Chapter 16

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That afternoon Kurt and I get a ride home with Santana. Kurt was anything but pleased when he found out that Finn was taking Quinn 15 minutes across town and that he had to find another way home. Both Santana and Kurt ask me how I feel about Finn and Quinn and I find myself confiding in them. 

‘It’s not that I don’t trust Finn because I do its Quinn that I don’t trust’ I tell them. 

‘Yeah I don’t blame you.’ They tell me. 


‘So do the Doctors know what’s wrong?’ I ask Quinn as I drive her home that afternoon. She told me her Dad is working the night shift so that he can be home through the day while she is at school to look after her mum. 

‘Not really’ she replies with a shrug ‘They don’t talk to me about it very much when I’m around, but I know it must be serious for Dad to stay home through the day with her’ 

‘Well I hope she feels better’ I tell her as we pull up in her driveway. 

‘So you and Rachel hey?’ she says then. 

‘Yeah’ I smile. 

‘Rachel is really nice’ she says then. 

‘She’s the best’ I reply. I don’t want to have this conversation with Quinn it feels totally wrong to tell you the truth. 

‘Thanks for the lift Finn I really appreciate it. I really need a friend right now’ I feel so bad for her right now. She doesn’t have anyone and I’ve just dumped her as my friend because suddenly I have a girlfriend. I realise then that I have to find the time to still be Quinn's friend and have lunch with her and still maintain my relationship with Rachel. 

‘I’m your friend Quinn’ I tell her ‘how about we have lunch tomorrow?’ 

‘That would be great’ she smiles. 

‘Um Finn do you think maybe I could get a lift tomorrow? I mean my Dad used to bring me to and from school and now that’s he not on his way to work I have to catch the bus and it leaves so early and takes so long to get to school’ 

I feel for her again and I really want to do it but I don’t think that either Kurt or Rachel would be happy about leaving 30 minutes early every morning. 

She must realise that I’m not to keen about the idea ‘It’s just that I have a project due and I need to get there early so that I can use the library’ she adds then. 

‘Um sure’ I tell her then, one morning wont hurt and Kurt and Rachel will be able to ride with Santana. 

‘Ok so I’ll see you in the morning’ she says then as she gets out of the car. 

‘Yep’ I tell her and offer a small smile. I figure it’s the least I can do to make up for being such a bad friend. 

Little did I know at the time that it would be the worst week of my life. 


I didn’t get to see Finn last night. By the time he got home from dropping Quinn off I was at band practise for Friday night. It’s my 18th birthday so we’re going to play at the party my parents are letting me have. But he left me a message saying he couldn’t give me a ride to school today, which I thought was strange. Luckily my dad lets me take his car but I’m surprised when Kurt is left without a lift as well. 

‘Where’s Finn?’ I ask him. 

‘He didn’t tell you?’ he yells. 

‘Uh no I didn’t get to talk to him last night’ I tell him ‘he left me a message’ 

‘Oh well apparently Quinn needed a ride to school as well’ he says sarcastically. ‘So he couldn’t take us to school because he went to pick her up’ he continued 

‘Oh’ I reply upset. I thought that I was past this whole thing with Quinn but I realise now I’m not. I don’t trust her and I don’t believe for a second that she isn’t doing this to get her paws into my boyfriend. So I make a decision to ask Puck to look into it for me. He likes that sort of stuff and I can trust him to be discreet about it. 

I’m pissed now. I can’t believe he ditched us this morning and now it’s lunchtime and he’s not here again. He told Blaine he was having lunch with Quinn but he would be over to see us, see me but there's no sign of him and i have to get to my next class. 


I wish I hadn’t agreed to have lunch with Quinn. I miss Rachel, I haven’t seen her since yesterday at lunchtime and that’s the longest we’ve been apart in three weeks’ 

‘So what are you doing this weekend?’ Quinn asks me. 

‘Um’ I wrack my brain for what I’m doing. I know it’s something important but for the life of me I cant think what it is. 

‘Well do you want to catch a movie on Friday night? I haven’t been in ages and I just want to get out of the house’ 

‘Oh ok’ I tell her. It sounds innocent enough and I’m sure I can convince Rachel to come with me. She continues to talk about lots of different things whilst I watch the clock. I really want to go see Rachel. 

‘Listen Quinn I’ve gotta go’ I tell her but just as I’m about to pack up the bells rings and I sigh because I realise there is no way I’m going to get to see Rachel now. We don’t have a single class together on Tuesday’s. 

By the time I make it the car park that afternoon everyone is gone. I got caught up with Quinn, I think she was hoping I would offer her a lift home and I realise that once again I’ve missed Rachel. 

I jump in the car and drive home as quickly as possible hoping that I will be able to catch her before band practice. But as I pull up in the driveway I see her car speeding away and I realise that I’ll have to wait till she gets home. 

At 10 o’clock that night I’m still waiting. I’ve called her cell but it’s off and Kurt won’t talk to me for some reason. In the end I give up hoping that I’ll get to talk to her in the morning. 

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