Chapter 7

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So I’m walking to the Truck when I spot a familiar figure sitting on the bonnet of the Volkswagen, which I am parked next to. 

I look at my watch and realise that school was out almost 10 minutes ago so why are they still here. 

‘Hi’ I say as I approach. 

‘Hey’ she smiled back. 

‘Where’s Santana?’ I ask her. 

‘That’s what I’m wondering. She skipped last period for a little eraser time with Puck so I’m betting that they’ve missed the bell since his bike is still here too’ she laughs. 

‘Well lucky for you Berry I’m going your way’ I tell her with a little laugh of my own. 

‘You’re blood’s worth bottling’ she tells me before she scribbles a note for Santana and leaves it on the window shield. I lead her around to the passenger side of the Truck and help her in before running back around and starting it up. We’re just about pull out of the car park when I hear someone calling out to me. 

‘Finn’ Quinn is yelling as she runs towards me. I stop the car and smile at Rachel apologetically. I don’t normally give Quinn lifts period so I’m not sure what’s going on today. 

‘Hey’ she says out of breath when she finally reaches me. 

‘What are you doing?’ she asks looking between Rachel and me. 

‘Heading home’ I tell her as though it would be obvious. 

‘Oh I was hoping we could hang out or something’ she says then. 

‘Um well actually I cant this afternoon’ is all I say. I know I’m a terrible liar so why bother right? 

‘Oh’ she says then and throws Rachel a look that I don’t recognise but Rachel seems to and I notice her stiffen. 

‘Your dad’s picking you up right?’ I say then. I don’t really like the idea of having to drive her half way across town but she’s me friend and I will if she doesn’t have a way home. 

Just as the words literally leave my mouth I hear horn honk and I look over and see her father has just pulled up. 

‘Catch ya later Quinn’ I tell her before putting the Truck into gear again and heading towards Murray Lane. 

‘I think she’s upset with you’ Rachel says then. 

‘Why do you say that?’ I ask her. 

She seems to find something funny about that ‘God Finn didn’t you just see the death glare she threw me’ 

Oh so that’s what that look was. 

‘So what are you doing this afternoon’ I ask her then. 

‘Actually Santana and Blaine were supposed to come over for a swim and a little BBQ. Can you make it?’ she asks me surprising the hell out of me. An offer to hang out with Rachel Berry twice in one day I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. 

‘I’d love to’ I tell her quickly ‘Good make sure you bring Kurt too’ she tells me then. 

We talk for the rest of the trip home about all this stuff; it’s amazing actually how much we have in common. 

‘You know you can ride with me anytime you like’ I tell her as I help her out of the Truck when we’ve reached out houses. 

‘Really?’ she asks hesitantly. 

‘Yeah I mean it’s kind of out of Santana's way’ I say a little shyly. 

‘Um ok that would be good’ she says as she backs away towards her house. 

‘So I’ll see you in an hour right?’ she reminds me and then turns to walk in side her door. 

I can’t hide the grin on my face as I walk into my house. 


So everyone is here and we’re having a great time sitting around and talking about the latest school gossip and everything when Blaine suggests we take a dip before the sun goes down. I can see him eyeing Kurt as he says it and I realise that it’s a devious plan on his behalf to see him without a shirt. But I’m definitely not going to say anything though because I can’t wait for Finn to shed the t-shirt he’s wearing. 

‘Great idea’ I smile and we all stand up and begin removing clothes. I picked out my new bikini for today. It’s red and is very complimenting to my cleavage Santana tells me. I make my way over to the pool and walk down the stairs unlike Puck and Blaine who just run and jump in. I’m conscious for the first time that someone’s eyes are on me and when I turn I meet the most beautiful set of amber one’s staring back at me. 

And then I forget to breathe. Because Finn Hudson has just removed his shirt and I’m in shock. He has this rippling six-pack that goes along with the rest of his tanned muscled body. I suspected something wonderful underneath all those clothes but my body wasn’t ready for the reality. I feel like time freezes as he makes his way towards me. Everyone else is in the pool by now I can hear them yelling and splashing at each other. But Finn and I only have eyes for each other apparently because he is staring at me as intently as I’m staring at him. 

‘Hey’ he smiles shyly at me as he approaches me. 

‘Hey yourself’ I reply with a grin. I think I just started flirting with Finn Hudson people. 

‘You coming in?’ he asks me as gets into the water up to his waist, my eyes following his every move. 

‘Just enjoying the view at the moment’ I say before I can stop myself and I know that I’m blushing. 

He raises an eyebrow at my comment ‘Yeah it’s a pretty nice view from where I’m standing too’ he replies. Oh god I think I’m going to melt. And before I know what’s happened I feel strong arms pick me up by the waste and throw me over their shoulder. 


I had to get in that cold pool as quick as possible. I mean you should Rachel in her red bikini. I think it must be new because I’ve never noticed it on her before. But my god she looks hot and my body was definitely feeling the same way. 

I get the feeling she’s enjoying what’s she seeing too. It’s good to know that all those hours I spent working off my frustration from seeing her have paid off finally. I’m pretty proud of my body these days. 

‘Finn’ she squeals when I throw her over my shoulder. I don’t know where I found the courage to touch her from but I just couldn’t help myself. 

When I reached the middle of the pool I finally throw her into the water and I wait for her to surface but then she does something I never expected in a million years. 

She dacks me. I mean completely dacks me board shorts and boxers. 

When she surfaces she has a huge smirk on her face and luckily the other four are oblivious to what is happening. 

‘I can’t believe you did that’ I say before ducking down and pulling up my pants. 

When I resurface again she’s still smirking at me. ‘You better watch out Berry I’m going to get you’ I tell her and I will she can bet on that.

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