One Last Time

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"Hobi what were you thinking?" Jin sighs and sits on one of the couches rubbing his head

"I didn't really think paparazzi were going to be on my ass. Plus you cant even see her face really so that could be anyone really" I look down playing with my fingers "I just want to see her one last time before we go home"

"I don't think that's going to be possible now Jhope" Namjoon puts a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way

"What if I take Taehyung with me? He's seen her before plus I'll take a couple of men with us just in case" I look at Tae and he gives me a small smile

"Hobi what is so special about this girl? You've never went out of your way just to see one girl" Yoongi asks sitting next to Jin

"I know that I've only met her almost a week ago, but there's something different about her. She didn't know who I was when I walked up to her which was a great feeling, she's a better dancer than I am and that's not a joke. Her outlook on life and how she sees things in the world is amazing. She's kind and generous and funny and she's so beautiful. I know people say that you'll find another one just like her, but honestly there's no one like her in this world" I smile softly as I talk about her like I've known her for years

"Hyungs why doesn't she just meet him here? That way no paparazzi or fans can see her and Hobi doesn't have to leave the hotel" Everyone look at Jungkook who just entered the room from his nap. He sits next to Jimin and lays his head in his lap

"I don't see the problem in that. Joon? What do you think?" Jin looks up at Namjoon

"I'm fine with it. You two could meet here or in Jhopes room but I don't want to hear any noises coming from that room" Namjoon laughs and hits me in the shoulder

"Ya! You don't have to embarrass me" My face turns red but I smile pulling out my phone to text to text Kat with plans for tomorrow


"So he just up and left after the phone call?" Cambree asks as were sitting in the food court in the mall talking about what happened between me and Jhope yesterday

"Yeah but he did call me a cab and paid for it. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before I got in the cab. I seemed like a huge emergency so I'm not upset by it. But he hasn't texted me since we saw each other last" I pout eating at my fries "You ever meet someone and you feel like you've known them for years? I felt that way with him and it was odd because I've never had that feeling before in my life"

"If its meant to be, he'll contact you for one last meet up. Don't worry about it because he'd be stupid if he didn't talk to you again. You're an amazing girl who deserves the world" She smiles at me and gets up to get us an ice cream to share. While she's gone, I feel a buzz in my pocket from my phone. I pull out my phone and sees a message from him

Hoseok: Hey Kat! If you're not busy tomorrow afternoon, would you like to meet up at my hotel. I would like to see you again but I'm not feeling well so I'd like to stay in if that's okay with you! We can watch a few movies and I have snacks to go with. Here's the address and the room number. I hope to see you soon :)

Kat: That sounds good! Ill just text you when I'm on my way there and when I head up to your room. I cant wait to see you again!

Am I crazy for going to this guys hotel after just meeting him a few days ago? Absolutely. But when am I every going to see him again after he goes back home to Korea. I'm taking every chance I get to make memories even if they break my heart.

Cam and I finish up at the mall and we go back to my apartment. She decided to spend the night since she didn't want to go to the dorm and be there all by herself since she doesn't have a roommate yet. We're sitting on my bed and I tell her that he had texted me and what it said.

"So are you going to see him?" She lays on her back looking up at me

"Well of course. When am I ever going to see him again since he lives across the world?" I grab a pillow and hugs it

"Well just be careful and call me if you need anything at all" She smiles at me and lays down to sleep "I'm gonna leave early in the morning and Ill lock the door on my way out" She gives me one last smile and turns over to sleep.

I plug in my lights and turns off the main light. I lay down next to a snoring Cam and stares up at the ceiling. Maybe tomorrow wont be such a bad day after all and we wont say goodbye forever. You think I'm crazy don't you? You're not the only one. I'm definitely crazy.

Hello my beautiful souls! It's a little shorter compared to the last couple of chapters but its about to get good! I love you all 💕

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