All A Dream

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I awoke to the sound of somebody shaking me. "Mommy, wake up. Mommy?" said a little voice. The little voice was in front of me. It seemed to not belong to anybody familiar. It also didn't belong to an adult or even a younger teenager. This voice more belonged to a younger child like a toddler.

I wasn't sure whether or not I was dreaming. Cause what seemed like 10 minutes ago, I was laying down to fall asleep in Logan's car with my hand on my stomach hoping that my baby would kick. Even though I somehow knew that it wouldn't happen. 

So after a few more shakes a few more 'Mommy's' I finally gave in and opened my eyes. There stood before me a small boy who stood at the side of the bed that I was currently in. The boy had the bluest eyes I have ever seen and his platinum blonde hair made his blue eyes show even more. 

The small boy reminded me of a younger Logan. Right before Logan dyed his hair to a darker shade. Was I dreaming?  Maybe I was looking into the eyes of a younger Logan. But as I stare more at him and take in every small detail. I notice that the small boy isn't Logan. He may resemble Logan. But Logan didn't look like this when he was younger. Logan's eyes aren't even blue.

Logan's eyes are green. Bu the small boy's eyes resemble mine. Blue, but as I know mine since I look in the mirror every day, I know that they are not as blue and beautiful as the boy who stood in front of me.

"Mommy? Are you all right?" the boy asked. "Mommy?" I questioned him. "Good morning sweetheart. How are you this morning?" Logan asked me as he walked into the room. Logan now seemed a few years older and his hair was now platinum blonde, back to how it was when he was younger and now I could DEFINITELY see the resemblance between Logan and the boy.

"I'm good. Just a little confused. What's going on?" I asked Logan as he took a seat next to me on the bed. Before Logan responded to my question, he picked up the oy and placed him on his lap. "Well, today is my mother's birthday so we have to get ready to go and see her," Logan said. "I can't wait to see grandma!" the little boy said with joy.

"She has missed you Kayden. She told me that she has a surprise for you." Logan said. So the little boy's name is Kayden. And by the last few minutes, this little boy seemed to be my son. I looked down and what first caught my eye was the large diamond ring on my finger. I'm married?

After staring at my ring for a second, Logan must have noticed something was wrong cause he took his hand into mine and I looked at him and he gave me a small concerned smile. "You okay?" He asked me. I simply nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Come on Kayden, let's go get you dressed and give mommy some space to go and get ready," Logan said placing Kayden on the ground and standing up.

Logan and Kayden soon left, leaving me all alone in the large room. The room was not small, ti was quite large and spacious. The room looked as if a millionair lived here. I stood up and gave the room a quick look over. I saw that the bedroom had 2 walks in closet and a very large bathroom. In the 2 walk-in closet, one was filled with men's clothes, mostly more dressed up clothes. Like what the CEO of a company would wear.

And in the other closet, it was filled with a bunch of woman clothes. Probably 1/5 of the large closet was filled with lingerie. I walked over toward the dresses the hung the farthest away from the door. Most of the closet was purple. My favorite color.

As I soon decided that this had to be my life in the future, I stripped down and I was no in my underwear and standing in front of the mirror. After even glancing over my body I soon realized that I had a stomach on me. No, this wasn't the normal type of stomach you get from eating too much or not working out.

This type of stomach was from being pregnant. I placed my hand on my stomach. Yup, I was pregnant. Then everything started to kick in. I don't remember anything. I don't remember giving birth to Kayden, or even getting married. I don't remember getting pregnant with my 2nd child.

Who even knows if this baby is my 2nd! It could be my 3rd or even 4th! I looked at my face and it doesn't look like it aged a bit. I started to breathe heavily as I freaked out. What the hell is going on?! 

Right before I could do anything more, I started to hear voices in my head.  The voice in my head kept saying my name, over, and over. As if they were trying to get my attention.






The voice continued to say. It was getting so annoying and it was stressing me out to the point of no return.  I screamed really loudly hoping for them to stop. But then all I remember next is darkness.

"Aria babe?" asked Logan shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was once again inside his car. We were no longer on the long road, but now right in front of Logan's parent's house. "What happened?" I asked him all groggy. "You fell asleep," Logan said. I nodded. "I didn't want to wake you. We got here about 10 minutes ago, but then you started twisting in turning so I had to make sure you were all right." Logan said.

I smiled at him. "I'm just fine. Just a bad dream is all." I said.

But was it a bad dream after all? I mean, I had money. I had a husband. I had 2 children. What more could I wish for?

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