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Its been a about three and a half months since the boys had left for Korea. I bet you're wondering what happened the night after his phone call? Ya nasties. I'm going to tell you anyways.

When Yoongi caught me, we ended up in my bed talking all night. Of course there would be the occasional thirty minute make out session with hickeys all over our necks. We stayed up all night being with each other until he left that morning. He promised he'd be back before six months were up. Ever since he left, we've called and texted more than I ever have in my life. While hes been gone, I've been no where but the library and the studio working on the end of semester finals. I use both the campus and Yoongi's studio to practice because I guess you could say I'm an over achiever.

Today is my last final before the winter break and I cant wait for a break. I'm staying in California for the winter break to work on the dances I've been working on to show the boys. I just try to distract myself from everything that's happened since I've met the boys. Once Hoseok found out about Yoongi and I, he called me to get an explanation and I told him everything from the plan to the last night Yoongi and I spent together. We fixed our problems and he apologized for what he had said that night. I had forgiven him that night, but I needed him to see that what he had done was over the line.

Cambree comes to my apartment everyday since the boys had left making sure that I wasn't wallowing in self pity. We are partners for one of our dance class and we have to come up with an original routine. Lets just say that its been whooping our asses. We sit on the floor of the studio after going over our routine about one hundred times. I kept count.

"So hows Yoongi now and days?" Cam asks as shes laying on her stomach trying to steady her breathing

"He's good but stressed. He's doing rehearsals along with writing music so you could say that hes ready for a tiny break" I say before chugging some water

"Do you know when he's gonna be able to come back?" She gets up and tweaks some of the moves making them flow better

"No idea. He said that he would let me know as soon as possible, but its already been almost four months so I don't know if his promise will be valid" I shrug my shoulders and stands up stretching a bit more "Anyways lets finish and get home. Its almost three in the morning and I really wanna sleep" We both laugh and finish the routing only needing to tweak some moves before the final tomorrow evening.

I made it home about three thirty in the morning after practice and knowing that it was almost perfect, made me sigh in happiness. I showered and was brushing my teeth before getting a text from Yoongs making me smile and answer immediately

Yoongs: I don't know if you're awake, but I just got out of the studio and the boys want dinner so we're gonna go get some food. Please don't work yourself too much. You're gonna do great on your finals

Kat: Cam and I just finished at the studio about an hour ago and I'm laying in the bed about to get some zzz's. You also don't need to work yourself too much and make sure to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. I'll message you after my final tomorrow because I know I'm going to sleep all day

I turn my phone on silent and put it on my bedside table because I knew I was going to text him all morning if I didn't. I sigh with happiness and close my eyes knowing that tomorrow was going to be a breeze.


After the final, which we got full points for, we agreed to get dinner to celebrate our first full successful semester together. She said it was going to be super fancy so to dress really nice even though I said not too fancy. I just wanted a pizza but go off I guess.

I hadn't heard from Yoongi or any of the boys today, but I knew they were preparing for a few shows so I wasn't fully mad about it. When I got home, I looked through some of the nice clothes that Yoongs had bought me before he left and picked out a really nice outfit. I put on minimal make up one with a red lipstick and my hair into a messy but nice bun. I got a sweater since it was going to be kind of chilly and texted Cam I was on my way to the restaurant. She told me that she was running late and to go ahead and get a table.

While driving up to the restaurant, I saw someone that looked familiar so I just brushed it off. As I stopped the car at the door, my door opens and I look up to see Joonie smiling widely at me in a really nice suit

"I'll park your car for you ma'am" I hand him the keys with a really confused look

"What are you doing here?"

He shakes his head and pushes me towards the restaurant "Your date is waiting for you" He hands me a single rose before I head towards the two double doors

Heading to the doors, I see Jimin and Jungkook holding the doors for me and holds out two more single roses. I smile widely at them taking the flowers before I continue inside. Then I make it to the reservation desk where I see Hoseok and Tae holding out two more flowers while Hoseok takes my bag knowing I'm not going to need it. I bite my lip knowing about to see the guy I've been missing for almost five months.

Jin comes in with a cloth over his arm and his worldwide handsome smile "Good evening Ms. Stevens. I'm here to escort you to your table and here is this" He hands me a single rose and begins walking to the table.

Every single table is empty with a single candle lit. Rose petals cover the floor and tables as we walked to a single table in the dead center of the room. I look past Jin and see my devilishly handsome boyfriend with his adorable gummy smile. I would've jumped him right then and there but I'm pretty sure all the boys were watching and it was not the appropriate time.

He stands there with a single white rose, twirling it around as I walked up to him. Jin smiled at us before returning to the boys. I watch Jin walk out the doors pushing the rest of the boys out eagerly wanting to watch. I chuckle and looks at Yoongi as hes already staring at me with admiration in his eyes. I bite my lip as I walk closer to him eager to hug and kiss him to make up for the last months.

"Don't look at me like that or I won't be able to control myself. And I don't think the boys who have their ears against the door would appreciate that either" He chuckles and I smile missing that cute laugh of his

"You know that this is kind of corny and I didn't expect this at all out of you" I come closer to him and smooths out his suit before looking up at him. I put my forehead on his while my hands make it to the back of his neck playing with his hair

"You know me. I can be pretty surprising sometimes" He smiles and leans in kissing me ever so softly as if I were going to disappear right out from under him. He leans back a bit looking into my eyes "I promised you I'd come back didn't I?" He smirks and kisses me even more passionately than before. I gripped the back of his neck while he holds onto my waist. We sat there for a good while just kissing and holding each other not wanting to let go of each other

Hello my beautiful lovelies! We have two more chapters until the end of this book. Its been one wild ride and I'm so glad I could spend it with you! As usual, I love you all! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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