Makoto x Reader: Fire

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A/n: I have decided... I will publish a one shot every Sunday, it would be easier for me to do that. This one will be short, enjoy!

You were laying in bed, asleep. Before you were in bed, you lit a candle, the candle was a gift from your mom. You left it on your kitchen table, as a decoration. You wake up in a sweat, the room covered in smoke, and your fire alarm going off. It takes you a moment to process what is happening. You grab your phone and dail 911. As your phone rings you get off your bed and crawl to the door. You feel it, before you open it, and it is hot to the touch.

"Shit," you say under your breath. You crawl over to your window open it. A women answers the phone, you tell her everything and hang up. She said that the firemen would be there in ten minutes. You panic and quickly get up and look out the window, to see how far the drop is. You were on the second floor, and there was no way you were going to jump. The smoke started to build up more and was effecting your vision. You bring your shirt up to your mouth and lay on the floor. Your door falls and lands on your bed, making your blankets burn. You crawl to the hall way and see that parts of the floor are gone. The only way downstairs was blocked by a wall of fire. You stay next to the wall and crawl to the bathroom next to you. Luckily the door was slightly open and there was no fire in there yet. You crawl into the bath tub. You start to breath the clean air from the drain. Hearing the fire trucks come you crawl back to your room to call for help. As you crawl back the floor falls and you cannot get to your room without killing yourself.

"Shit, shit, shit," you repeat going back to the bathroom. The front door breaks open and firemen enter your house. You go to the door way and call for help. Your voice quickly gets weak and you go back to the drain. The fire grows more and more out side your door, so you call for help again. This time you hear someone from outside.

"Is there anyway for you to get down?" they say. You yell, "No!" while coughing. The smoke grows inside the bathroom and then the door falls. You are stuck in the bath tube. You start to cry, knowing this is the end. From a far you hear a beeping sound. You call for help and the beeping comes closer. Your feel light and everything goes black.

Makoto's Pov:

I check every room, looking for the for the girl. The next room is not full of fire, but the door is. I look inside and see a girl, that fainted. I pick her up and leave as quickly as possible. The ambulances has not come yet, so I do CPR on her. Her eyes slowly open, as her breathing starts to go back to normal.

"Are you okay?" I ask taking her hand. She doesn't answer, she just looks into my eyes. She seems like she is clueless. "You were in a burning house. Do you know how the fire started?" I ask. She doesn't answer, but she does smile. She brings her hand up to my face.

"Such a handsome boy," she says before fainting again. I blush at her comment. The ambulances arrive and take her to the hospital.

Reader's Pov:

You wake up in a white room. You get up and realized you are in the hospital. The door opens and a nurse and a guy come in.

"Oh, you are awake," the nurse says before leaving you with the guy. You feel like you have seen him before. He sits next to you.

"You had me worried," he says, you give him a confused look. You look into his eyes and remember. "I am the fireman that save you," he says with a smile. The door opens and the nurse and a doctor come in.

"We have to check her up, sir," the nurse says politely. The fireman nods and leaves. The doctor takes a seat and starts to ask me questions.

"I am doctor Blue," he says showing his name tag."Do you know why you are here?" he says. You nod and he writes something down. "Do you know what started the fire?" he asks. You think for a moment.

"Maybe a candle," you say. He writes that down. Another nurse comes in and gets the doctor. You are alone again.

The next day...

"You have a visitor," a nurse says letting the fireman in. She leaves and the man sits next to you like the other day.

"I am Makoto," he says holding out his hand. You shake it and say, "I am (F/n)," you say with a smile. "Do you have any family members that you can stay with?" he asks. You think and the closet family member lives in another country. You shake your head. "How about any friends?" you just moved there and haven't made any yet. You shake your head again. "Do you want to stay at a hotel?" you know it will be a lot of money, you shake your head again. "Do you want to stay with me?" you look at him in disbelief, but all he has is a smile on his face.

"But I don't know you," you say looking away.

"We can get to know each other. I have a spare bedroom, you will not have to pay or anything," he says making the offer better. You think for a moment.

"Do you live far from (place)?" you ask, not wanting to get a new job.

"No, actually I live there," he says. You think for another moment.

"I, I guess," you say slowly.

"Great!" he says kinda loud. You jump. "Sorry," he says with a chuckle. "I will get all of the paper work and stuff done for you," he says getting up. "Bye," he says with a wave. You wave back.

A week later...

You have not seen Makoto since you said you were going to live with him. He did not give you his phone number or anything. The hospital was about to discharge you and you were not sure where to go. After you got changed, and was now brushing your hair, someone came in, Makoto.

"Good morning, (F/n)," he says sitting down.

"Good morning," you say putting the brush down.

"Ready to go?" he says getting up. You nod, and he opens the door for you. You walk to the parking lot. "My car is the (f/c) one," he says pointing to (favourite car). You get excited. Makoto starts the car and you are off. He drives you to a really big house. He parks the car and opens the car door for you. He gives you a house tour. The last stop is your bedroom, which is right across the hall from his. The room is (f/c) and has a bed, dresser, and a huge flat screen T.V. "I was not sure what kinda clothes you wear, so I was thinking we could go to the mall," he says. The smile grows on your face. "Oh, and since you just moved here. I will be buying everything, so you are aloud to spend five thousand dollars," you look up at him in surprise.

"Really?" you say, thinking this is a joke.

"Of course! You just bought a house, so I know you must be low on money," he says with a smile. The two of you go to the mall. Makoto asks, for some people to carry bags. You go to every store, buying something. The girls that passed by you gave you dirty looks, but you did not care. You were having to much fun with Makoto. You go home, in a car full of bags. "I never knew shopping could be fun," he says with a smile.

"I know!" you say with a giggle.

A/n: I will make a part two.

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