Makoto x Reader: Babysitting

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A/n: Sorry for the long update... And I am making the one shots you guys request. They will just take awhile to publish. Also I am editing one of my old stories...

"Hey, (f/n) can you come over this weekend?" your friend asked.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to baby sit this weekend," you say. You always had plans for the weekend. You never were able to hang or go to parties. You really did not mind, since most people at your school were jerks.

"Aww, who are you baby sitting this time?" your friend ask.

"The Tachibanas," you say.

"You are lucky. Their older brother is so cute!" she says. You sigh, knowing about every girl loves him.

"Why does everyone like him?" you ask.

"It is because he is just so cute and hot and kind."

"And he is over there," you say pointing at Makoto. Your friend's turns red and she starts to walk the other way. "Where are you going?"

"I am going off to die."

"Wait, what?!" you say running up to your friend.

"He might of heard me! He probably thinks I am a stalker! My life is over," she says walk slower ever step.

"No it is not. There are penalty of other boys out in the world," you say trying to cheer her up, "Like him," you say pointing at Haru. Your friend gives you the "really" look.

"He is the quietest guy at our school. Why would he like anyone?" she says face palming herself.

"I don't know. Maybe he is the quite type that in reality is very romantic."

"And who in the world is actually like that?"

"Plenty of people," you say trying to think of some.

"Ahhhhh... I know!"

"What?" you say knowing that what ever she is thinking will end up being a disaster.

"I will set him up with you!"

"Who? Haru?"

"No silly, Makoto."

"Do you want every girl here to hate me?!" you whisper yell.

"Don't worry I got your back."

"Don't you like him?!"

"I am over him."

"How are you over him in thirty seconds!" you say flinging your arms in the air.

"I just am. Any way I will be over at your house on Saturday at six!" your friend says running off.

"Why me, God?" you ask walking the other way.

On Saturday...

You hear loud banging. "I am coming!" you yell, running to the front door. Your friend is there standing with a big bag.

"Hey (f/n)," your friend says walking in your house with a pretty big bag.

"Is this all for me?" you ask, trying to look in the bag.

"Yep, all for you," your friend says pulling out a cute outfit. "Now, go get changed," she says handing you the outfit. You change into the clothes she gave you. You come out and you see a line of makeup and hair accessories on your kitchen table.

"I am going to look weird," you say sitting down at your kitchen table.

"No, you are not. Don't worry, I will be doing my best," she says putting a headband on you. She began with makeup, then to hair. It took a full hour to do your hair and make up. "Done," she says adding a little bit more lip gloss on your lips. You look in the mirror.

"Not bad," you say checking yourself out. You check the time. "I better be going or I will be late. I will tell you all of the details later, bye!" you say running out of the door.

"Don't mess up your hair!" she yells. You slow down and start to walk. You made it just on time. You knock on the door and wait for it to open.

"Hello (f/n), you are looking cute today," Makoto says with a smile. You blush a little. You start to see why so many girls like him. You feel your heart beat faster and butterflies in your stomach.

"Thank you," you say shyly walking into their home. "Did your parents leave already?" you ask.

"Yeah, you just missed them," Makoto says. You take off your shoes and set them next to the others.

"So, where are Rin and Ran?" you ask looking around.

"They are at a friend's house, but they should be back any time now," he say. You blush at the thought of you two being alone in the house.

"So should I wait in the living room?" you ask awkwardly.

"Yeah, you can wait where ever you want to. Do you want something to eat or drink," Makoto asks you walking into the kitchen. Your stomach growls.

"Sure, I kinda skipped breakfast this morning," you say with a laugh. You follow him into the kitchen.

"What would you like?" Makoto says opening up the refrigerator.

"Um, do you have (food) and (drink)," you ask. Makoto pulls it out of the refrigerator.

"Yeah, I will get it ready for you. You can sit here," Makoto says pulling out a chair.

"Thank you," you say sitting down. In no time the food is ready and you are eating. Makoto sits across from you and watches. "When are Rin and Ran coming again?" you ask. Makoto looks at a clock.

"Anytime now," he says turning back to you. You look at the clock and see he said that about twenty minutes ago. You finish the food and Makoto cleans it up.

"I can do that," you say picking up a dish.

"No, you are my guest, and guest do not do chores," Makoto says taking the dish and washing it.

"Wait, I am your babysitter not a guest," you say confused. Makoto freezes for a moment.

"Did I say guest? Sorry, also Rin and Ran are not here, so you are my guest," Makoto says with a smile then gets back to washing the dishes. You look back at the clock. You have been here for thirty minutes.

"So, why do I have to babysit if you are here?" you ask Makoto. He freezes again.

"Because I have to study for a big test," he says a little quick. You sigh and sit back down at the kitchen table. You get your phone out and play a game, while Makoto does stuff around the house. You wanted to talk to Makoto a few times, but he looked busy. You got bored and your battery is about to die.

"Makoto?" you repeat going all over the house. You hear someone move in his room. You slowly make your way to his door and you put your hand on the nob. You turn it and open the door slowly. The door makes that 'ekk' sound. Makoto looks asleep on the floor. You bend down and tap his shoulder. He does not responded, you tap it again and again. "Makoto? Wake up," you say getting louder each time. He finally opens his eyes and sits up.

"Do you need anything?" he says rubbing his eye.

"I have been here for four hours and Rin and Ran are not here," you say. Makoto takes a deep breath and adjusts himself.

"I was exposed to ask you on a date when you came to my house, but then I got scared when you came here dressed all cute," Makoto says with a blush. You blush as well.

"Oh, well, we can still go on a date tomorrow if you want to," you say quietly with your blush growing from ear to ear. A smile grows on his face.

"I would love to, (f/n)" he says kinda weird, but you liked it. He looks at another clock. "We better get you home," he says getting up.

"Oh, okay," you say following him. Makoto followed you out of the house. "Why are you coming?" you ask.

"You do not want me here?" Makoto says with a sad face.

"No, no, I want you here, but are you going to walk me home?" you say waving your hands in front of you. Makoto laughs a little.

"Good, because I want to be with you too," he says holding your hand.

A/n: I will make a part two.

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