Makoto x Haru: Preschool

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Makoto's Pov:

"Oh hunny, I can't believe it is going to be Makoto's first day to preschool tomorrow!" my mommy says eating a piece of pie.

"Yes, my boy is going to be a great man one day," my daddy says with a big smile. I sit there at our big family table. We are eating pie. I eat my pie quickly, so that I can go to bed.

"Makoto, you sure you don't want anymore?" my mommy says taking my plate. I nod and run off. "He is so cute."

"No, he is a man. We say 'handsome'" my daddy says. I get on my tippy toes and turn the door handle to my room. I get in there and start to change. I grab my favorite green T-Rex shirt and it's matching pants. My mommy walks in.

"Makoto what are you doing?" my mommy says laughing a little. I had my pants on my head and my shirt on my legs.

"Putting on my clothes mommy!" I say laughing with her. She helps me fix my clothes and tucks me in bed. She kisses my head and gets my daddy.

"Tomorrow is the big day," my daddy says messing up my hair. My parents leave my room and turn off the lights. I yawn and fall asleep. I wake up and hear banging. My lamp, bed, and toys are shaking. I hear my mommy yell. I go under my covers to hide from whatever is making my room shake. I hear both of my parents yell some names and then it stops. My eyes feel heavy...

The next day...

"Makoto wake up," my mommy says shaking me. I get up and hug her. "What's wrong Makoto?" she says.

"I thought you got eaten by the monster," I say.

"What do you mean?" she says picking me up.

"My room was shaking and I heard you and daddy yell," I say. Mommy's face gets really red.

"It was just a dream hunny," mommy says fast. I nod. Mommy helps me take a shower and helps me get changed. We eat pancakes for breakfast.

"Don't eat to fast," mommy says. I nod and start to eat slower.

Later on...

Daddy puts on my backpack and he helps me in the car. We drive off to preschool! My tummy feels weird.

"Mommy, my tummy feels weird," I say poking it.

"You are just nervous, Makoto, everyone is," mommy says. I ignore my tummy and try to look out the window. All I see are the tippy tops of the trees and the clear blue sky.

"We are here buddy," daddy says opening his door, then mine. I jump out of the car and hold mommy's and daddy's hand across the street. Mommy and daddy give me a hug, say goodbye, and they leave. I walk in and see the teacher and a boy.

"Hi, I am Makoto!" I say running up to the boy. He looks my way. I feel my face heat up and I fall.

"Are you okay?" our teacher and the boy says. I nod and the boy helps me up. He has black hair with pretty blue eyes.

"Hi, Makoto! I am your teacher, Ama-chan, and this is Haru," Ama-chan says.

"Hi, Haru I am Makoto!" I say holding out my hand. He looks at my hand and says.

"I know that," he says and walks away. Two other boys named Nagisa and Rei come into the room.

At playtime...

"Hi, Haru! Do you want to play?" I ask him holding a dolphin and a black and white whale. He nods and takes the dolphin. We run around the run until it is snack time.

"What did you bring?" I ask Haru. He opens his bag and pulls out a container.

"Mackerel," he says and starts to eat.

"I brought a sandwich," I say taking a bite of my food. After we finish eating we have nap time. I sleep next to Haru.

"Makoto it is time to go," mommy says taping me. I see that I am hugging Haru.

"But I don't want to leave Haru alone," I say rubbing my eye. My mommy looks at my daddy.

"I guess we can wait until his parents come," mommy says with a sigh. They sit at the snack time table and I lay back down with Haru. His parents come and we have to say good bye.

"See you tomorrow Haru!" I say hugging him.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Makoto," Haru says and puts something soft on my cheek. I touch it. He goes off to his car.

"My son is becoming a man!" daddy says putting his arm around mommy.

"He sure is," mommy says. We drive home. I get ready for bed, go to bed, but then I wake up and the monster comes back, but this time it isn't so loud.

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