Make Believe

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Yoongi's POV

He should have stopped her knowing what Hobi was going to say. He sighed and looked at Namjoon then looked in the direction they went waiting for her to come back

"You can go ahead and head back to the hotel Joon. I'm gonna wait here and wait for Kat to come back so hopefully, I can try and explain to her"

"Alright I'm gonna make sure that Hobi got back safely" He puts a hand on his shoulder comfortingly and hopped into the car going back to the hotel

He waited for about ten minutes before Kat came around the corner sniffling and wiping her eyes. It broke his heart to see her this way hoping he could make up for the sadness

She sees him and keeps walking "Not now Yoongi. I'm not really in the mood for talking and such. I just wanna go home and cry"

She walked past him but he had grabbed her wrist gently making her stop in her steps "Kat just please let me explain"

She takes her wrist out of his grip and looks at him "Explain? You wanna explain now when he could've done that before he left without notice?"

"Our lives are complicated and he's right it would be dangerous for you two to be together because of all the shit you would go through. But just give me ten minutes to explain everything"

She saw a bench and started walking to it" You have five"

Kat's POV

"So you're all part of an award-winning Korean pop group called BTS"

He nods his head and looks up at her

"Yoongi I don't have time to make believe things" I shake my head and looks at the ground

"Do you actually think I could tell you a lie in this situation?" He sighs and stands up in front of her with his hands in his pocket "The night before you came to the hotel, this press article came out about Hoseok and a girl walking around LA and going to a dance studio. Sound familiar?"

I look up at him and become absolutely speechless as he continues to speak

"Kat if you read those comments, you would've broken up with him right then and there. I'm telling you he didn't want to say goodbye that way but there honestly wasn't any other better options. Yeah, he should've kept in contact with you so he fucked up that on his end. You have to think about what he was doing for what was best for you and your safety"

She sighs and scratches the back of her neck "So why did you decide to tell me?"

"Because Hobi has become a whole new person since he met you. Then when he left without saying goodbye, he's done nothing but stays in the studio and sleep. I know that it's crazy but he needs you" He looks down at you with a small smile "Plus we need you around the group. I think the guys would really like to meet you"

I stand up and smile at him "Thank you for telling me all of this. What should I do if he doesn't want to do this anymore? Then what?"

"Well if he doesn't want to try this, then well try the whole fake date and make him jealous which is plan B" He nods and pulls out his phone "Here give me your number so that way we can communicate"

I put in my number then looks up at him "What if nothing works?"

"Hey" He puts his hands on my face and makes eye contact with me "It's going to work. You just have to trust me" He hugs me and I sigh "I'm gonna go see him right now then I'll let you know if we need to meet up tomorrow"

He messes up my hair and kisses me on the forehead then begins to walk in the direction that Hobi had gone. What's up with these boys and kissing foreheads?

Yoongi's POV

He went up into the studio and walked in but he hadn't noticed me yet. He watched for a while before he noticed and jumped

"Holy shit Yoongs you can't do that to me" He chuckles and stops the music

"So I happened to run into a girl you might know. Why didn't you just be straight with her Hobi? That would've been way better than this situation"

"Yoongi not now"

"I just told her everything and she was completely calm about it"

"Dude seriously? I told you not to get involved with this. I already told you that we have no connection whatsoever so I'm over it" Hobi turns the music back on but on a low volume

"Oh you're over it? So you don't mind if I take Kat on a date?"

Hoseok freezes and looks at him through the mirror "What did you just say?"

"Well since you're not going to pursue her with a relationship, why don't I do it? She knows about my career so I have the perfect shot right now"

He turns towards Yoongi and looks at him with disbelief "Are you serious right now?"

"Oh I'm very serious. She's beautiful and such a catch" He smirks

"You know what, you go ahead and you two have a great time. Just don't come to me and flash it all in my face" Hobi huffs and turns around turning the music up

"You're gonna regret saying that" Yoongi leaves the studio and pulls his phone out

Yoongi: Kat its time for Plan B


Hello, my beautiful souls. This book has gotten to 120 reads and I couldn't be any happier. You guys have given me so much support. I love you all

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