No More Games

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The boys had said something but I wasn't really paying attention. The only thing I could focus on was Hoseok pulling towards the hallway. He stops in front of the bathrooms and lets go of my hand, but he still stood in front of me. He looked flustered and honestly he looked really good that way. Come on Kat focus. Stick to the plan.

"What the hell Hoseok? What is your problem?" I try to leave but he traps me between his arms. I look up at him into his eyes

"You're my problem"

"What do you mean I'm your problem? I told you that if you didn't like seeing me with him then-" he cut me off by pressing his lips against mine rather hungrily. I was stunned as we never kissed like this before. Well we only kissed once but that's not the point. I put my hands on his waist and closed my eyes enjoying the kiss. He moves his arms and rests his hands on my cheeks holding me as if I were porcelain. He pulls away and puts our foreheads together as we try to gather our breathing. I had no idea what to think of the situation at this moment.

"Hoseok we should prob-" he gives my lips another peck to shut me up and honestly I didn't mind

"Let's just stay here for another minute. I don't want to let you go just yet" I close my eyes and breathes him in before opening them and seeing him staring at me. I give him a small smile and we both stand up straight making sure everything look presentable. I start to walk back towards everyone before he grabs my wrist making me stop to look at him.

"Let's meet up at your apartment tonight to talk about this" He looks at me with pleading eyes

"Hoseok I don't think that's a good idea. I'm still dating Yoongi right now so it would make me look like a cheater" I try to walk away but he pulls me closer looking down at me

"Kat please I just want us to talk and that's it. He doesn't even have to know"

I scoff and yanks my arm away from his grip "Are you serious right now? This is your best friend we're talking about AND my boyfriend. Do you even hear yourself right now? I'm already a cheater but I'm not going to dig a deeper hole"

"You kissed me back so don't even try to put the blame on me Kat. Let's just talk about this and figure out a plan"

"What plan Hoseok? A plan to cheat on my boyfriend? A plan to come between you and Yoongi? You're not the guy I've come to know" I turn around to leave but his words stop me

"Are you just here for the money? The fame? Your name put everywhere?"

"Is that the kind of person you take me for?" I turn around and face him with tear building up in my eyes "I would never take advantage of you. But you wouldn't know that because you kinda just left me hanging not knowing what to think. If you want to think of me as that kind of person, then go ahead. But if you ever want to talk to me again, I suggest you you think about what should be said. Until then, I don't want to see you at all. You can ask Yoongi or the boys how I'm doing I don't really care" My tears finally fall as I look at him. I see his eyes turn into sadness as he tries to reach out for me but I move away from him "Goodbye Hobi" I turn away from him letting my tears fall as I make my way back to the boys

I walk to them and see them all sitting around the table. I don't even try to fix my make up since Ill be going home. I walk up to Yoongi only looking at him and his face looks worried. He stands up and holds my face in his hands inspecting me making sure that I wasn't hurt anywhere

"Kat what happened? Are you okay?" He continues to make sure I'm okay and I stop him looking him in the eyes

"Can you please just take me home?" I ask in a small voice and he wipes away my tears nodding his head yes. Namjoon tosses the keys to him and he catches them in one swift move. He grabs my bag and my hand pulling me gently out of the restaurant as he continuously tells me that it'll be okay. We head to my apartment with his hand in mine stroking his thumb across my hand trying to comfort me.

He grabs my keys from my bag that he was still holding and opens the door pulling me in. He takes my shoes off for me and grabs me a huge sweatshirt with a pair of shorts. He leaves the room as I change and goes into the kitchen. I finish changing and take off all of my make up before heading into the kitchen to see Yoongi cooking for me. I sit down at the bar as i watch him move around the kitchen

"What are you doing?" He turns around and gives me a gummy smile. I notice that he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves that way they wouldn't get dirty. I give him a small smile and takes a sip of the water that was in front of me.

"Well what does it look like I'm doing? I'm cooking us dinner since we really didn't get to eat that much tonight" He turns back around to make sure the food doesn't burn. I smile and stands up grabbing my phone connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker turning on their most recent album

"Ya! What is this?" He laughs and takes the food off the stove before running towards me. I laugh and starts to run making him have to chase me. We do that for about five minutes before he catches me and spins me around. We laugh and sits down on the couch with his arm around me while we catch our breaths. He looks at me and moves some hair out of my face before kissing me on the forehead

"Whatever happened tonight, everything is going to be okay. You don't have to tell me right now, just whenever you're ready to tell me. Just go ahead and cry on my shoulder because its not good to keep it all in." Right as he said that, tears began to fall like rain soaking his shirt. I cried for what it felt like for years and he just rubbed my back telling me that it was going to be okay. I guess he thought I fell asleep since my breathing had been stable. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bed making sure I was covered up. He sat next to me and kissed me on the forehead before trying to get up. I grab his hand and open my eyes just enough to see him

"Please stay. I don't want to be alone right now" I say intertwining our fingers together

He looks down at our hands then back up at me. He nods his head yes and pulls back the covers laying down next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and wraps my arm around his waist closing my eyes. He kisses the top of my head once more as he rubs my back putting me back to sleep. Before I fall asleep, I hear him whisper something that I'll definitely remember in the morning

"Stay with me"

Hello my lovelies. We're going to have a huge twist to the story and its going to be HUGE! Anyways, as always I love you with all my heart 💕

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