I was wrong, especially catching you in bed with someone else. That, and the fact that you lied to me about being on the pill when you got pregnant with our daughter. I forgave that, because I love Adelaide more than anything else in this world. No one will EVER change that. If, and when I decide to start dating again, you will not get any type of say in it. You and I are done, and the only interaction we will have is because of our daughter, Adelaide Faith Collins. Now, get the hell out of my shop and I will see you Sunday when I drop Addie off." Leah storms out of the shop and gets in her car, speeding off.

Alex sits back down, grabbing his phone and texts Amelia.

Al: Addie misses you.. she keeps asking for you.. She keeps asking 'where's amy?' 😋

Amelia is still in the shower, sitting on the shower floor, crying.


Zach arrives at the bakery and puts in the cake order and walks around the shops when he stops in front of the tattoo shop and walks inside.

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now