Sousuke x Reader: Lifeguard

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Requested by: Celestail-Spirits (you guys should totally check out her profile!)

A/n: I have no idea what it is like to be a lifeguard, so I am very sorry if I write about stuff you don't do or if I forget stuff you do.

It was summer and right now you are getting ready to go to work. You worked five days a week.

"(F/n) are you ready to go?!" your dad yells.

"Yeah I will be there in a minute!" you say grabbing your bag and leaving your room. You are a lifeguard.

"Took you long enough," your dad says closing the door behind you. You open the car door.

"That's because I forgot to pack," you say getting into the car and shutting the door. Your dad gets in the car and starts the car.

"This is why I remind you before you go to bed," your dad says pulling out of the drive way.

"Yeah, yeah," you say looking out the window.

After your dad drops you off...

"Bye dad!" you say waving to your dad. He waves back and drives off to his job. You walk into the small building.

"Hey (f/n)-chan!" one of your coworkers say.

"Hey Nagisa," you say walking into your bosses office.

"Where do you think you will be working this week?" Nagisa asks.

"I don't know," you say opening the door.

"I hope we work next to each to each other!" Nagisa says jumping a little. You and your other coworkers stand near your bosses desk. He gives you your spots and you all leave.

"Where are you assigned?" Nagisa says looking at your paper.

"Looks like we are far away from each other," you say looking at his paper.

"That no far, but maybe next time we will be near each other," Nagisa says. You laugh a little and go to your spot. You sit high up in your chair.

A few days later...

You notice that there is a guy that always swim in the deep end everyday. You have also noticed that there is something wrong with his shoulder.

Today is hot and sunny. People are getting tans and others splashing around in the water. The guy that always swims in the deep end is swimming longer than usual. You keep a eye on him.

"Help!" someone screams. You grab your lifesaver and swim to where the help is needed. You swim to the deep end where you see the guy drowning. You pull him to the shore. You begin doing CPR. A crowd forms around the two of you and a few other lifeguards come as well. The guy starts to cough up water. He opens his eyes and looks at you.

"Thank you," he says taking deep breaths.

"Your welcome," you say helping him up. "I am going to get him checked," you say helping him to the small building. You set him on a chair and get out a few things.

"What happened?" you ask shining a light into his eyes.

"My shoulder," he says holding it. You move his hand and see a big red spot there.

"What happened?" you say looking at it.

"My shoulder broke down," he says.

"Oh... Um do you think I can get your name, age, and phone number?" you say grabbing a paper and pen.

"My name is Sousuke Yamazaki, I am seventeen, and my phone number is..." Sousuke says. He is a year older than you.

"Okay..." you say writing it all down.

"What is your name?" Sousuke asks.

"I am (f/n) (l/n)," you say with a smile.

"(F/n) how can I thank you for saving me?" Sousuke asks. You think.

"How about me and you go get ice cream. I know a good place near by," you say.

"When are you done working?" Sousuke asks.

"I am done working at six," you say.

"Then I will pick you up at six," Sousuke says. You blush a little thinking that this is a date.

At six...

You walk out of the small building. You see Sousuke sitting at a bench. You walk toward him.

"Hey Sousuke!" you say.

"Hey (f/n)," he says getting up. The two of you start to walk to the ice cream place.

"How has your summer been?" you ask.

"It has been... Life changing," he says looking up at the sky.

"I bet! You almost died today!" you say a little loud. Sousuke laughs a little.

"Yeah, I guess you are right," he says holding your hand. You start to blush.

"W-what are you doing?!" you say nervously. Sousuke doesn't say anything, but he does smile.

"Are we here?" he asks stopping in front of the ice cream place. You nod and the two of you walk in. You see that Nagisa is in there with another boy.

"Hey (f/n)-chan and Sousuke!" Nagisa says running up to the two of you with strawberry ice cream.

"Hey Nagisa," you and Sousuke say at the same time. The two of you look at each other.

"Are you two dating? Because you know I can see you two holding hands," Nagisa says saying the last part quietly. You try to let go of Sousuke's hand, but his grip gets a little tighter.

"Yes we are dating!" Sousuke says smiling. This is the first time you saw Sousuke smile and you had to ambit that he was hot.

"Wait what?!" you say panicked. Nagisa's friend comes over with a surprised look. You notice that he has sharp teeth.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend Sousuke you should of had told me!" Nagisa's friend says patting Sousuke's back and checking you out.

"I know right! Why didn't one of you tell me!" Nagisa says.

"Because I didn't know!" you say looking at Sousuke.

"Well now you know," Sousuke says kissing you with his soft lips. You blush harder than before. When he breaks the kiss you cover your mouth.

"(F/n)-chan how did you not know? Didn't Sousuke just kiss you?" Nagisa says.

"I di-," Sousuke cuts you by saying.

"We should be going I am starving!" Sousuke says dragging you up to order. Nagisa and his friend leave.

"Miss what would you like?" the cashier says. You are speechless. You try to talk, but you can't.

"She will have the same thing as me," Sousuke says. The cashier leaves and comes back with your ice cream. You walk away from the ice cream place and you start to eat your ice cream.

"Do you like (favorite ice cream)?" Sousuke asks. You nod. "Are you that surprised?" you nod. "I told you that my summer has been life changing."

"How?" you ask speaking for the first time in a while.

"Because you saved me and I think I fell I love with you," Sousuke says giving you a kiss.

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