Chapter 22

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‘Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rachel. Happy birthday to you’ everyone starts singing. My dad places the cake on a table so I let Finn help me step down from the stage and move forward. I refuse to let go of his hand though so I pull him with me as I blow out the candles. 

My Daddy thanks everyone for coming then and I spend the next half an hour opening all the beautiful presents that I got, and believe me there were some fabulous ones but none of them come close to my car or the present that Finn presented me earlier that I wouldn’t accept. 

When I’m finally got through the formal things that I’m expected I finally get the chance to turn back to Finn who was still standing by my side holding my hand. I let him guide me away from everyone and back into the house. The minute we have even a small amount of privacy he pulls me back into his arms. Our mouths seek out each other and our tongues gently duel I’ve missed being in his arms and kissing him. I’ve just missed him. I can feel the wetness of tears on his face and I know he must feel mine as well. When we pull away I immediately tell him what I wanted to tell him the minute I realised what I’d done. 

‘I’m so sorry, I don’t want to break up that’s the last thing I want’ I cry. 

He smiles at me then ‘Okay can I try this again?’ he asks and then pulls out the little black box that holds my birthday present. He removes the ring and slides it on the middle finger of my right hand. 

‘It’s beautiful’ I sigh admiring it again ‘Thank you so much baby’ I smile up at him. 

‘No thank you’ he replies before pulling me to him and sealing our lips back to each other. 


I’m lying in my bed and even though I’m totally exhausted from all the events of the day, sleep just wont come to me. I cant believe that in a space of the day I lost my dream girl thus causing my life to fall apart and then somehow got her back. I don’t know how I got lucky enough to have her forgive me and take me back but I wont deny how happy I am about it. I know that we still have a lot to talk about and that I have a lifetime of grovelling to do to make it up to her but I’ll do it, all of it happily if it means that the beautiful, smart, kind girl that is Rachel Berry is mine. 

Sorry For The Short Chapter The Next One Will Be Longer I Promise!!!!! Til Next Time!!!😏😏😏😏

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