Too Good To Be True

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We sat by a window with a beautiful view. I looked around the little cafe as he was getting some menus. He comes back with a smile on his face and hands me a menu. I give him a smile as my thanks. It was quiet while we were looking through the menus but it wasn't like an awkward silence. It was like those where you don't have to say anything and you're already having a great time.

"When you're ready to order, just let me know and I'll go pay for ours" He gives his sunshine smile and starts to look around. Okay so let me get this straight, he's kind and handsome plus he's a gentleman. This is too good to be true right? I can tell he's not fluent in English but he's very good at it. It makes me wonder where he's from.

"I think I'll get a hamburger with a sprite" I smile at him and hands him back the menu. He nods and goes to order our food. Damn I cant seem to stop smiling. Kat get ahold of yourself girl and get to know him before you fall over heels. I needed to listen to myself this time or its going to be like last time.

"Okay so the food should becoming soon" He says as he sets down two Sprites as he sits in his seat "So how was your orientation this morning?" He asks as he's opening the sprites putting little bendy straws in them

"Oh you know the usual so boring that I wanna sleep, but I did meet a nice girl who sat beside me so hopefully we'll become friends and help each other through these four years" I sip some of my drink and I look up at him "How was your morning? Was it almost as eventful as mine"

"Well I spent all morning trying to get my friends up, but there's always one that just doesn't get up because he really loves sleep. Then we ate breakfast and I danced a bit before coming to see you" He gives me a small smile

"Do your friends know you snuck out to see a beauty in the night?" I chuckle and I seemed to make him chuckle as well. Point one for Kat.

"Well one of them knows I'm here to meet you but the others just thinks I'm exploring the city. If they knew I was coming to meet a beauty, they would bug me like no tomorrow. But I do know a studio where we can go dance after this but we'll have to sneak in. Don't worry though we wont get caught" He gives me a smile as someone serves the food and tells us if we need anything just tell them

"Jhope I really don't feel like getting arrested today. But maybe tomorrow" I chuckle and eat a fry "But your friends do seem like nice people. Where are all of you from? If you don't mind me asking of course" I begin to cut my burger in half to eat it better because my mouth is freaking small. Don't judge me.

"We won't get arrested I promise" he chuckles and nods his head "we're all from different parts of South Korea but we like to come to the States when we can get a vacation which is every now and then. We all have the same job and that's how we met. I wouldn't ask for a better group of friends" He smiles to himself thinking about them

"I did have a group like that back home. We were all dancers but we all went to different schools. So on breaks, we would go on different trips with each other. Then I moved here to go to school. Now I don't really have friends to go places with" I look down at my half eaten hamburger then I look out the window

"Hey don't worry" He grabs my hand and I look at him surprised "Even though I live half way around the world, Im going to be here for you. If you feel sad, call me. You don't have to be alone" He gives me a warm smile and kisses the top of my hand. I blush and nod my head since he made me speechless. We finish our food and he leaves a tip for the server as we're walking out the door.


We stop in front of this huge building and I look up at him "So is this where we will be sneaking into?' I chuckle as I begin to admire this building

"We don't have to sneak in because they know me here. Come on" He smiles and grabs my hand as we're walking into the building. He opens the door for me and we walk up to a desk "Hi my name is Jung Hoseok and I was wondering if there was a studio open" The woman at the desk checks a list and her eyes get wide as she looks up at him

"Yes Mr. Hoseok there's a studio on the third floor with the best view of LA if you would like that one" He nods happily and she gives him the key

"Than you so much and just remember I was never here" She nods at him and he began walking to the elevator. He presses the button and I look down noticing that we were still holding hands. His hands were soft and warm but even though it was hot outside, my hands weren't sweating surprisingly.

"So why did she looked so surprised to see you when you said your name?" I asked as we stepped on to the elevator. Our hands finally let go as he hit the third floor button

"Oh my friends and I come here a lot or she just thought I was super handsome" He winks at me and gets off at the third floor with me behind him

He really is going to be the death of me


Hello my beautiful souls! Here is another chapter you've been waiting for. I will probably post again tonight so look for that. I love all of you 💕

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