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After a few hours, Alex and Addie leave and go home. Amelia sits in the living room, staring at the box of stuff Dylan sent her, debating on actually looking through everything.


Alex arrives at his apartment, getting Addie out and sees Leah's car and groans. He walks up to the door and sees Leah standing there, arms crossed.

"Where have you been? I've been calling and texting all damn day Alex." She huffs as he opens the door and follows him inside.

"It's not your day, Leah. What do you want?" He sets Addie down and she looks up.

"Daddy me want Amy." She says and Alex looks down at her.

"Stop. Bringing. That. Whore. Around. Addie!" Leah remarks, getting pissed. Alex's head snaps up.

"Call her that one more time, Leah, and I swear to god..." Alex says through his teeth.

"What? You'll hit me?" Leah crosses her arms. Alex looks at Addie and Alex hands her his phone in case she gets bored.

"Baby, go to your room and play with your toys, ok?" Addie nods and goes to her room, shutting the door and sits with her toys.

"When the fuck have I EVER hit you?" Alex was pissed, clenching his fists.

"Not like anyone would believe you didn't. You never wanted to be a dad. Go be with this little slut and sign all rights to Addie over to me. Problem solved. Maybe you'll knock her up and leave her too. It's what you're good at." Leah keeps her arms crossed, glaring at him. "Or," takes a step closer, placing a hand on his chest, "you can get back with me.. we can get married and be a family.. like we should have been before." She leans up and kisses him softly. Alex pushes her away gently. "Come on baby.. please come back to me. I miss you."

"No. You're the one who fucked up. More than once, actually. You lied about birth control. You cheated on me. You left Addie in the car on a hot day! I could have taken all your rights away that day, but I didn't. You haven't even improved since then as a parent, Leah. You're always bringing her to me because you want to go out and party. If shit doesn't change in the next couple of weeks, you will lose your daughter. I'm not playing around anymore." Leah gapes at him.

"You dumb son of a bitch." She slaps him across the face. "You even THINK about taking Adelaide from me and I will DAMN WELL make sure your ass goes to jail for being with a MINOR!" She yells and storms out of Alex's apartment. "ASSHOLE!"

Addie opens her door, crying because of Leah's yelling. "Daddy..." Alex turns and looks at her, his heart breaking. "Me want Amy.. Pwease..." Alex walks over and picks Addie up, holding her close.

"I can call her?" Addie nods, resting her head on Alex shoulder, crying silently. Alex calls Amelia. She answers, quietly.

Am: Hello..?

Al: Hey princess..

Am: Is everything ok?

Al: Not exactly.. Um Addie keeps asking for you..

Am: Oh, is she ok??

Alex puts the phone on speaker.

Al: You're on speaker..

Am: Addie? Can you hear me?

Ad: A..amy? My Amy?

Am: Yes it's me. Are you ok?

Ad: No. me want oo.. here..

Am: Oh Addie.. I know.. but I have to stay home..

Ad: pwease amy...

Amelia can hear her crying and frowns on her end.

Am: Addie.. Can I talk to your daddy alone please?

Ad: otay amy. me miss oo...

Am: I miss you too Addie.

Alex puts Addie down, turns on cartoons for her and goes into his room.

Al: Hey..

Am: Why is she crying? What happened? Did she get hurt? Is she ok?

Al: Easy princess. No, she's not hurt. She's ok.. Just.. Leah being Leah. She was here when we got home. And she caused a scene and it scared Addie. God I'm so ready to have full custody of her..

Am: O..oh.. Why haven't you yet? Sorry ignore me. It's not my business.

Al: Because I have to prove she's not a fit mother.. and it's actually harder than you think. And I want to tell you all this stuff.

Am: Oh.. I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me all this stuff.

Al: And thank you for trusting me with all the stuff about Dylan.

Am: yeah.. um.. so..

Al: Sorry, but Addie wanted to talk to you.. well actually she wanted you here.. but she settled for a phone call.. she likes you a lot Amelia.. and so do I..

Am: So you keep saying..

Al: Because I do mean it..

Am: I know you do.. you treat me really well.. and you don't push me to open up.. or do things.. you're so patient with me.. and caring..

Alex smiles to himself as she's talking.

Al: And I can be so much more princess. But, I need to go start dinner, so maybe I can call you before I fall asleep? we can talk more or we can text.. it's up to you..

Am: You can call me whenever.. I'll answer if I can. Goodnight Alex.

Al: I'll talk to you soon princess.

Alex hangs up and heads to the kitchen and starts dinner for him and Addie.

Amelia hangs up the phone and goes back to staring at the box. She sighs as she slides onto the floor and slowly opens the box, pulling out all the books, the journals, pens, and the necklace. She feels the tears filling her eyes as she lifts a CD out of the box, with a list of songs.

She looks at all the books, a tear falling down her cheek

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She looks at all the books, a tear falling down her cheek. She gathers everything and goes to her room, setting them on her desk. She puts the CD in the player and presses play as she looks at the list of songs, crying.

Life After You (Life Series; Book 1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now